
December 22, 2018

SSSS.Gridman Voice Drama - Episode 2.9

My Orders Are Absolute, Got It?

Alexis Kerib: Instance Abreaction!


Alexis Kerib: Akane-kun. What could the concept of this one be? I can't see it as anything other than a human...

Shinjou Akane: Well, let's say that I'm reconsidering how I'd been doing it up to now.

Alexis Kerib: Ooh...

Shinjou Akane: So I thought it might be nice to have a Kaiju that thinks and learns by itself... And you know, Gridman did suddenly whip out that... sword? Well, a weapon, so...

Alexis Kerib: He sure did! That was so unfair! Our side was empty-handed, too.

Shinjou Akane: I know, right!? That's why my boy here's gonna have the ability to copy Gridman's powers!

Alexis Kerib: Good, good! As expected of Akane-kun!

Shinjou Akane: Oh, stop it. I'm blushing here~~

Alexis Kerib: Oh, no, I wasn't trying to flatter you!

Shinjou Akane: Then keep the compliments coming~~

Alexis Kerib: Ho ho ho ho!
Shinjou Akane: He he he he!

Shinjou Akane: Now, Anti, my orders are absolute, got it?

Anti: Got it.

Shinjou Akane: You better defeat Gridman.

Anti: I'll definitely defeat him.

Alexis Kerib: Anti?

Shinjou Akane: That's his name. Anti-kun.

*Anti's stomach growl*

Alexis Kerib: Hmm?

Shinjou Akane: Ah... you hungry?

Anti: Mm-hm.

Alexis Kerib: He's hungry, even though he's a Kaiju?

Shinjou Akane: I did create him based on the human image, after all. We don't have any food around though...

Alexis Kerib: Well then, why don't we eat out?

Shinjou Akane: Right now? It's pretty late into the night.

Alexis Kerib: Have no fear! I'll bring out a car!

Shinjou Akane: Yay~!


*car door shut*

Shinjou Akane: Anti, you're in the back seat. C'mon, strap on the seat belt.

Anti: Hmm?

Shinjou Akane: Ugh, fine...

*seat belt click*

Shinjou Akane: There. Done.

Alexis Kerib: Well, then! Where should we go?

*car start*

Shinjou Akane: Hmm, where indeed... Anti, what do you want to eat?

*Anti's stomach growl*

Shinjou Akane: Let's see... Japanese, Western, Chinese, Italian... Any preferences?

Anti: All of them.

Alexis Kerib: Ha ha ha ha ha! Then why don't we go around slowly and stop at a good place when we see it?

Shinjou Akane: Hmm, eating out late at night sure is nice, eh?

Alexis Kerib: Indeed it is. Now then! Roll out~!

Shinjou Akane: Would be nice if there was a family restaurant on our way...

Alexis Kerib: I'm sure there are indeed quite a few places along this road.

Shinjou Akane: Oh, really... -- But wait, Alexis, you do have a car driving license, right?

Alexis Kerib: License? Ah, I was thinking about getting one some time later.

*long silence*

Shinjou Akane: Ah, there's Bikkuri Donkey! There, right there!

Alexis Kerib: Ohh, it is indeed!

Anti: Bikkuri Donkey...

Shinjou Akane: The servings are, like, this big! They're hamburg steaks, so, Japanized Western food? Lots'a meat!

Anti: I see.

Shinjou Akane: So, how about we go with Bikkuri Donkey?

Anti: Mm-hm.

Shinjou Akane: Alright, Alexis, that's the one!

*drive past*

Shinjou Akane: Huh...? Wha-- huh? I said we're doing Bikkuri Donkey! Aren't we going to go past it like this? W-wait a sec! Ahh! We're past it already!

Alexis Kerib: We went past it, indeed.

Shinjou Akane: Oh c'mon! Didn't I already tell you that we're doing Bikkuri Donkey?

Alexis Kerib: Ha ha ha ha ha! 

Shinjou Akane: Jeez...

Anti: So we can't eat at Bikkuri Donkey?

Shinjou Akane: Oh y'know, Alexis didn't stop the car, so...

Alexis Kerib: How Anti-climactic, eh?

Shinjou Akane: ...That's a lame one.

