
October 24, 2023

LOOP8: A Summer Day - Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Kuni (After) - What a Strange Girl

It's early afternoon.

The school during summer vacation is... actually pretty crowded.

Technically, this is because there are optional supplementary classes, but I did not expect a group of students to actually attend.

As for what they are doing now... they're just chatting their time away. They say there is nothing to do in the countryside -- well, I say their time is better spent studying!

But never mind them. I[1] have something more important to take care of!

First of all, I must point out that... among the students, there's one girl[2] I don't recognize.

No one else seems to find her suspicious. Is this how it works in the countryside?

Or is it because of how easygoing they are?

No, no, no. I won't accept this. I cannot let this irrationality stand!

I walk toward the group of students at full speed, stopping before her.

"Ah, Kuni-sensei," one of the other students blurts out, but I ignore them.

"You there! Yes, you! You aren't from this school, are you? State your name and academic year!"

The other students in the group start laughing. Looks like they think I'm cracking a joke. The girl in question, noticing my shock toward the other students' reaction, turn to look at me.

What in the-- I can't move...

Then I... fall unconscious. I think. The next thing I know, I'm standing in the corner of the classroom, in front of the cleaning equipment closet.

That was spooky! But I can move now, so what's past is past, I suppose.

Did I dream that whole thing up?

I don't know. Or rather, I don't understand. I don't think I have the mental capacity to understand it, either -- the Kegai are already too much for me when it comes to unscientific things.

With that thought in mind, I hurry to where the same group of students were. They seem to have increased in numbers while I was away.

"You there! Excuse me!"

They're still in the classroom, having a friendly chat among themselves. I should tell them to study... oh, wait, now is not the time for that.

The unidentified student is with them. It's quite a mystery how she just... fits in, despite being a stranger. Who exactly is she?

Noticing my approach, the girl cuts off her conversation, turns to me, and heaves a sigh.

"Ugh, great... just great. You never learn, do you?"

"You have no right to say that to me! We don't even know each other!"

"Why does my sorcery not work on you?[4] Is it because you lack affinity for the divine powers?"

"What are you on about?"

"Cognitive inhibition and the rewriting of perception... Well, whatever," the student grumbles and takes another good look at me, "I'll have to crank up my sorcery... to a level that will trounce even the Kegai!"

Her eyes light up with a golden glow.

Huh, I think I'm fainting again...


The next thing I know, it's evening, and I'm standing against the wall in front of the staff room.

What in the world just happened?

This time, I'll...


This time, I'll... what? What was I going to do? To whom?

I cross my arms and think.

I'm a teacher. The answer can't possibly be anything else: I will tell them to study. Yes, this is it.

But something doesn't feel quite right. Really, what happened?

With complicated feelings clouding my mind, I decide to head home, and find that a student has been waiting for me.

It's Beni-san... Wait, what was her surname, again? Oh no... I'm not supposed to be old enough to start worrying about my memory yet.

"Hmm... Whenever I see you, I feel my confidence deflating," she says.

"Whatever are you talking about, Beni-san?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Come, let us be on our way."

"Our way? Where to?"

"Our respective homes. Didn't you say we'd walk on the way together?"

What a strange girl... Though this reminds me of my past. It hasn't even been 10 years yet, but it feels quite nostalgic.

Back when I was a student, I often walked home with my friends. Sometimes, I do wonder what the point of doing that was.

And a student walking home with their teacher is... well, I'm not sure if it's appropriate. The thought has never even occurred to me back in the day.

"Well, yes, let's be on our way. I might as well give you a lecture[5] while we're at it."

"I don't remember doing anything to deserve one."

"That's what all students say. Always so unaware of their immaturity."

"I am over a th-- I mean, I am not immature!"

"That's what they all say, too."

"Alright, my sorcery arts worked this time..."[6]

"What are you on about now?"


Beni-san looks as if she had been found hiding something. Reminded that I was somewhat like her back in the day, I chuckle. Though my alma mater has long been wiped off the map by a Kegai attack, I suppose I should thank my teachers for teaching me well.

"Alright then, the lecture..."

"You seem happy."

"It is a teacher's joy to pass on the wisdom they have received."

"Such is the way of human life..."[7]

"Yes. Definitely."

We proceed to walk through the path from the school to the road along the beach[8].

"Father also used to say that... No, never mind. By the way, Kuni-sensei, could it be that you are a descendant of a god?"

"Of course not."

"I find that... doubtful. How come you are so naturally resistant to sorcery, then?"

"Not a single word of what you said makes any sense, but it does remind me of the folklore studies I had to do for a university assignment... which reminds me that my previous answer might be incorrect," I say as I turn to Beni-san, "There's no real proof to this[9]of course, but there is one god who is possibly an ancestor of mine. The same goes for most Japanese people -- as most of the gods are said to have many descendants."

"What's their name?"

"I had to look that up, you see, so I remember it well... Kuni no Tokotachi no Mikoto[3]A name you've never heard, I'm sure."

"Actually, that's a name that'd pop up instantly in the Tenchi-kaibyaku[10]! Now that makes sense..."

I have no idea what Beni-san is talking about, but it seems that her interests in works of literature are similar to mine.

This girl has the makings of a good teacher.

I'd be happy if she does become one someday.


Chapter 18 Character Profiles

↩[1] Kuni (Kunie Enan)

Japanese language teacher.

Known as a "problem teacher" behind the scenes.

Despite her motivation, she lacks effective teaching skills. Unfortunately, those like her aren't uncommon in this era.

First-person pronoun used: Watashi

↩[2] Beni (Benihime Tenno)

A fox girl. Usually not referred to by her full name.

Like foxes in folklore, she usually uses transformation arts to disguise herself as a human. Carrying out her current mission as a self-proclaimed high school girl.

Plays an active role in battle when she is in your team.

Somewhat of a blockhead, but possesses extremely good looks. Considered the game's most charming character.

First-person pronoun used: Watashi (when talking to Kuni)

↩[3] Kuni no Tokotachi no Mikoto

The Eternal God of the Land. Said to be the very first god in Japanese mythology.


Chapter 18 Footnotes

↩[4] "Why does my sorcery not work on you?"

Those who cling strongly to reality are less susceptible to divine powers.

Kuni's resistance is exceptionally high -- the highest among the game's cast, in fact.

↩[5] "I might as well give you a lecture"

Kuni just can't seem to hold a normal conversation.

↩[6] "Alright, my sorcery arts worked this time..."

Beni is walking with Kuni so that she could test whether or not her sorcery is working properly.

↩[7] "Such is the way of human life..."

Beni is over a thousand years old, so she's totally serious when she says this.

↩[8] "The path from the school to the road along the beach"

An unpaved path. You'll pass through it a lot in the game.

↩[9] "There's no real proof to this"

Kuni is still trying to keep the conversation within the realm of reality.

↩[10] "In the Tenchi-kaibyaku"

The Creation of Heaven and Earth. A Japanese mythological story that describes the births of the first gods, and the creations of the world and the Japanese archipelago.


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