[Royal Capital Liberation Force Stronghold, Salvador Fortress]
In anticipation of a battle in the near future, the Liberation Force assembled ten-odd executives and fifty-odd officers for a war council.
Being held right before a battle, the council was of a grand scale.
"As per the reports from our scouts, the enemy main force will be advancing on the Althia Plain. Information from the betrayers also suggested the same, so it is likely not false."
"Yes, that is most probable if they are planning for a frontal attack. Their surprise attack failed, so they are likely choosing the more reliable method. Seeing that General Yaldar believes in numerical strength, I am positive that he will be coming at us head-on."
The Tactician, Diener, unenthusiastically muttered while arranging some chess pieces, each representing troops, on the map that had been spread on the table.
He was a man with sharp eyes, and while he was a Civil Officer, the uniform he wore was one for Military Officers. A schemer, credit for the occupation of Salvador Fortress and the shenanigans in the region were his to take. Other than the trivia that he was in his early thirties, he had never disclosed details pertaining to his identity, nor his origins, to anyone.
However, by virtue of being the diligent man who had invested a great deal of his personal assets into the Liberation Force, there was none who doubted him.
He had been so devoted to Altura and the Liberation Force that one might take him for a fanatic. That was his only quality that everyone, even those not so fond of him, had no choice but to acknowledge.
"How is the aforementioned laying process coming along, sir?"
Liberation Force Supreme Commander, Altura Yuuz Unicaffe, posed her question.
Altura, born to a relative of royal blood, with long blonde hair tied behind, blue eyes with the purity of gemstones, and the blessing of beauty which one could not look away from. A young princess, she was supposed to spend an elegant life in the Royal Palace.
Her father had died to the current Prime Minister's scheme, and up until recently, she had been under the guardianship -- technically confinement -- of the regional feudal lord.
Her disposition was the embodiment of virtue, and it would appear to others that she had yet to know the corruptions of the world. Those qualities of hers reflected splendidly on those who suffered under tyrannical rule, attracting them to her cause.
"As we speak, they are being laid down thoroughly in the predicted enemy advance route. It will be finished very soon, I reckon."
"We cannot face them head-on, so we resort to trickery -- Surely, that is what they are thinking. Our military strength is inferior, after all. We will be using that fact to lure in the Royal Army."
Diener nodded confidently, asserting that the enemy will definitely fall prey to his strategy.
"Honourable Tactician, according to the plan you have prepared, the rest will be up to us military officers, yes? It's been so long since these old arms o'mine last felt so pumped up!"
Interjected the senior officer Behruz, aged over sixty years. A man of unwavering morals, he had led his troops and joined the Liberation Force out of grief for the Kingdom's decline. Holding the title of General, the man prided himself in field operations, and had the ability to calmly assess the progress of battles.
Behruz raised a hearty laugh while stroking his white beard.
Altura smiled, sincerely reassured.
"We cannot limit ourselves to following the plan letter-by-letter, however. We do not know what will happen -- It is a battlefield, after all."
Diener softly reprimanded Altura.
Taking his tone as him admonishing a child, Altura answered with an impulsive, wry smile.
"I understand. Negligence and conceit are forbidden at all times. You yourself had taught me so -- perhaps too often."
"The courage to stand still or turn back is necessary, especially in favourable hours. If we look back at the history of this world, we will see that many had driven themselves to ruin with their impatience for glory and indulgence in power. We must not repeat their mistakes -- For the sake of the suffering masses as well."
The assembled officers gave tacit agreement to those words.
Liberate the people from incompetent politicians, tyrannical rule, and compromised public order. Reclaim the once-affluent Kingdom. Those were the Royal Capital Liberation Force's mission -- their raison d'être.
"We, the Kirrane Empire, will offer support to the best of our abilities. At dawn of the Princess' reclamation of her throne, perpetual peace will surely be upon the Mundo Novo Continent."
"You have our gratitude, Prince Julius. Time and again, we had been provided with resources, volunteer soldiers, and even magical technology. It is by your aid that we have been able to mobilise thus far."
Altura bowed deeply to Julius.
"We are merely acting in accordance to the Emperor's decree. What had moved His Majesty's heart was your fidelity to the people. That was, by no means, a menial act. No one other than you can guide the Liberation Force, Princess."
Julius took Altura's hand and gently called for her to raise her head.
