
March 30, 2019

SSSS.Gridman Voice Drama - Episode 12.12

The Return of Akane

Utsumi Shou: *sneeze* Brr... So cold...

Takarada Rikka: It's snowing, so yeah...

Utsumi Shou: Summer just up and ended after Shinjou left, yeah?

Takarada Rikka: Ah, when you put it that way... Say, it's a relief that Hibiki-kun seems to be doing fine.

Utsumi Shou: Oh, yeah. Looks like his injuries were patched right up, too.

Takarada Rikka: No way. Wait. What? You mean by the thing Gridman did at the end? The something-beam--

Utsumi Shou: Fixer Beam.

Takarada Rikka: Yeah, that. Nice memory.

Utsumi Shou: Well, I really dunno if it's the beam that did the trick though. But Yuuta's safe, so that's all good.

Takarada Rikka: What about his amnesia?

Utsumi Shou: Looks like he's gonna be hospitalized for further inspection, along with other stuff. Well, Yuuta's folks are coming home right around this time, so he'll manage.

Takarada Rikka: I see.

Utsumi Shou: Oh, I've been wanting to ask... *deep breath* So, Rikka-san... what's your final stance on Yuuta?

Takarada Rikka: Huh? ...Ahhh~~~

Utsumi Shou: C'mon, didn't Gridman say that stuff at the end? About how his feelings for you came through?

Takarada Rikka: Well~~~ Y'know~~~

Utsumi Shou: Now, don't just gimme that y'know

Takarada Rikka: Uh... nothing in particular?

Utsumi Shou: Oh c'mon, what're you being vague for?

Takarada Rikka: Eh...

Utsumi Shou: Is it that? Keepin' the scoop to yourself?

Takarada Rikka: No I'm not!

Utsumi Shou: So what's going on?

Takarada Rikka: What, huh... Hmm... -- Huh? Now, hold it... Huh?

Utsumi Shou: Hey, don't dodge the topic!

Takarada Rikka: No, I mean, look! There! Look over there!

Utsumi Shou: I said don't dod-- Huh? What the--? No way... Why's she here...?

Takarada Rikka: Right!? That's her, right!?

Utsumi Shou: No doubt... That's Shinjou Akane!

Takarada Rikka: She's... come back? Akane...? Oh crap, she's leaving!

Utsumi Shou: After her!

Takarada Rikka: Right!

*Rikka and Shou's footsteps*

Takarada Rikka: Excuse me!

?Shinjou Akane?: Y-yes?

Utsumi Shou: Why... Shinjou-san... why're you here...?

Takarada Rikka: Akane...!

?Shinjou Akane?: Eh? I'm... not?

Rikka and Shou: ...Huh?

Utsumi Shou: Not... Shinjou Akane?

?Shinjou Akane?: I am not, yes. I'm not.

Takarada Rikka: We got... the wrong one?

?Shinjou Akane?: I think so, yes.

Utsumi Shou: No, no, no, you're obviously Shinjou! That silky hair! Loose parka and black tights! And those super sized... things that I must not name! The miraculous perfect being! You just can't not be Shinjou Akane!

?Shinjou Akane?: Huh!?

Takarada Rikka: We got the wrong person!? But you look way too much like Akane!

?Shinjou Akane?: ...Can I go now...?

Utsumi Shou: C'mon, look! There! Even her voice is the same!

Takarada Rikka: Ahh, that voice!

?Shinjou Akane?: Like I'm said, I'm not!

Utsumi Shou: Uh, then, well... Would you mind telling us your name?

?Shinjou Akane?: ...Huh? ...Are you trying to hit on me?

Utsumi Shou: No! I swear, it's not like that! Ah, well, you're not Shinjou Akane, right? So what is your name?

?Shinjou Akane?: That's... private info.

Utsumi Shou: Eh... wouldn't even tell us your name, huh...

Takarada Rikka: Well, you must be scared, being approached of the blue, yes?

?Shinjou Akane?: Eh, well, yes.

Utsumi Shou: Whoa there, why're you siding with her now, Rikka-san?

Takarada Rikka: She's probably not Akane, this girl. I mean, she definitely looks like Akane, but I think she's a different person.

Utsumi Shou: Huh...?

?Shinjou Akane?: I've been saying that I'm not her, right?

Utsumi Shou: *sigh* Now, gimme a sec here. *unzip bag* Here, check this!

Takarada Rikka: Hmm? A tokusatsu magazine?

Utsumi Shou: Let's see... *flip pages* Here, look at this page!

?Shinjou Akane?: ...What is it...?

Utsumi Shou: What's the kaiju on this page? What's its name? C'mon! 

?Shinjou Akane?: Eh... Kaiju--?

Utsumi Shou: Yeah! A famous kaiju! What's its name? Red--? Red-what? C'mon, the Red-but-not-colored-red kaiju!

?Shinjou Akane?: Corncob...?

Utsumi Shou: Hell no it's not! It's Red King!

?Shinjou Akane?: Of course I don't know! What's all this stuff out of the blue!? 

Utsumi Shou: *sigh* Rikka-san.

Takarada Rikka: Yes?

Utsumi Shou: *in handsome voice* This girl ain't no Akane Shinjou.

Takarada Rikka: Too little too late, handsome.