*short silence*

Shinjou Akane: Ah, wait! 

Alexis Kerib: Hmm?

Shinjou Akane: There's Kura Zushi! C'mon, let's do Kura Zushi! It's a sushi-go-round!

Anti: Sushi-go-round?

Shinjou Akane: It's Japanese food. Plates of different types come and go 'round, like this.

Anti: I see.

Shinjou Akane: This Kura Zushi place's got Italian Cheese Hamburg, too, you know!

Alexis Kerid: That was your way of getting back at me for earlier, wasn't it?

Shinjou Akane: Alright! Let's go with Kura Zushi!

*drive past*

Shinjou Akane: Eh? Huh? I said we're doing Kura Zushi! Alexi-- What? Oh c'mon, we're past it already!

Alexis Kerib: Ha ha ha ha--


Shinjou Akane: Seriously! Didn't I tell you that we're doing Kura Zushi!? Why didn't you stop!?

Alexis Kerib: Akane-kun! There! Look over there!

Shinjou Akane: Huh? Sushiro?

Anti: Sushiro?

Shinjou Akane: Sushi-go-round! Then we're doing Sushiro? You better stop the car this time, alright?

*drive past*

Shinjou Akane: ...Huh? Wait, I said stop! We're *bang* past Sushiro *bang* already!

Alexis Kerib: Akane-kun! Look! Over there!

Shinjou Akane: What now!? Huh? Totoyamichi?

Anti: Totoyamichi.

*drive past*

Shinjou Akane: ...And we went past it. Say, Alexis, do you know what brakes are?

Alexis Kerib: Brakes? Ah, I was thinking about learning to use it some time later.

Shinjou Akane: Learn to use it right now!!


Alexis Kerib: Oof!

*tires squealing*
*glass scattering*

Alexis Kerib: Oh ho ho ho! Good grief... Akane-kun, you're so violent...

Shinjou Akane: *cough cough* It's your fault, Alexis... How'd you even not know the brakes? ...Huh? Where's Anti?

*rubble scattering*

Anti: Over here.

Shinjou Akane: Whoa... that's a Kaiju for ya. Looking perfectly fine there.

Anti: My seat belt was strapped on, so I've managed.

Alexis Kerib: Mm-hm. Seat belts are important indeed.

*Anti's stomach growl*

Shinjou Akane: Oh c'mon, I'm feeling sorry for Anti here... He's been hungry all this time, you know?

Anti: So we can't eat anything today?

Shinjou Akane: Ah... Sorry, really. Let's see... Ah, that. There's a convenience store over there.

Alexis Kerib: You're fine with the convenience store, even though we've come out all this way?

Shinjou Akane: Well, the car's totally busted now.

Alexis Kerib: It is indeed. Let's walk there.

Shinjou Akane: I'm sorry, really. Will you be fine with a convenience store bento?

Anti: I'm fine with anything.

*door slide*

Shinjou Akane: Huh? Where's Alexis?

Anti: Gone to the other side.

Shinjou Akane: Huh? Oh, you're right. What's he doing?

Anti: Said he'll be making a phone call to the accident report counter.

Shinjou Akane: He's got auto insurance?

Anti: What's a phone, anyway?

Shinjou Akane: Oh, come to think of it, it'd be better for you to have one as well, huh, Anti? I'll buy one for you later, alright?

Anti: Phone...

*plastic bag shuffling*

Shinjou Akane: Here's your bento, Anti. Go on, eat up.

Anti: You're not eating?

Shinjou Akane: Well, I like to look at people eating. C'mon, eat.

*Anti's eating noises*

Shinjou Akane: Is it good?

*Anti's eating noises*

Shinjou Akane: Heh heh... Anti.

Anti: Hmm? 

Shinjou Akane: You better defeat Gridman.

Anti: *with food in mouth* I'll definitely defeat him.

Shinjou Akane: I'm expecting good things from you!


  1. Replies
    1. Nope, no video. This episode comes with the series' blu-ray release and isn't publicly available, unlike the regular episodes.

  2. does voice drama 12.0 exist, or would it just come only in the blu ray dvd too?

  3. Is there anywhere to find the voice drama's audio? I'd like it listen to it as well.
