
May 7, 2021

SSSS.Dynazenon Voice Drama - Episode 6.6

Doesn't Mattter How I'm Called

Character Notes:
Yamanaka Koyomi (CV: Umehara Yū'ichirō) - NEET, Pilot of Dynastriker
Inamoto-san (CV: Ise Mariya) - Koyomi's Classmate from Middle School, Yomogi's Co-Worker. Called Inamoto-san only by Koyomi; current family name is Tachibana.
Tachibana Arata (CV: Hoshino Takanori) - Inamoto-san's Husband

Tachibana Arata: Yamamoto-san, what do you do on your days off?

Inamoto-san: Hehe... It's Yamanaka-kun!

Tachibana Arata: Oh... sorry.

Inamoto-san: How many more times are you gonna get it wrong? Really...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ah, it's fine...

Inamoto-san: Koyomi-kun, you can get angry, you know.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Oh, no, it doesn't matter how I'm called.

Inamoto-san: Aha! Why don't we call you by your name, then? Not your family name, but Koyomi-kun!

Tachibana Arata: Oh, I see...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh?

Tachibana Arata: Koyomi-kun.

everyone laughs

Inamoto-san: Heh, what's up with that just now?

Tachibana Arata: It felt... kind of strange, didn't it?

Inamoto-san: So what were we talking about, again?

Tachibana Arata: Ah... I was asking what Koyomi-kun does on his days off.

Inamoto-san: Oh, I see. So Koyomi-kun, what do you do on your days off?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Eh... what I do... on my days off...? Sleep, I guess?

Tachibana Arata: I totally get that! The weekdays are bound to tire you down!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Weekdays... Uh, well, right...

Inamoto-san: So you have a normal job with days offs on weekends?

Yamanaka Koyomi: I don't think it's any different on weekends, actually... I just have to go whenever I'm called.

Inamoto-san: Huh? That sounds rough!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Say, Inamoto-san...

Inamoto-san: Mm-hm.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Why aren't you working at your hus-- I mean, Tachibana-san's place?

Inamoto-san: At my workplace, I'm the leader of the part-timers -- it's fun!

Tachibana Arata: I wouldn't want her working for my place, either! Yeah?

Inamoto-san: Don't give me that 'yeah'!

Koyomi and Arata laughs

Inamoto-san: Oh yeah, Chanmika ended up getting divorced, I heard.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Chanmika? Who's that?

Inamoto-san: You know, our classmate!

Yamanaka Koyomi: ...Huh?

Inamoto-san: Remember, she just up and left with Onodera midway through our class reunion last year!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Class reunion?

Inamoto-san: Uh-huh...? Oh, I see! You didn't go!?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Yeah, I didn't.

Inamoto-san: So why didn't you go, anyway?

Yamanaka Koyomi: You're asking me why? I didn't know there was one.

Inamoto-san: No way. Ranko and Yamaoka-kun said they'd contacted everyone, you know.

Yamanaka Koyomi: I really didn't know... And I don't remember any Ranko or Yamaoka-kun, either.

Inamoto-san: You know, the class reps! Year 3! Class B! and stuff...

Yamanaka Koyomi: I was in Class B?

Inamoto-san: That's right!

Yamanaka Koyomi: I don't remember most of the names from middle school anymore...

Tachibana Arata: Love life really comes and goes for Chanmika, eh...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh... Tachibana-san, how'd you know about people from our middle school?

Tachibana Arata: I've been told a whole lot of stories back at home!

Inamoto-san: I never talked about those kinda stuff, though.

Tachibana Arata: She's the one who'd cry a lot during the morning ten-minute reading sessions, right?

Inamoto-san: How'd you know about that!?

Tachibana Arata: You'd talk about it all the time when you were drunk, after all.

Inamoto-san: Oh, really...

Inamoto-san and Arata laughs

Inamoto-san: Oh, I'll go to the toilet for a sec. Arata-kun, mind ordering me curry while I'm gone?

Tachibana Arata: Does this place even have it?

Inamoto-san walks away

Tachibana Arata: Koyomi-kun, do you--

Yamanaka Koyomi: A-ah, yes?

Tachibana Arata: Do you have any foreign dramas you'd recommend?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Um, I... don't really watch them.

Tachibana Arata: Ah, right. 

brief pause

Tachibana Arata: Koyomi-kun, would you like to order some drinks?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Um, I still have some left here, so... I'm good.

Tachibana Arata: Alright.

brief pause

Tachibana Arata: Koyomi-kun, where did you know her from--

Yamanaka Koyomi: Tachibana-san!

Tachibana Arata: Yes?

Yamanaka Koyomi: This might be too late to ask, but... 

Tachibana Arata: What is it?

Yamanaka Koyomi: I'd like to, well... be called by my family name. Please?

Tachibana Arata: Huh... I understand. Alright.

Inamoto-san comes back

Inamoto-san: Nope, no good! Toilets' all occupied! Hehehe... Huh? Koyomi-kun, you dropped your hand towel! Here ya go.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ah, yeah...

Inamoto-san: You've got to get your act together, Koyomi-kun!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Koyomi-kun, huh...

Inamoto-san: What?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ah, no -- it's nothing.

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