
June 18, 2023

LOOP8: A Summer Day - Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Musasa (Intermission) - In Traveling, a Companion; In Life, Compassion

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! How are you? And no, I am not trying to sell you a car! 

It is I, Musasa[1]! And no, despite my name, I am not a musasabi; I am a momonga!

Huh. You[2] did not understand that car commercial reference? Aww, it was so popular back in the day, too...

Well, no matter. Popularity can be a fleeting thing. Such is the way of the industrial world, no matter what business one is in. It is the same for the Momonga clan.

By the way, I see you are a god...-ish being from another realm. Do you require assistance with anything?

Me? I am a messenger -- a divine messenger. A staple of any self-respecting mythological story! What? Humans usually occupy this sort of role? Well, then please give me some examples of things a flying squirrel should be doing instead!

Ah... it is about time we got back on topic. While I am a divine messenger, I am also a god in my own right. My path up to this very moment is wrought with sad, tear-jerking stories.

Will you hear me out?


Unfortunately for you, that particular choice did not actually matter!

Now, back on topic.

We of the MomoSabi Union have not had much involvement with humanity. We are no cats, you see -- No cats! Those fluffy creatures ask humans for help with anything they can... even the simple act of opening doors! Pfft, what a bunch of jokers!

We flying squirrels, on the other hand... We can glide through the skies and do not rely on humans for care. We are creatures of the wild! Yes, wild! We are no cats, you see -- No cats!

Now, what was I talking about? Ah, yes. The degree of our detachment from the affairs of humanity. It is quite significant indeed.

For this occasion, however, it is I -- the representative of our Clan -- who has been chosen to make contact with humanity. Hah, in your face, ☆cats☆!

Let me explain how this came to be: In the annual October gathering of non-Takamagahara gods in Izumo, we were all having a good time... 

I was busy serving everyone, carrying a teacup in my right hand, chopsticks in my left, and a tray balanced on my head. Yes, I was a waiter. Being at the bottom of the hierarchy was... rough. So much so that I wondered if anyone would like to become a flying squirrel god in my stead.

Then, as I was running around all over the place, the high-ranking gods suddenly started a serious discussion -- about what to do with Ashihara Nakatsu, once and for all.

That being said, there is an agreement in place enforcing that Ashihara Nakatsu belongs to humanity; there was no getting around that. Even if the Kegai were to attack from the depths of the earth! That is how unbreakable the agreement is.


If the Kegai overrun Ashihara Nakatsu, the bulk of the problem will then be on the gods... especially the high-ranking ones and those close to humanity. They will be missing out on the worship they have become so accustomed to receiving, you see.

Well, serves them right, I thought!

And while I was laughing at them in the shadows, someone grabbed me from behind. Ugh... So, yes, that is how I got assigned this task.

"Must it be me? Why not have a cat do it?" I asked, and was promptly told that the cat god was busy doing battle alongside... some gigantic war machines called Humanoid Walking Tanks... in another Universe...?

That made no sense to me whatsoever, but the point was that the cat god was not available.

So I said they could use a dog instead -- and that counted as me talking back one too many times, apparently, as I was almost thrown into a hot pot! That was dangerous. This is why I do not want anything to do with the major gods...

Um, well, in short, you should understand now that I took on this task with much reluctance. So it is time to shower me with praises! Come now, don't be shy!

Why, thank you, thank you!! I, the button-eyed Musasa, truly am an idol! Ahh, it is not easy being so popular...

And you seem to have drawn the short straw as well. No need to tell anyone anything; I can see that you have the look of someone down on their luck. But it is quite unusual, is it not -- to be able to converse with a god!? Could it be that you are a Saniwa[3]?

No? You are not? Your circumstances are complicated? I see. Now, there is no need to worry! I, Musasa, have no interest in humanity whatsoever. Simply talking to one person will be enough work for my wages for the day...


Not the pot!! NOT THE POT!! Eating a boiled flying squirrel -- especially one as cute as I -- is sure to upset your stomach!! Return to civilization!! Obtain consumable meat from a supermarket!!

Whew... That was dangerous.

Humans and gods are not so different after all...

And no, that was not a compliment!!

Apologies for the tangent. Now, where were we? Ah... Yes.

My task is to deliver blessings to the promising young one, and have him do battle against the Kegai.

The high-ranking gods would prefer to deal with this themselves and get it over with, but the agreement is preventing them from doing so, you see.

Why was such an agreement made in the first place, anyway...?

Ah, by the way, I just realized I have yet to ask for your name.

No name entry? Whatever does that even mean?

Your intervention will begin shortly? I see, I see...

And your destination is the same as mine? Then I humbly ask that you let me ride on your head. Do not worry; I do not soil myself very often[4].

But if you even consider throwing me into a pot, well, prepare for a catastrophe! Creatures of the wild are not to be taken lightly!

Alright, then. Now to climb on...

In traveling, a companion; in life, compassion![5] Shall we sing some songs while we head down this path together?[6]


Chapter 14 Character Profiles

↩[1] Musasa

A flying squirrel god of the Momonga Clan. Lowest in rank in the hierarchy of gods.

Acts as a divine messenger for other gods during events of the game, delivering the gods' blessings to the protagonist whenever conditions are fulfilled.

Spends time gliding around in the mountains when not on the job.

Does not exhibit any godly qualities, as far as everyone has seen.

First-person pronoun used: Watashi

↩[2] You

The game's player. 

Not a god, but depending on the person, they may have saved multiple Universes before.


Chapter 14 Footnotes

↩[3] Saniwa

A person who identifies which god or spirit has taken possession of a Miko.

↩[4] "I do not soil myself very often"

A suspiciously specific unprompted denial.

↩[5] "In traveling, a companion; in life, compassion"

It is wise to help one another across the path of life, as even simply living in the world is quite similar to being on a long journey.

↩[6] "Shall we sing some songs while we head down this path together?"

Humans and gods who like to do this are often bad singers.

Why is that?


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