
February 23, 2019

SSSS.Gridman Voice Drama - Episode 9.99999999

What Happened That Day

Hibiki Yuuta: Alright! Let's go over here next!

Shinjou Akane: C'mon, you don't really need to force yourself.

Hibiki Yuuta: Oh, no, I'm not forcing anything! After this we're going to Ikspiari, line up for Gong Cha, then Moreru Mignon, right? Right. Yeah. I'll be fine!

Shinjou Akane: Oh, you're definitely forcing yourself here.

Hibiki Yuuta: Of course I'm not! It's like, you know, we finally got to go on a date and all, Akane.

Shinjou Akane: Hmm... Still hangin' in there for me even with that amnesia, eh?

Hibiki Yuuta: Well... I guess?

Shinjou Akane: Heh heh... Thanks.

Hibiki Yuuta: Uh-huh...?

Shinjou Akane: But you know~~

Hibiki Yuuta: What's up?

Shinjou Akane: Even with that amnesia, I'd really wanted you to at least remember your girlfriend, you know~~?

Hibiki Yuuta: Oh, that's... So sorry about that.

Shinjou Akane: You dummy...

Hibiki Yuuta: Uh, well -- I mean, you know -- Since someone this cute just told me she my girlfriend out of nowhere, well, I thought it was a prank or something!

Shinjou Akane: Heh? Excuse me?

Hibiki Yuuta: Like I said, I thought that was a prank--

Shinjou Akane: Not that! Before that!

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh...? Well, having some cute girl telling me she's my girlfriend is just--

Shinjou Akane: Yessire! Your cute girlfriend, Shinjou Akane, baby! Whoo~~!

Hibiki Yuuta: Whoo~~! Now hold it -- what're we even doing?

Shinjou Akane: Don't we always do this? You really don't remember, eh?

Hibiki Yuuta: Did we really?

Shinjou Akane: ...You don't like it?

Hibiki Yuuta: Well, I don't mind it. Might like it, even.

Shinjou Akane: Heh heh... I know, right?

Hibiki Yuuta: Say, since we're on this topic...

Shinjou Akane: Hmm?

Hibiki Yuuta: Are we, well... It's be fine to consider our relationship as being lovers, right?

Shinjou Akane: It's fine, yes.

Hibiki Yuuta: So with that said... Um... How intimate has our relationship been, really?

Shinjou Akane: What'd you mean, how intimate?

Hibiki Yuuta: Well, uh, I'm not asking for solid answers like the progress between us two, but you see... 

Shinjou Akane: Huh? Wait, you don't even remember that?

Hibiki Yuuta: Well, it's amnesia, so--

Shinjou Akane: Now hold it. That's just too much. You're saying you forgot even something that important? You don't remember what happened that day? You're the worst!

Hibiki Yuuta: What happened that day...? (Oh man, this sounds like that kind of important stuff!)

Shinjou Akane: I'm going home.

Hibiki Yuuta: No no no, wait! 

Shinjou Akane: No.

Hibiki Yuuta: That's not -- That's not what I meant--!

Shinjou Akane: Hands off!

Hibiki Yuuta: Akane! ...Akane?

Shinjou Akane: Hmm?

Hibiki Yuuta: Just kidding~~ ...'Twas just a prank, baby!

Shinjou Akane: Huh!?

Hibiki Yuuta: I said I was kidding! Of course there's no way I could forget something that important! Right?

Shinjou Akane: Huh... Ha ha ha! Oh c'mon, that really spooked me! I actually believed that!

Hibiki Yuuta: Totally fooled you, eh?

Shinjou Akane: Jeez... You dummy!

Hibiki Yuuta: Heh heh...

Shinjou Akane: If you actually forgot that, I'm gonna stab you dead.

Hibiki Yuuta: Hah... Now that's no joke.

Shinjou Akane: So... you do remember what happened that day, right? Honest?

Hibiki Yuuta: (Oh crap... I don't like where this is going! Remember! Remember, me!)

Shinjou Akane: You do remember what happened that day, right?

Hibiki Yuuta: Of course! ...Ah, Akane, listen...

Shinjou Akane: Hmm?

Hibiki Yuuta: How about you try hitting my head real hard?

