
October 13, 2018

SSSS.Gridman Voice Drama - Episode 2.2

This Man Doesn't Go With the Flow

Utsumi Shou: Whew... You guys managed to take down this Kaiju, too, huh.

Hibiki Yuuta: Yeah. It's all thanks to everyone's help.

Rikka Mama: Ah, thank goodness! The place is safe... Huh? Rikka? Rikka!?

Utsumi Sohu: Ngh--! Rikka's mom is back! We better keep Gridman a secret from her. It'll only make things more complicated otherwise.

Hibiki Yuuta: Y-yeah, got it.

Gridman: Understood.

Utsumi Shou: You too, Calibur-san.

Samurai Calibur: Mm-hm.

Utsimu Shou: And especially you, Gridman. You can be heard by other people now, so...

Gridman: Right.

Rikka Mama: Rikka!?

Hibiki Yuuta: Umm, she just went outside. To see if her friends are safe and stuff...

Rikka Mama: Oh, you boys are here again? Sorry for not getting tea ready -- Not! It's a Kaiju! A Kaiju just came out and fought with a giant guy, like, BANG and BOOM and there's fire everywhere!

Utsumi Shou: Ah... Yes... Right...

Rikka Mama: And why're you so calm? It's a Kaiju, you know! You're not surprised!?

Utsumi Shou: I am surprised, but...

Rikka Mama: Well, you don't look surprised at all! Isn't your reaction a bit weak? Is this, like, a generation gap or what?

Utsumi Shou: We were born in the twenty-first century, so... Right?

Hibiki Yuuta: Uh... Well, yes. Something like that...

Rikka Mama: But anyone normal would be surprised by a Kaiju, right!?

Hibiki Yuuta: This was the second time we've seen a Kaiju, so...

Rikka Mama: S-second--

Utsumi Shou: You idiot! Oh, no no no no, I'm really surprised! Kaiju! It's the first time I've seen it! Right!?

Rikka Mama: I know, right? A real Kaiju just came out and all. I don't even know if I'll process all that by tomorrow...

Hibiki Yuuta: You'll probably forget everything by tomorrow though...

Rikka Mama: How can I forget!? This is a big incident--

Utsumi Shou: Yuuta! Just shut up for a bit. You're only making things more complicated.

Hibiki Yuuta: Uh -- sorry.

Rikka Mama: Hmm? And who might this gentleman be?

Hibiki Yuuta: This?

Gridman: I am Hyper Agent Gridman--

Utsumi Shou: OH NO NO NO NO--!

Rikka Mama: What was that super handsome voice just now?

Utsumi Shou: Th-that's my voice! I'm -- I want to be a voice actor!

Rikka Mama: For anime?

Utsumi Shou: Yes! Anime! That's why I gotta practice a bunch'a voices! Yes, that's it! 

Hibiki Yuuta: (You can't do that, Gridman! You have to act like a second-hand PC!)

Gridman: Apologies.

Rikka Mama: Damn, that's a nice voice.

Hibiki Yuuta: (It's fine, it's fine. It's just one blunder so far.)

Utsumi Shou: (This is too serious for any blunders, though...)

Rikka Mama: So... who is that gentleman with the katanas?

Utsumi Shou: Oh, him! This is... well... An acquaintance, or should I say colleague...

Samurai Calibur: I'm Samurai Calibur.

Rikka Mama: Samurai?

Utsumi Shou: Gah, this is only getting weirder!

Hibiki Yuuta: He's not anyone suspicious, really! He's an ally, even! Like... A reliable... weapon!

Rikka Mama: Weapon?

Utsumi Shou: No no no no, not weapon! Warrior! Yes, warrior! You know, because he's a samurai! (Yuuta, you really need to shut up!)

Hibiki Yuuta: (Sorry...)

Gridman: I trust that you will not talk about me as well?

Hibiki Yuuta: (Yes...)

