
June 11, 2023

LOOP8: A Summer Day - Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Terasu (Before) - Trust Me, It's Better If I Never Get to Do My Thing

It's a-me, Terasu[1]! Solo camper[4] who travels the neighborhood!

Today is yet another day of thrills -- that is, the cold stares from the townspeople. It's alright. I don't mind.

Anyway, the town looks to be unusually busy. Year after year, everything in Ashihara Nakatsu has been the same from one day to the next, but now a change has come... or so it seems.

Oh? But has it, really? I'm still somewhat skeptical. The countryside tends to fear change, after all -- Wait, that's not right. A large population and change go hand in hand. And this town... does not have a large population. Change should be difficult to take place here.

Hmm. Well, I do have plenty of free time, so I might as well look into this.

Carrying my camping gear on my back, I casually walk around the town -- while also keeping my eyes peeled for discounted stuff. Mm, these croquettes are delicious. Not quite as good as the menchi katsu, though.

So, what was I planning to do, again? Ah. Right, right. The town was unusually busy... or so it seemed. Well, I'm gonna sleep for now and think about it again tomorrow. As they say, it's foolish to do today what can be done later. But then again, it's also said that those who constantly procrastinate are the most foolish...

But it's so fun, you know, wandering and lazing around all day like this. Just doze off a bit, and voilà -- the sun's already set! Whew, so refreshing. Would be so much better if I had some sake[5], though.

Oops. Here comes something I can't put off. Sure hope I can resolve this just by talking it out.  

With that thought in mind, I head to the railway crossing[6]... and witness a terrible disaster.

Kegai -- a whole lot of them -- all ripped to shreds. Well, they'll regenerate after being left alone for a while, so this is actually kinda pointless. The one who did this must have held quite a deep grudge... Hmm.

From what I see, firearms were probably used. I haven't heard anything about the Self-Defense Force developing equipment that actually works against the Kegai, so maybe this was the work of some Exorcist? An Exorcist using guns is unheard-of, though...

Oops, sorry -- that was out of left field. I mean, guns aren't something a person can just... easily obtain, and they wouldn't have any effect on the Kegai anyway. So... yeah. What's going on here?

Uh... You know, to be honest, I wish there was nothing actually happening. Trust me, it's better if I never get to do my thing. And that's a fact -- It's even written in the Chronicles of Japan.

While carrying out the process of Purification[7], I wonder: What should I do? I have no idea where to start.

Lost in thought, I eventually wake up in the early afternoon... Oops, so I was actually sleeping. Tee-hee... Well, guess I'll patrol the town again today. Terasu-san, oh, Terasu-san... Why must you not be suited for combat and also dislike conducting investigations?

Eh, maybe I'll just go catch some beetles instead.

With that in mind, I wander around and eventually find one... but someone's already got to it before me. That someone isn't catching it, but rather... giving it a lecture? Huh. What's going on here? For a moment, I give up thinking. What am I even looking at? Well, I mean, objectively, it's a flying squirrel[8] lecturing a beetle, but it's just...

So surreal. Yeah, that's the word. Surreal. Like, an "Aw hell no!" kind of feeling. I don't dislike this kind of thing, but after how serious last night's situation seemed, I can't help but think "No! This isn't right!" you know?

Anyway, I'm not changing my plans now. I'll do it. Really, I'll do it. I'm a woman of action -- I'll figure out what to do right at the moment. First of all, I just have to step forward.

"Ah, excuse me? Flying squirrel[2]? I have some business with the beetle[3]..."

"Gyah! The human talks!"

"Okay, you're doing this all wrong. I was supposed to be the one who was surprised to hear you talk, you know."

"Is that so?"

"Always has been so."

"Ah. Apologies," the flying squirrel says and bows.

I do appreciate how sincere this little critter is.

"I didn't really mind that, actually. By the way, what are you doing around here? You seem to be a divine messenger -- but I've never heard of a flying squirrel being one before."

"Of course you have not. For 124 whole generations since the age of the gods, not a single member of the Momonga and Musasabi Clans -- collectively known as the MomoSabi Union -- has been employed as a divine messenger. That is to say... I, Musasa, am Japan's first-ever MomoSabi divine messenger!"

"Ohh, I see. You know, you didn't really need to ham it up... just saying."

"Is that so? But it did help enhance my aura of superiority, did it not?"

"Uh, yeah. You're cool."

"Did you just treat me as you would a smart pet dog?"

"No, I didn't. Probably..." I trail off as a certain thought crosses my mind. "Say, could it be that... you're somehow involved in the recent disturbance?"

"I am not aware of any ongoing disturbances. Hmm... But as a divine messenger, perhaps I can provide my perspective..."


"We of the MomoSabi Union, along with the neutral factions of Takamagahara[9] and the local gods, as well as the gods of the land[10] -- who seem to derive some enjoyment from this whole ordeal -- have decided to participate in the ongoing battle!"

The beetle squeaks. Looks like the Bug Union is in on this, too.

"Participating in ongoing battle, huh? But you're technically just a bunch of animals -- flying squirrels, beetles, deer, bears, spiders -- what are you going to do?"

In response to my question, Musasa spins in the air and bows.

"Our participation will be by proxy. We will select one human and bestow on them as many blessings as we can, transforming them into our representative warrior!"

"Huh. Seriously?" I ask, and both Musasa and the beetle shake their heads.

The way I see it, though, they're actually serious.


Chapter 12 Character Profiles

↩[1] Terasu

For reasons unknown, she hides her true name.

In the game, you'll see her wandering around town all day.

First-person pronoun used: Boku

↩[2] Musasa

A flying squirrel god of the Momonga Clan. Lowest in rank in the hierarchy of gods.

Acts as a divine messenger for other gods during events of the game, delivering the gods' blessings to the protagonist whenever conditions are fulfilled.

Spends time gliding around in the mountains when not on the job.

Does not exhibit any godly qualities, as far as everyone has seen.

First-person pronoun used: Watashi

↩[3] Beetle

A rhinoceros beetle representing the Bug Union.


Chapter 12 Footnotes

↩[4] Camper

The use of this loan word in Japan can be traced back to the year Showa 5 (1930), so there is a fair bit of local history behind it.

↩[5] Sake

Despite saying she wants to drink, Terasu doesn't actually drink much.

↩[6] Railway Crossing

Also serves as a border of the town.

↩[7] Purification

The Japanese word for "purification" (浄化) is actually relatively new, being first used in 1920.

The word originally used to communicate the same meaning was "exorcise" (祓).

In sorcery terms, it refers to the act of banishing Kegai to the realm whence they came.

↩[8] Flying Squirrel

This particular one is a momonga. (Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel, binomial name "Pteromys Momonga")

Not to be confused with the musasabi. (Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel, binomial name "Petaurista Leucogenys")

↩[9] Takamagahara

The celestial realm where the gods reside.

Also being called "Taka'amahara" in recent years.

Depicted in the game as a sphere with a diameter of 40 km, floating over the mountain.

↩[10] Gods of the Land

Refers to Kunitsukami, gods who emerged in the realm of Ashihara Nakatsu.

Contrasted to Amatsukami, gods who descended from the celestial realm of Takamagahara. 

Modern Shinto no longer makes the distinction between the two.


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