"...Thank you, Prince Julius."
A public voice contrary to true opinions. It was all too obvious. The Emperor of Kirrane could not possibly have offered his aid to naive causes such as 'a movement for the people'. The Empire had also been afflicted with crop failures, and their internal regulations had constantly been frenetic. Frequent uprisings, multiplying bandits, inflated war expenditure. They had been a close step ahead of such issues, barely defusing the discontent among the people before the point of eruption.
Their bitter enemy, the Kingdom, had suffered more, however. The King was incapable and without the faculty to suppress discontent; it would suffice to say that public order was already broken.
It was that which had given a great opportunity for the Royal Capital Liberation Force to rise up.
Providing support from the background, they would put the Liberation force in the firing line and overthrow the Kingdom.
In augmentation of the Liberation Force's war potential, they had organised volunteer troops and had sent in their second Prince in line; they intended to seize control once the heavy lifting has been done. The Emperor's ultimate goal was to establish a puppet regime in Yuuz Kingdom.
Second-in-command of the Liberation Force, Julius, had none of such long-term plans in his mind, however. Having truly been captivated by Altura's charm, he was genuine in his intention to assist her as an individual. Besides, it had been long decided that his eldest brother Alec would succeed the throne. He was not much more than a spare, and thus had no intention of being the Emperor's yes-man.
Julius fixed his eyes on Altura, and when their sights met, gave her a firm smile.
"Excuse my intrusion! I've come with an urgent report!"
A flustered soldier burst into the Strategy Conference Room.
Some among the officers scowled at the soldier's manner, but from how he looked, they inferred that the report would be a bad one.
"Your volume was unnecessary, soldier. 'Tis a waste of time and energy. Compose yourself and report."
"Y-yes, sir. Apologies for my misconduct! This concerns the Intelligence Unit troopers, who had just returned from their Antigua Castle survey..."
"If I am not mistaken, Colonel Voluer had headed out last night in that direction for reconnaissance, yes?"
"Th-that's -- Colonel Voleur had been killed by an enemy soldier, who had come disguised as a deserter."
"...What did you say?"
An expression of doubt showed on Julius' face. He could not believe that the brawny knight could be killed, not to mention so abruptly.
"Ridiculous. Voleur's spearmanship is peerless in the Empire. He can't possibly be defeated by a mere private. Confirm your sources once more. It is possible that this is some sick joke."
Julius covered himself up with a chuckle, but it was negated by the messenger's expression of grief.
"...Th-the Colonel's body had been brought back as well. I've confirmed with my own eyes -- The body was wearing Colonel Voleur's armour. The Intelligence Unit survivors had also witnessed everything from beginning to end, so this is no mistake."
Voleur's body was strewn all over with wounds, and his head had been taken away. The messenger reported, still horrified by what he had seen.
Julius then asked, in a persisting expression of disbelief,
"...Is it known whom had he been struck down by?"
"That's -- the troopers seem to have gone badly mental. They only repeated that it was done by some Death God... The Kingdom deserters, who happened to be present, had been taken into custody as well. From their explanation, it was a girl with a giant scythe..."
"Guide me to them at once. I will confirm everything with my own eyes. The Death God, a girl with a giant scythe, you said? How illogical. I find myself unable to take it literally..."
"A-apologies. The Colonel's body is being kept here."
The messenger went on his way, with Julius and the Imperial reinforcement officers following him.
After seeing them off, Tactician Diener proceeded to deliver a grave monologue.
"Princess. Such is the nature of the battlefield. Anyone and everyone is at risk of facing a sudden death. Close friends, lovers, or family. One day, all of a sudden, any of them could become meaningless corpses. Much grief from such losses awaits us ahead. Are you resolved to accept them all?"
"...I certainly am. We will shed blood and emerge atop a great many corpses. But at the same time, we shall minimise sacrifices and save the people. That is my role as the commander of the Liberation Force, and my obligation as one of Yuuz royalty. Never shall I escape from them."
Altura pressed her hands on her chest and closed her eyes in an expression of grief. She understood full well that, in order to save the suffering masses, she had no choice but to fight.
"All of us -- Military Staff, Officers, and every one of the soldiers -- shall devote body and soul to realise your ideals, Princess."
Diener bowed deeply, and the officers raised their arms, shouting,
"Victory to the Royal Capital Liberation Force!"
