
April 30, 2021

SSSS.Dynazenon Voice Drama - Episode 5.5

Words of Gratitude

Character Notes:
Onija (CV: Uchida Yuma) - Kaiju Eugenicist, Big Guy
Juuga (CV: Kamiya Hiroshi) - Kaiju Eugenicist, Glasses Guy
Mujina (CV: Suwa Ayaka) - Kaiju Eugenicist, Young Woman
Sizumu (CV: Uchiyama Kōki) - Kaiju Eugenicist, Young Boy, Yomogi and Yume's Classmate


Onija: Our Kaiju got done in by Dynazenon again. We may have lost yet another fight, but that and this aren't related -- now we're gonna have all the fun we can at this Tokyo Beach Land!

Juuga: The pool will be open for just another thirty minutes, by the way.

Everyone But Juuga: Huh!?

Onija: Wait a second! This place doesn't have night pool hours or what!?

Juuga: That starts from the third of July. We're still in June.

Onija: You gotta be kidding! We made our way back here and even paid the re-entry fee, and it's gonna be over already!?

Juuga: Apparently so.

Mujina: Ugh...

Sizumu: I've already gone around, so it doesn't affect me.

Onija: Dammit, Sizumu! The rest of us haven't gotten to check out the place yet!

Mujina: We really wasted a chunk of our time on the Kaiju.

Onija: Don't say that! Look, we've got only thirty minutes -- if we go all out, we can try everything! First off, the Adventure Area... go around here to the Scream Fall, leave through the Splash Area to the Huge Slider! And then--

Juuga: No, if you want to do Huge Slider, it should be faster to go through the Wild Tower. 

Onija: You stupid or what!? The Wild Tower's gotta be done after Scream Fall -- otherwise it'll lose its impact! 

Juuga: Impact isn't taken into account here. I'm presenting the most efficient route to go through the place in thirty minutes.

Onija: Huh!? You must be fun at parties, man! Listen, there's no need for efficiency when we're having fun!

Juuga: But then it'd be impossible to try everything. 

Onija: Hey! We haven't gotten started yet, so don't say stuff to ruin the mood, dammit!

Juuga: I was simply stating facts, though.

Onija: That's exactly the problem!

Mujina: Hey, mind if I go buy some churros?

Onija: Stay and listen! Why'd you even have to go buy stuff now!?

Mujina: I mean... I'm hungry.

Onija: C'mon, you can just get your churros later! 

Sizumu: Onija.

Onija: What?

Sizumu: See the free rest area over that way? 

Onija: Yeah.

Sizumu: I'll go wait there, so you just go check out whatever.

Onija: Huh!?

Sizumu: There's not much time left -- it'd be better if everyone does their own things, right?

Juuga: You have a point there. It should be more satisfactory to do whatever you want than to reluctantly go along with others.

Mujina: So, we meet up at the entrance after pool's closed -- should be good, right?

Sizumu: Mm-hm.

Juuga: No, meeting up at a specific time will hurt our efficiency, so why don't we disperse here and go home whenever?

Sizumu: Right.

Onija: You guys, cut it out already!

Everyone But Onija: Huh?

Onija: We came here together! Why're we splitting to play on our own now!? I don't get it!

Juuga: I don't see a problem with that.

Mujina: Yeah.

Onija: C'mon, seriously?

Juuga: Do you have a problem with that?

Onija: I'mma feel so damn lonely, dammit! (echoes)


Sizumu: Onija... sorry.

Onija: Don't apologize! Now it looks like you're pitying me!
Sizumu and Mujina: Sorry.

Onija: And don't say it together! What's wrong with you guys!? Aren't you way too carefree!? I'm the one who looked up the directions to get here, remember! I said instead of the bus from Hachiōji, it'd be faster to go from Tachikawa to Haijima and Akikawa, but then you guys complained that we'd be stuck standing for half an hour if there weren't any seats! And you guys didn't have cash when we were coming back in, so that all came out of my pocket! And now you're gonna go buy churros!? You actually had money on you!? Damn it, guys! Gah...! You taking my help for granted or what!?

Mujina: Sorry.

Juuga: Apologies.

Onija: Do you really get what I'm saying!?

Sizumu: Juuga, Mujina.

Juuga and Mujina: Hmm?

Sizumu: What he needs is probably not an apology, but words of gratitude. Onija, thank you.

Mujina: Thank you.

Juuga: You have our thanks.

Onija: Uh, well... I might've said too much of something in the heat of the moment, too, so... Sorry for making things awkward, guys.

Juuga: There's still some time left. Let's have fun together while we can!

Sizumu: That's good, right, Onija?

Onija: Yeah! C'mon, first off, let's go buy the thing!

Juuga: What thing?

Onija: The churros, what else!?

Mujina: Yay!

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