Utsumi Shou: I mean, there's no way Shinjou Akane wouldn't know Red King! She should like the third one, too, for cryin' out loud!

?Shinjou Akane?: I do like the third though?

Utsumi Shou: Huh!? Really!? So that's--

?Shinjou Akane?: My ex-boyfriend used to always sing R.Y.U.S.E.I. at the karaoke, so I guess I got hooked after hearing the stuff all the time--

Utsumi Shou: We ain't talkin' about J Soul Brothers here!

?Shinjou Akane?: But you said the third, so...

Utsumi Shou: And info about your ex ain't needed, either! 

?Shinjou Akane?: Well, no, that's actually ex-ex--

Utsumi Shou: Like I said, that info ain't needed!!

Takarada Rikka: You sure are popular, eh?

?Shinjou Akane?: Eh-- Oh, not at all!

Utsumi Shou: Aha, popular person answer.

Takarada Rikka: Oh, she's this cute, you know. Of course she has boyfriends.

Utsumi Shou: But still, going off a tangent to talk about ex-es like this is... Like... It really bugs me! I'm a boy, y'know?

?Shinjou Akane?: It does?

Utsumi Shou: You've still got a lot to learn about men's hearts, lass.

Takarada Rikka: ...And why's this dude talking like he's representing all men now? Oh, it's fine just to ignore him. He's always been like this--

Utsumi Shou: Ahh!! That's it!!

Takarada Rikka: Dude, that spooked me...

Utsumi Shou: I got it!!

Takarada Rikka: Shut up...

Utsumi Shou: Now, now, now... Here's the thing! She's the one Shinjou Akane modeled herself after! Of course, now it all makes sense!

Takarada Rikka: What're you talking about?

Utsumi Shou: See, when Shinjou Akane came to this world, she copied this girl's appearance! You know, like... *background rambling* ...If we're talkin examples from the Ultra series, it'd be like Satsuma Jirou from Ultraseven or Ban Hiroto from Ultraman Mebius--

Takarada Rikka: Um, sorry for wasting your time...

?Shinjou Akane?: Oh, I don't mind at all--

Utsumi Shou: --Lemme finish, dammit! Gah... so it's definitely the wrong one... Not Shinjou Akane...

?Shinjou Akane?: I mean, haven't I been telling you that right from the start? ...Can I go now?

Takarada Rikka: Ah... yes. Sorry for our misunderstanding...

?Shinjou Akane?: Oh, no, if it's all cleared up now, then it's all good-- By the way, you were looking for this Shinjou Akane person?

Takarada Rikka: Ah, well, how do I say it... So this guy here is mad in love with her...

Utsumi Shou: Huh!?

Takarada Rikka: And--

Utsumi Shou: Wait--

Takarada Rikka: She moved away, so they can't meet each other anymore.

?Shinjou Akane?: Oh, I see. How sad...

Utsumi Shou: No, no, that's not it. It's like... Um... I wouldn't say I-- l-love her or something like that...

Takarada Rikka: Dude... Just stop it, Utsumi-kun. You're not a middle schooler, you know.

Utsumi Shou: Huh? Huh?? Huh???

?Shinjou Akane?: Huh? Huh?? He's blushing real bad! So cute~~!

Utsumi Shou: I-I'm not!

Takarada Rikka: What, what? You're saying you didn't like Akane?

?Shinjou Akane?: You... don't like her?

Utsumi Shou: Well... I mean... Um... I... I do like her. Yes.

Akane? and Rikka: OOOHHHH!!

Takarada Rikka: The way he said it was so gross!

Utsumi Shou: I don't wanna hear that from you, of all people!

Takarada Rikka: He's all red now!

Utsumi Shou: No I'm not!

?Shinjou Akane?: Not red! But Red King!

Utsumi Shou: Shut up! I don't wanna hear you saying that either! *shoulder slap*

Takarada Rikka: Whoa, hold it... Did you just hit her!?

Utsumi Shou: Huh -- Huh...?

?Shinjou Akane?: Could you please not touch me?

Utsumi Shou: No, no, no, I'm not...

Takarada Rikka: Molester's on the loose!

?Shinjou Akane?: Molester! Help!

Utsumi Shou: Wait, no, why me!?

Takarada Rikka: Run, girl! He's gonna grab your boobs!

?Shinjou Akane?: Ehh!? Gross!

Utsumi Shou: No I won't!

Akane? and Rikka: Kyaahhh~~!

Utsumi Shou: Hey, wait--! Like I said--! *short pause* I ain't gonna touch them! Nope... nope... (I do want to, though...)

?Shinjou Akane?: Ohh... my sides... I think I laughed too much... Heh...

Takarada Rikka: Heh heh... Me too...

?Shinjou Akane?: So who's he? Your friend?

Takarada Rikka: Well, in a way, yeah. From the same class, too. ...Oh, so what's your name? I'm Rikka. Takarada Rikka.

?Shinjou Akane?: Rikka? 

Takarada Rikka: Yup.

?Shinjou Akane?: I'm...

Through Tsutsuji-dai, our laughter rang true,
Our cheeks pelted by snow from above blue,
Our warm breaths condensed white,
Melting, fading crystals shining bright.

We are not alone,
No matter which days, high or low,
No matter the ways in which we go.


  1. say, there is now a audio drama for Ultraman Taiga, you think you could translate them as well when the others come out as well?
