
November 17, 2018

SSSS.Gridman Voice Drama - Episode 7.7

As Punishment, Let's Open Her Bag

Namiko: Sorry, gotta to the bathroom. Psst -- Been a while since she went now, yeah?

Hass: Yeah, Rikka never came back from the bathroom...

Namiko: Wonder what's up... You think she's gone home already?

Hass: And leave her bag behind? Nah, that can't be it.

Namiko: But it's already been half an hour now, you know.

Hass: Maybe the bathroom here is full, so she went to look for another one outside?

Namiko: But this is half an hour we're talking about, you know. Don't you think it's strange? That's way too long for a dump.

Hass: Guh-- Dude, I'm drinking cappuccino frappe here. Don't talk about dumps now...

Namiko: How much dump is a 30-minute dump, anyway? Tall? Wait, no, Grande? Nah, gotta be Venti! Ven! Ti!

Hass: Say no more...

Namiko: But real talk, she's been suspicious lately.

Hass: She was talking about something with Hibiki and Utsumi earlier today, at the bike parking spot.

Namiko: For real?

Hass: It's fine to have secrets and all, but she's been doing that pretty often nowadays.

Namiko: But anyway, that UFO just up and went away while we were waiting for her! I wanted to go check it outside, too!

Hass: Oh c'mon, the vids are turning up, so just look at these and stop complai-- Whoa, it's #1 trending! Of course it is!

Namiko: For real! It's awesome that Tsutsuji-dai is leading the trends for once! Man, I'm actually a bit happy.

Hass: Huh? This photo... with the UFO... there's something like an over-the-top Ultraman in it, too!

Namiko: Where? ...Oh c'mon, this is obviously edited in, isn't it?

Hass: Oh, I see. Got me surprised there... Right, of course it is...

Namiko: Besides, Ultraman wasn't even as flashy as this, you know. Don't know about the recent ones though.

Hass: You know about that stuff?

Namiko: Used to watch it with my li'l bro. The one called Retsuden, was it?

Hass: Seriously, a UFO coming out is a such a big historical moment... So where'd Rikka go off to? Hmm... so what do we do with this bag?

Namiko: Oh, you know... as punishment, let's open her bag!

Hass: Whoa, no no no no! *shuffle* That's being way too mean! No matter how close as friends we are, there's always a bit of privacy... *shuffle* Ahh, stahp! Namiko, don't open it! *shuffle* Wait, Namiko! *unzip* Gah--! And it's open! It's! Open! Ah~h...

Namiko: I didn't even do anything though...

Hass: Well anyway... it's not like there's anything interesting in here -- Oh, she's got CDs and a player. Now that's rare.

Namiko: She is a daughter of a secondhand shop, after all. Secondhand daughter...?

Hass: Hey, don't say it like that.

Namiko: And what's that?

Hass: What's this -- Whoa, isn't this canned food!? Canned yakitori! ...Why'd she even have this with her?

Namiko: Oh... it's that! Dinner from the disaster preparedness practice! Damn, that takes me back...

Hass: But really, walking around with canned yakitori is a bit much, don't you think? Well, being yuzukosho-flavored is so Rikka-san-like though...

Namiko: So, anything else interesting in there?

Hass: Hmm... From what I'm seeing here, not really... Ooh, what's this? The headband from the ball game rally, convenience store chopsticks, and...

Namiko: Hm~m. Those aren't really interesting... Huh, what's that there?

Hass: A notebook, isn't it?

Namiko: Hah... A notebook is... something friends shouldn't pry into, so leave it there -- Huh, wait, what's that at the very bottom?

Hass: What's what?


Namiko and Hass: Huh!?

Namiko: Whoa, is she for real!?

Hass: Huh? Huh...? Isn't  this... you know, that?

Namiko: Yeah, that... But really, Rikka is -- Whoa, hurry and close it!

Hass: Oh, shoot! This ain't something we should be taking out in a foreign coffeehouse chain!

Namiko: Didn't see beyond the cover, but that sure is some flashy stuff!

Hass: So that's what she's been up to lately...

Namiko: You think Rikka actually bought it? Unbelievable...

Hass: Well, I mean, for Rikka-san's level, this might be normal? Nope, probably not. Eh... Like... I don't wanna believe it... I mean, for real...?

Namiko: But you know, I've heard that girls buy those stuff nowadays, too.

Hass: Oh c'mon, those stuff are obviously for guys, aren't they!?

Namiko: Well, that's true...

Hass: So she has a boyfriend, after all...?

Namiko: A boyfriend who's into that specialized stuff is gonna be a hard pass for me.

Hass: I don't really care about what hobbies -- Well, that wouldn't be good, I guess...

Namiko: What, just a "wouldn't be good"? This is a big deal we're talking about! The image of our Rikka-san is--!

Hass: Well, she could have just gotten it out of curiosity, but... Why's she carrying around with her!?

Namiko: Don't tell me, at school--!

Hass: Huh!? Whoa, no matter how lenient the rule enforcement is, you should at least keep this stuff at home, man... Oh, maybe someone lent it to her? 

Namiko: Heh...? That doesn't sound so good, having someone lend it to you that easily. Uh... what should we do?

Hass: What'd you mean, what should we do... For now, let's just pretend we didn't see it. For Rikka's sake, and ours, too.

Namiko: Mm-hm. Yeah. That's for the best. I wanna still be friends with Rikka-san, too--

Hass: Hear, hear. Being friends doesn't mean we have to be open about anything and everything. Rikka's gotta have some secrets to herself ,too.

Namiko: Mm-hm. Precisely because we're friends... Let's believe in her!

*phone ring*

Hass: Oh. Rikka's finally reached out. Coming back here now, she said.

Namiko: Where'd she even go, anyway? Gah, now I'm worried that I might not be able to look her in the eyes anymore... This ain't good...

Hass: We really went off a tangent from the UFO there...

Namiko: Oh, for real... Never thought we'd find a tokusatsu magazine in Rikka's bag, of all places...

Hass: Never knew she'd been sneaking that stuff around, huh...


  1. a magazine... magazine wtf?! valeu meu irmão pela tradução!

    1. Not just any magazine, a Tokusatsu magazine which is very cool.

  2. Wow thank you for always translated this (gridman voice drama) it's really appreciated