Shinjou Akane: Eh...Wait, what? You're being scary here...

Hibiki Yuuta: Oh, it's fine! Just give it your hardest shot!

Shinjou Akane: Huh? Uh, for real?

Hibiki Yuuta: Yeah! For real! Just do it!

Shinjou Akane: Huh...?

Hibiki Yuuta: (Just gotta bet on remembering with some impact right on my brain! I'll be stabbed dead if I don't remember, so...)

Shinjou Akane: Uh... If you insist... Okay... I'm gonna hit you real hard, alright?

Hibiki Yuuta: Alright! Please do! 

Shinjou Akane: Ah, I'll probably hold back if I'm empty-handed, so can I use this jar?

Hibiki Yuuta: Jar?

Shinjou Akane: *thump* So this is a jar made of a kind of space ore called happy-cosmocium, you see...

Hibiki Yuuta: Happy cosmo-what? Uh, well, alright then. Yeah, go ahead.

Shinjou Akane: Well, here I go...

Hibiki Yuuta: Yes, please!

Shinjou Akane: YAH--!

*heavy impact and shattering ceramic*

Hibiki Yuuta: Bwaah--!


Hibiki Yuuta: *gasp*

Shinjou Akane: Y-you alright there!?

Hibiki Yuuta: Ah... I'm alright, I'm alright.

Shinjou Akane: Really?

Hibiki Yuuta: Yeah, I'm alright. I actually remember what happened that day now, too.

Shinjou Akane: Uh, you don't really need to force yourself to talk about that now--

Hibiki Yuuta: So it was before summer, the day of the ball game rally... We were talking to each other in the classroom during break time, right?

Shinjou Akane: ...Huh?

Hibiki Yuuta: That's before you dyed your hair, Akane. Still black and long. You said you were gonna get one of the headbands for a friend who's absent.

Shinjou Akane: Mm-hm.

Hibiki Yuuta: While we were listening to all the loud cheers from the gymnasium... You black hair was swayed in the wind along with the classroom's curtains... I fell for you when I saw you like that, Akane.

Shinjou Akane: ...That's not me.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh?

Shinjou Akane: That's not me.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh...?

Shinjou Akane: I was absent on the ball game rally day.

Hibiki Yuuta: Uh...

Shinjou Akane: Besides, I never even changed my hair's length since I entered school. It was never black, either.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huhhh...? Then what was I--

Shinjou Akane: I'm going to stab you after all, Hibiki-kun.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh--?

*utility knife blade sliding out*

Hibiki Yuuta: Whoa, no, no, Akane! Wait a sec--! That's not it! My memory's gotta be messed-- Bwaah--!


Shinjou Akane: This is gonna hurt a bit, so hang in there!

Hibiki Yuuta: AHHHHH--......

Shinjou Akane: Just kidding~~

Hibiki Yuuta: ...Huh?

Shinjou Akane: 'Twas just a prank, baby!

Hibiki Yuuta: Oh c'mon... Seriously!? That really spooked me!

Shinjou Akane: Ha ha ha! Gotcha!

Hibiki Yuuta: Gimme a break...

Shinjou Akane: Now, of course there's no way I'm gonna stab you! Not like you had to remember small stuff like that, you know? We still have plenty of time going forward.

Hibiki Yuuta: ...So sorry. And thank you.

Shinjou Akane: Mm-hm.

Hibiki Yuuta: Then... I'll be in your care from now on as well.

Shinjou Akane: Right. Same here.

Hibiki Yuuta: But really, if a cute girlfriend like you stabbed me, I might even let it all go if I got to see your smile, you know?

Shinjou Akane: Heh? Excuse me?

Hibiki Yuuta: Like I said, if a cute girlfriend like you--

Shinjou Akane: Yessire! Your cute girlfriend, Shinjou Akane, is gonna stab right through your heart, baby! Whoo~~!
Hibiki Yuuta: Whoo~~!

Hibiki Yuuta: Really, what're we even doing?

Shinjou Akane: I dunno!


  1. Thanks.
    Also, just wondering. Aren't there more parts to this?
    I think the first segment is with Namiko and Hass, and the second segment is Rikka with her Mom.

  2. Are you going to do 12.12 as well?
    It's been out for a few days.