"Peace and harmony to the people!"
"Long live Princess Altura!"
--Thus the Royal Capital Liberation Force sortied to the Althia Plain.
The Third Royal Army, under Yaldar's command, had initiated their march onto Althia Plain.
The light cavalry unit, which Shera had been assigned to, emerged from the woodland and made haste for the Liberation Force Supply Storehouse. Their horsemen numbered three-thousand.
They were the Special Task Force, operating separately from the main army.
"Now, Vice-captain Shera. Would you mind to refrain from eating while riding?"
The Cavalry Captain, a man in his prime, called out to Shera while riding parallel to her.
"To eat when I can is my principle, sir. If I'm hungry, I won't be able to fight as well as I'd like, so I cannot follow that particular order."
"I mean, that wasn't an order, but... Gah, fine. Since you did strike down the Voleur, I'm expecting good work from you. Chief Advisor Sidamo recommended you to me personally, too, you know. Better live up to his hype."
The Cavalry Captain had been half in doubt, but since the Chief Advisor had asserted so, he was inclined to agree that it was no mistake.
She was a natural equestrienne, and a non-hindrance to the march. Her skill was standing on equal grounds with the regular cavalry, even.
Although he still wondered when and where she had trained, he could not be bothered to ask. After all, to him as a commanding officer, she was no more than an excellent subordinate. If she proved to no longer be useful, or got herself killed, he would simply forget about her.
"Yes, sir -- I will."
Shera saluted, then produced a vivid orange carrot and started munching it like a rabbit. It had the sweetness of fruits, and its crunchiness was satisfying. It had a bitter taste, too, but not to the extent of weeds. She would put it in the category of adequately delicious foodstuff.
While savouring the carrot, she took another one and threw it into her horse's mouth. The horse, delighted, started munching as well.
The sight of horse and rider, stuffing their cheeks with carrots together, was enough to paint the surrounding cavalrymen with dry smiles.
"You seem quite cheerful, Vice-captain Shera. Are you not worried about our operation, ma'am?"
"Eh, I'll just be doing what I have to. Thinking about every little thing makes me hungry, you know?"
Shera returned an expression devoid of uneasiness. The soldier who had asked her was taken aback, what with her being composed as a skilled soldier despite being an adolescent girl.
The Royal Army's strategy was for General Yaldar and the main army to charge straight onto Althia Plain, and capturing the enemy stronghold, Salvador Fortress, in one fell swoop.
Yaldar, having given up on surprise attacks due to how the last one turned out, had switched to a frontal attack, intending to overwhelm the enemy with sheer numbers.
A bulk of the army's troops had been deployed in anticipation of the Liberation Force, with the predicted course of events being a clash between the two armies on Althia Plain.
"Hey hey, our young Vice-captain Shera here is giving it her best, and you guys are chickening out?"
An experienced cavalryman, turning around on his horse, made an interrupting remark.
"But there's been this rumour that the Empire just sent the Rebel Force some new weapons and stuff... You think things will really go fine?"
"Hey, don't go around believing nonsense. That's what the enemy wants."
The rumour had been passed around before sortie. That some kind of Imperial Army-developed weapon had been provided to the Liberation Force, and that they would be put to use in this battle.
And as if to back up the claim, recent information had stated that an Engineer Unit had been working on something on Althia Plain.
"B-but I just can't not worry..."
The young soldier sighed as his horse paced on along with the others.
"Ugh, this guy's hopeless. Vice-captain, got anything to perk this numpty up? It's like he's dying even before the fight, so..."
"Fine... I'll make this a special-special-case, alright?"
Shera forced a half-eaten carrot into the young soldier's hand with a smile.
"F-for me?"
"Chow down and cheer up. With a full stomach, you'll be swell as this horse o' mine."
Then she took another carrot and threw it into her horse's mouth and gently stroked its mane. The horse neighed in delight.
The dumbfounded youth and the elated Shera. The scene caused a chain-reaction of laughter among the observing cavalrymen.
The Cavalry Captain kept up his command, bearing with the hysterics. He thought of yelling uncle and scolding them harshly, but ultimately did not deem it necessary to go that far.
"Now, all of you, it's about time to cut the chatter. The horses must have eased up by now. We're going all the way, no more breaks!"
