
April 3, 2018

Song Lyrics - Voyage of a Canary

Voyage of a Canary -The Little Bird in your Universe-
カナリア航海~little bird in your universe~
Ending Theme Song of Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten

Lyrics: Okutake Aya (奥竹 亜矢)
Composer/Arranger: Satou Tenpei (佐藤 天平)
Vocals: Mimori Suzuko (三森すずこ)
Chorus: Takahashi Chika (高橋ちか)

幾つめの星の桟橋で もう一度 出逢えるのだろう
ikutsu me no hoshi no sanbashi de mou ichido deaeru no darou
On which pier in the sea of stars must I land on for us to meet again?

朝霧のピアノ 君の歌 呆れるくらい聴いてたね
asagiri no PIANO kimi no uta akireru kurai kiiteta ne
Amid the morning mist, we listened to your song on the piano until we grew weary.

終わらないように 祈る横顔
owaranai you ni inoru yokogao
Your face looked as if you were wishing for it to never end.

あの時 二人の旅が始まった
ano toki futari no tabi ga hajimatta
It was then when our journey began.

風を待つ背中を抱いて 翼になる
kaze wo matsu senaka wo daite tsubasa ni naru
While we wait for wind, I will embrace your back and become your wings.

君の震える肩 触れた 永遠のぬくもり 胸に灯して
kimi no furueru kata fureta eien no nukumori mune ni tomishite
The warmth that touched your trembling shoulders will forever light up in your heart,

飛び立てるよ 時の水面へ
tobitateru yo toki no minamo he
so that you can fly, away through the surface of time

アカシアが薫る金の海 越えたら 待ち合わせ場所
ACACIA ga kaoru kin no umi koetara machiawase basho
Cross the golden sea of fragrant acacia, and you'll reach our meeting place.

黄昏の音符 奏でたら 流れる 君というメロディ
tasogare no onpu kanadetara nagareru kimi to iu MELODY
Play the notes of dusk, and they'll flow into the melody called you.

大切すぎて 閉じ込めた写真と約束 今でも破れずにいるよ
taisetsusugite tojikometa shashin to yakusoku ima demo yaburezu ni iru yo
Like photos I've locked away because I held them too dear, even now, the promise is kept unbroken.

伏せた瞳の奥 想い あふれてゆく
fuseta hitomi no oku omoi afurete yuku
My downcast eyes overflow with emotion.

声も音もなくて 心 たったひとつ震え
koe mo oto mo nakute kokoro tatta hitotsu furue
My heart trembles for it alone, with neither voice nor sound.

消えないように 抱きしめたら 零れ落ちた
kienai you ni dakishimetara koboreochita
So as to not let it disappear, I held on tight, only for it to fall to pieces.

揺れ惑う瞳を 風の歌が 連れ去っても
yure madou hitomi wo kaze no uta ga tsuresatte mo
Even if the song of the wind should take away our wavering, perplexed gaze,

つないだ心 離さない
tsunaida kokoro hanasanai
our hearts are connected, never to be done apart.

解く指の先が 結ぶ約束
hodoku yubi no saki ga musubu yakusoku
The promise was weaved as our fingertips separated.

今 過ぎる季節の空
ima sugiru kisetsu no sora
And now, on the sky of passing seasons,

想いはじけ 時を止め
omoi hajike toki wo tome
our feelings will burst forth and stop the flow of time.

めぐり逢った 僕ら小さなカナリア
meguriatta bokura chiisana CANARIA
We little canaries, ones that came to meet by chance,

風の果て 逢いにゆくよ
kaze no hate ai ni yukuyo
will go to see each other again at the ends of the wind.

幾つだって 星をわたるよ
ikutsudatte hoshi wo wataru yo
We'll cross over the stars, no matter how many there are.

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