
April 3, 2021

SSSS.Dynazenon Voice Drama - Episode 1.1


Charater Notes: 
Asanaka Yomogi (CV: Enoki Junya) - Main Character 
Kaneishi (CV: Tono Hikaru) - Yomogi's Classmate, Black Hair Girl 
Ranka (CV: Tsuchiya Rio) - Yomogi's Classmate, Mask Girl 
Awaki (CV: Ogasawara Jin) - Yomogi's Classmate, Tall Guy 
Nazumi (CV: Kajiwara Gakuto) - Yomogi's Classmate, Glasses Guy 

Kaneishi: I think we should go something that sticks in our memories, you know. 

Nazumi: What're you talking about? 

Kaneishi: You know, plans for the school festival. What our class's gonna be doing. Haunted house is a no-go, so we should do food. 

Ranka: The upperclassmen are gonna get to use gas first, though... What about a café? 

Kaneishi: They won't approve our plan if we don't put any twist into it. 

Awaki: What're you even trying to achieve? 

Nazumi: We're not even in charge of the planning. 

Ranka: Well, how about a reversed boy-girl café? Boys wear girl costumes, girls wear boy costumes, that kinda café. 

Nazumi: Wait -- basing people's genders on their clothing is... not an appropriate thing these days, right? 

Kaneishi: What're you even being considerate for? 

Ranka: Yomo-kun, you think up something too. 

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh, me? 

Ranka: You've been quiet all this time -- and here I am, seriously trying to come up with something. 

Asanaka Yomogi: I was listening. 

Kaneishi: Yomogi-kun's been thinking about Minami Yume-san, after all -- you know, after he saw her on the flood gate. 

Ranka: Really? 

Asanaka Yomogi: No way. I really was listening. 

Awaki: Yomogi... You were pretty damn kashiwaguilty just now, man. 


Ranka: C'mon, Yomo-kun can't really be kashiwaguilty, right? 

Awaki: Nah, someone like Yomogi's gotta be the most kashiwaguilty around here. Us guys can tell this kinda stuff. 

Ranka: No way... 

Kaneishi: Stop it, guys. Don't you feel fad for Yomogi-kun here at all? 

Asanaka Yomogi: Sorry, I didn't get any of that. What's a kashiwaguilty

Ranka: Not again... we went all over it yesterday. 

Awaki: Ah -- Yomogi wasn't with us when we were talking about that. 

Ranka: Oh, Yomo-kun wasn't there, yeah. He had to go to work. 

Asanaka Yomogi: So, what's a kashiwaguilty?

Awaki: Uh, well... Hmm... Ah... Huh? Well, forget it. Talking about it now wouldn't be funny. 

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh? 

Nazumi: Heh... True. 

Ranka: It just kinda came up, after all. 

Asanaka Yomogi: Look, I don't care how funny it is -- just wanna know what it means, that kashiwaguilty thing. 

Ranka & Kaneishi: There you go again... 

Awaki: Man... the way you're asking is also kashiwaguilty, you know. 


Asanaka Yomogi: Yeah, fine, let's just say I'm kashiwaguilty and drop it... 

Awaki: Yomogi, you try not to be kashiwaguilty so much, yeah? 

Asanaka Yomogi: Hey, you guys brought it up yourselves! 

Kaneishi: Yomogi-kun, maybe you should give up on Minami-san, I say. 

Awaki: So Minami's your type, Yomogi? 

Asanaka Yomogi: No, she's not -- wait, no, that's kinda rude... No, but you see... 

Ranka: Doesn't mean you hate her, right? 

Asanaka Yomogi: Yeah, sure. 

Kaneishi: Do you like her, then? 

Asanaka Yomogi: Not in that way, not really. 

Ranka: You were staring at her so much, though? 

Asanaka Yomogi: Just wondering what she was doing up there. 

Ranka & Kaneishi: Oh, really? 

Ranka: So, what kida girl do you like, Yomo-kun? Older? Younger? 

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh...? 

Awaki: How many years old if older, how many years old if younger? 

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh, let's see here... If older, then-- 

Nazumi: 33 years old. 

Ranka & Kaneishi: Huh!? 

Awaki: You're going high, man! 

Ranka: That's more than double your age! Double! 

Asanaka Yomogi: Hell no! I never even said that! 

Awaki: Also, if she's hot and got big boobs, anyone's fine by me. 

Ranka & Kaneishi: Ugh... 

Asanaka Yomogi: I didn't say that, either! 

Ranka: So double age isn't enough, huh? 

Asanaka Yomogi: Look, I don't even get what you're on about anymore... 

Awaki: Well then, I hereby proclaim Asanaka Yomogi as... kashiwaguilty, ladies and gentlemen. 


Nazumi: How about we change it to yomoguilty? Might as well at this point. 


Asanaka Yomogi: Nope, not funny... 

Ranka: Nah, Yomo-kun, you just keep on being Yomo-kun for us, yeah? 

Asanaka Yomogi: What're you on about now? Besides, I've never even talked much with Minami-san in the first place. Scratch that -- I haven't seen her talk much in class, either. 

Nazumi: That's true. 

Ranka: She's got a friend the next class over, apparently. 

Kaneishi: Minami-san... I don't really get her, you know. 

Ranka: For real. Whenever I talk to her, I always wonder if she's angry or something. 

Kaneishi: I know, right? 

Ranka: It's kinda... hard to read her tempo, and stuff. 

Kaneishi: Sometimes I hear her humming by herself, too. 

Ranka: And she'd just randomly drop the stuff she's holding... 

Kaneishi: She does come off as unfriendly, but I feel like it'd be fun hanging out with her. 

Ranka: Oh, yeah... 

Kaneishi: That time we had back-to-back classes in April, she'd just up and gone home without getting permission, too. 

Asanaka Yomogi: Really? 

Kaneishi: Also, she was wearing some super erotic underwear at last week's checkups. 

Ranka: Ah! It's like... something like this, right? 

Kaneishi: It doesn't even cover much of anything! Oh, also, whenever she collects someone else's short tests, she'd stare super hard at their answer sheets. 

Ranka: Huh? Man, wish she'd stop doing that... 

Asanaka Yomogi: Oh, yeah, I remember that! Really... 

Nazumi: Just now... they just said something real juicy, yeah? 

Asanaka Yomogi: They sure did. 

Awaki & Nazumi: Yomogi~~ 

Asanaka Yomogi: Uh, w-what? Was that a kashiwaguilty too? 

Awaki: Nah, just thought the way you said they sure did was damn creepy, that's all. 

Asanaka Yomogi: Plain old bad-mouthing, huh...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. It's good to have you back doing the TLs for this series.