"Yes, sir!"
Having slacked on the speed to let the horses preserve their stamina, the Cavalry Captain was now speeding up, and the cavalrymen followed suit.
Shera, too, gripped her reins and cantered along. Both rider and horse held a carrot in their mouths.
Then, after Shera devoured hers in a single gulp, she affectionately addressed her horse.
"Mmm, these carrots really are delicious. Don't you think so, too?"
Shera's mount, gleaming pale under the light, kept silent as it chewed on its treat.
[Third Army Corps, marching en route to Althia Plain.]
Sidamo, having finished reviewing his documents, was now reporting to Yaldar.
"According to intel from our scouts, the enemy main force had already departed for Althia Plain."
"I see. Rather than hide and be crushed, they are choosing a grand annihilation on the plain. We have been spared of much labour!"
Yaldar spat, and the surrounding officers expressed their agreement.
"Additionally, there have been reports of the enemy Engineer Unit doing something on the plain. No further details, however."
"Hmph, are they excavating pitfalls or the like?"
"That is unknown, but it seems that this time, their number of mobilised troops is immense. We have the option to halt our march and observe their status..."
They now had the following routes to head towards Salvador Fortress: to cut straight through the plain, to navigate the woodland, or to take a detour and cross Althia River. The river crossing route was not a realistic choice, however, since it meant an invasion of Imperial territory.
The other day, Jira Division had taken the woodland route for a surprise attack, the failure of which had resulted in their annihilation. The current army would not live down being done in by a fire attack for the second time.
Furthermore, their current policy was to trample their objective with a frontal attack. Cutting through the plain was their only sensible choice.
"Your Honour, we need not be concerned by the enemy's trickery. Please watch us -- We, the Steel Division, will trample everything down!"
"Exactly. Their use of traps and trickery is enough proof of their struggle. It would do us good to simply plunge forward and crush them."
The officers asserted their thoughts, paying no heed to Sidamo's concerns. They had absolute confidence in their military might, so would one say.
"Mm-hmm, it is true that this is no point of significant concern. Rather, wasting time to dwell on it is the danger. We shall proceed with plans unchanged!"
Yaldar was swift in his decision. A trap that would slaughter an army of such scale could not possibly exist in this world. There was no need for discussion.
"Affirmative!" The officers nodded firmly.
"Speaking of which, Advisor Sidamo. How fares the Detached Forces that you had arranged for?"
"Under my supervision, the Light Cavalry unit of three-thousand have sortied successfully, sir. Their objective is to speed through the same woodland as the other day, and then strike the enemy Supply Storehouse."
Sidamo had organised a unit of three-thousand cavalrymen, and had ordered them to target the Supply Storehouse, sending them off on a different route from the main army.
Having experienced a devastating defeat by surprise attack, the repeat of this strategy was against what the enemy would expect. And even if they saw it through, the enemy troops will have divided attention. It was a strategy of no loss on the Royal Army's part.
"Very good. The plan's success will greatly benefit us, and even if it was seen through, the Rebels' force of arms will be divided. A splendid strategy, Chief Advisor Sidamo. It seems that our victory is assured."
"I feel truly privileged to receive such words of appreciation, Your Honour."
"Mm-hmm, I will be expecting good things from now on as well."
"Additionally, the officer who had defeated Colonel Voleur of the Imperial Army had been appointed as the Cavalry Vice-captain by my recommendation. While lacking in leadership, she possessed considerable ability. She may serve as a helpful force in the near future, Your Honour."
It was not by her leadership skills that Shera had been endorsed as the Detached Force Vice-captain, but by her apparently outstanding might. If she proved to not be useful, she would be demoted immediately. Sidamo himself would judge her by merits and results, and nothing else.
"Now that's music to my ears. I will certainly promote her after our victory in this battle. Of course, I expect effortful labour from you as well, my man. Let us together seize glory in our victory!"
"Yes, sir!"
Sidamo bowed to his superior.
For the resurrection of the fallen Arto household, he had to work his best, so as to compel Yaldar to promote him. This was to wipe out the disgrace that was his late elder brother's infamy, too. For that, he had discarded every shred of his pride and climbed to the rank he was now.
He would use anything at everything at his disposal. Even a lass of unknown origins. As long as the results were satisfactory, he would not complain.
In other words, victory was all that mattered.
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