
June 6, 2023

LOOP8: A Summer Day - Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Ichika (Before) - I Miss Him

I[2] feel this longing for someone... but who could it be?

I feel this love for someone... but who could it be?

The answer eludes me. I know nothing. After all, such is the way I have been raised...

While submerged, I open my eyes and look to the heavens. The light of the sun shimmers; it is so beautiful. I slowly rise to the surface and take hold of the pool's railing.

Then, I awaken.

I wonder how long I have been asleep. It was supposed to be 101 days, I was told, but it certainly does not sound right. Rather, it is as if I had just fallen asleep moments ago.

I wipe my tears with the back of my hand. Ever since the invocation[3] of my goddess, I have found my eyes welling up every single time I awakened. It may be that my cries are those of newborn children; I am born anew with each rising from slumber... or something of such nature.

I must compose my thoughts and proceed with the misogi ritual of purification.

I move from one pool to the next[7], an act I do find somewhat amusing. The piercing cold of the water does wonders to clear my mind.

When I walk out, my hair dries in an instant by divine power. My yukatabira[4], on the other hand, does not.

What a strange feeling. There is no use questioning it, however; the nature of the gods goes beyond the reach of human understanding.

In the distance, I hear the sound of a waterfall, the intensity of which suggests low water volume; the snow of the past winter must have completely melted by now.

I leave the site of the purification ritual through the connecting roofed corridor; as I walk, several ladies-in-waiting[5] assist me in removing my yukatabira, dry my body, and provide me with a change of clothes.

The plants praise the beauty of the goddess that I have invoked. Unfortunately, however, I am unable to see her form; the most I can do is be guided by her faint presence.

The age of the gods has long passed, and the power of the Miko[6] has been on an overall decline. We know not what it is that has been done incorrectly.

With my power also diminished, I doubt my ability to hold ground in the battle against the Kegai.

There is a shift in the air, akin to when I was undergoing the purification rituals.

I ascend to the hall of worship to be granted a name by a high-ranking priest. It is customary for a Miko to be named in accordance with the god she has invoked. Until then, I possess no name.

"You shall receive this name: Ichika[1]."

As the letters of "Ichika" are read aloud, the echo of the name descends upon me. It feels as if my soul is bound[8] -- as if two parallel selves have fused into one.

My descent to the earth feels complete at last. The other Miko and ladies-in-waiting, whose instructions and lectures I once suffered through, are now revering me as their superior.

I look on at them, underwhelmed. My heart holds no interest in anything but my reunion with him.

The Head Miko prostrates herself and speaks to me,

"The time has come for you to learn the ways of the human world."

"I am not interested."

"Forgive my impudence. But without restraints to your interactions, we are afraid the human world will be excessively disrupted."

This conversation seems pointless to maintain. I sigh.

"Must we not vanquish the Kegai at once? There is no other reason for my invocation... is there?"

"Indeed, there is not. However..."

I lift the Head Miko up by her throat. Observing the elderly lady's face contort in fear, I cannot help but think how unflattering this sight is.

Shall I make her more pleasing to the eye?

No... No.

Is that so?

I, both as myself and the other, change my mind.

I let go of my hold on the Head Miko, take two steps forward, and leap into the air. Then, I stretch out one hand to summon a ceremonial blade[9] from a distant room, grabbing its handle as it flies toward me.

I proceed to draw the blade and, in a single stroke, cut down a nearby Priest.

"What have you done!?"

"Be on your guard. That was a Kegai."

"Kegai...?" the Head Miko says in a daze; at the same moment, the monster takes its original form and appears before me.

"Even the Priesthood is contaminated; it seems our standards are too low nowadays."

The Kegai stretches forth its many arms. Perhaps this one is a being of some renown.

Not that it matters.

I leap into the air and, with another stroke of the blade, slice the Kegai into pieces. Then, I land without letting the hems of my clothes touch the floor. A gate appears out of thin air and banishes the monster from this realm.

"If I must be taught something, I suggest it be over with sooner than later."

"Immediately... We will begin immediately," the Head Miko says while holding her throat in pain, "It will only last several days."

"Very well."

Contrary to my calm voice, my heart races due to a thought that has crossed my mind: I might find him there, in Ashihara.

Now my only concern is how I should best present myself.

Yes, yes... I will vanquish the Kegai as quickly as possible, then I will search for him.

I miss him[10]. I miss him.

I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him I miss him...

Ahh. Everything is such a chore.

If not for the land he has worked to conquer[11], everything would have already been banished to the Underworld.

I have changed my mind; I will depart now -- is what I would have declared if not for my suppression of the urge to do so. Instead, I simply sigh.

"Let us get it done, then. My patience is limited."

This is certainly my voice, but it is as if someone else is speaking; what a strange feeling.

Regardless, the discomfort quickly slips away. In its stead, another thought crosses my mind: Where exactly could he be?


Chapter 10 Character Profile

↩[1] Ichika

No surname. Her given name is made of the kanji characters "tsuitachi," meaning "the first day of the month" or "new moon," and "yoru," meaning "night."

Like Nini, she has transferred to Ashihara Nakatsu High School in August as a first-year student.

Burdened with important duties, she finds herself often fighting alone and struggling to understand those around her.

A no-nonsense princess, she is in fact ignorant of the ways of the world. She has received special training from childhood to serve as a powerful anti-Kegai weapon, a warrior with the title of "God Slayer Miko".

First-person pronouns used: Watakushi (before being named), Watashi (after being named)


Chapter 10 Footnotes

↩[2] Watakushi

The standard first-person pronoun of the God Slayer Miko who has yet to be granted a name.

↩[3] Invocation

A Miko's process of letting a god take possession of her.

↩[4] Yukatabira

Absorbent bathrobe, worn during or after a bath. 

Considered to be a prototype for the more well-known yukata.

↩[5] Ladies-in-waiting

Government officials specially trained to tend to a Miko's needs. Men may also occupy this role.

↩[6] Miko

Shinto priestesses.

In the past, men may also carry out the same role, but the tradition has been lost to time.

↩[7] "From one pool to the next"

From artificial amniotic fluid to normal water.

↩[8] "My soul is bound"

By a sorcery technique that anchors down its effect when the target is granted their name.

↩[9] "Summon a ceremonial blade"

With psychokinesis.

The blade is a Japanese sword that is meant for decorating the reception alcove of a separate building 500 meters away.

↩[10] "I miss him"

The desire of Ichika's goddess.

The memories of invoked gods are often retained, and their predominant emotions tend to be amplified.

↩[11] "The land he has worked to conquer"

Refers to Ashihara Nakatsu.


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