Rikka Mama: Oh... a samurai, huh? This might be the first time I've seen one! If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? You look pretty young and all...

Samurai Calibur: I'm thirty-three.

Yuuta and Shou: (He said it just like that!?)

Rikka Mama: Oh... A 33-years old samurai, huh? Mm-hm... very nice! ...Are you doing alright?

Utsumi Shou: (And now she's worried...)

Hibiki Yuuta: (Motherly instinct at work, huh...)

Rikka Mama: I mean... do you intend to keep on being a samurai, going forward?

Samurai Calibur: Samurai Calibur is my name.

Rikka Mama: Oh, of course! Sorry for misunderstanding! Of course it's a name! Right... No way you're a real samurai! It's the twenty-first century, for cryin' out loud!

Utsumi Shou: Oh, it's just his name! I actually thought for a bit that he was a real samurai. He looks the part, too...

Hibiki Yuuta: What, just because he's got katanas with him?

Utsumi Shou: I mean, his looks totally fit the old dialect, right? You have my thanks, and stuff.

Hibiki Yuuta: Oh c'mon, I'm sure he doesn't say that... You don't, right, Calibur-san?

Samurai Calibur: Mm-hm.

Utsumi Shou: (Damn... This man doesn't go with the flow...)

Hibiki Yuuta: (Man, and I had my hopes up for a bit, too...)

Gridman: You have my thanks.

Rikka Mama: Hmm?

Utsumi Shou: (Whoa whoa whoa -- What kind of lousy timing was that!?)

Hibiki Yuuta: (Well, Gridman thought that it was best to play along, so...)

Utsumi Shou: (And you've been siding with Gridman way too much! Don't get on your high horse just 'cause you can Access Flash, dammit!)

Rikka Mama: Now, you boys...

Yuuta and Shou: Ngh--!

Rikka Mama: Want to have dinner at our place? We're having motsunabe tonight.

Hibiki Yuuta: D-dinner...?

Rikka Mama: Mm-hm.

Utsumi Shou: (Nope. Let's not. Rikka-san definitely wouldn't like that.)

Hibiki Yuuta: (She won't take it well, yeah. Let's turn down the offer.)

Utsumi Shou: Well... thanks for the offer, ma'am, but I think my place is making dinner today. We'll just excuse ourselves now!

Hibiki Yuuta: E-excuse us~!

Rikka Mama: Oh, yeah? See you later! Ah, what about you, Calibur-san? Would you like to eat with us?

Samurai Calibur: Mm-hm.

Hibiki Yuuta: (Whoa, he's actually gonna eat.)

Utsumi Shou: (Unbelievable. He's actually accepting a meal invitation from someone he just met.)

Rikka Mama: Make yourself at home and eat all you want, Cali-chan!

Samurai Calibur: Cali-chan?

Rikka Mama: Do you have anything you can't eat? Anything you don't like?

Samurai Calubir: Sweet bean paste...

Rikka Mama: Oh, no worries. 'Tis motsunabe we're talkin' about. There won't be any bean paste.

Samurai Calibur: You have my thanks.

Utsumi Shou: He said it! He just said it!

Hibiki Yuuta: He does go with the flow, after all!

Utsumi Shou: This guy's cool, man... Uh, I mean... Look, let's just go home. Stay any longer and we'll end up playing along. It'll go on forever.

Hibiki Yuuta: Right... Well, excuse us!

Utsumi Shou: Thanks for having us!

Rikka Mama: Well, give it your best, Utsumi-kun.

Utsumi Shou: Yes? At what?

Rikka Mama: I mean, you want to be a voice actor, right? I'll be cheering for you!

Utsumi Shou: Um... Well...

Gridman: I'll give it my best.

Rikka Mama: Ooh, your voice is sounding great! You'll make a good voice actor, I'm sure!

Utsumi Shou: Will I really...?

Rikka Mama: Or how about a ventriloquist​?

Utsumi Shou: Hmm...