
July 4, 2018

Kino's Journey - Volume 1, Afterword

Afterword -Preface-

I am someone who reads the afterwords of a book before its text. I suppose 'someone who can't stand not reading them first' would be the correct way to put it. At bookstores, I would often decide whether or not to buy books by reading their afterwords.

But because of that, it would be troubling if the afterword contained major spoilers of the text or key tricks to figuring things out. It had happened to me many times.

That is why I decided that, "If I were to write my own afterwords, I would absolutely not write spoilers of the text in them." 

I had been keeping that determination to heart all these twenty-odd years I have lived.

Therefore, this afterword will not be containing any spoilers, safe to read for those who have not yet read the text. It will be comfortably short, ending in exactly two pages, which should also be wonderful for those of you who are sampling books in stores while carrying heavy bags under your arms, yes?

With all that said, this is "Kino's Journey -The Beautiful World-"

This work was chosen as a finalist of the Sixth Dengeki Game Novel Prize. While regrettable that it failed to win any awards, it was published as a one-shot in Dengeki hp, then ended up here among the ranks of Dengeki Bunko. Furthermore, added to the story published in Dengeki hp (Chapter 2) were additional content and the wonderful illustrations courtesy of Kuroboshi Kouhaku-san. I say this will be a good purchase for those who have already read it as well.

Since this work is a collection of short stories, each chapter is self-contained. Although this means it is perfectly fine to read them in any order, for the first time through, I recommend reading them in the order they are presented. Then if you were to read them in an order of your leisure the second time through, you might even get a different feel to them.

To explain the story in simple terms, I would say: The main character, Kino, and the partner, Hermes, goes on a journey. They go around to various different countries... That is all.

You may be thinking, "What the hell? You haven't explained anything!" but I have a feeling that you will somehow understand when you finish reading the text. Something like that.

Well then, please enjoy the story.

2000 AD, Spring
Sigsawa Keiichi

P.S. I would be very thankful if you were to pay for this at the register before you start reading.


  1. Although this means it is perfectly fine to read them in any order, for the first time through, I recommend reading them in the order they are presented. <- and this is why Tokyopop got the license revoked (also most likely the reason why this afterword doesn't appear in their version).

  2. Will you make a pdf or an epub?

  3. Hey my dude, just wanted to say thanks for translating this story. It's a shame there aren't alot of people reading it.

  4. Will this be made into a PDF? Thanks for the translation, even if I'm getting into this years late.

  5. I'm glad I have found this translation. This is by far one of my favourite stories ever. Just love the charm and the free spirit of it.
