
May 14, 2021

SSSS.Dynazenon Voice Drama - Episode 7.7

Don't Make Me Worry

Character Notes:
Minami Yume (CV: Wakayama Shion) - Yomogi's Classmate, Pilot of Dynawing
Mei (CV: Tadokoro Azusa) - Yume's Friend

*phone rings*

Mei: Hello?

Minami Yume: Hey, Mei. Is now a good time?

Mei: Mm-hm. Uh -- oh, wait...

Minami Yume: Hmm? ...Huh? You alright? Should I call again later?

Mei: Eh -- ah...

Minami Yume: Huh? ...You know what, I'll call again later.

Mei: achoo!

Minami Yume: What the hell...

Mei: Whew... Ugh, sorry.

Minami Yume: You good?

Mei: I'm good, yeah. Uh, so, what's up?

Minami Yume: Well... so today, I told my parents that I'm sleeping over at your place, so I'd like you to act along if they contact you.

Mei: Yeah, sure. No problem.

Minami Yume: Thanks.

Mei: Mm-hm.

Minami Yume: So that's pretty much it, thank you.

Mei: Aye-yup.

Minami Yume: See ya--

Mei: Hey, that's not how it works.

Minami Yume: Huh?

Mei: Huh?

Minami Yume: Something wrong?

Mei: Wait, where are you actually staying over today? And who are you with?

Minami Yume: Uh, well, let's... leave it at that.

Mei: You think you can spend a whole night away from home without explaining anything? 

Minami Yume: Now you're sounding like my mom...

Mei: You're not associating with weird people, right?

Minami Yume: I'm not.

Mei: And you better not be with some weird boyfriend! A lame boyfrined's alright, though.

Minami Yume: I wouldn't want someone lame, no.

Mei: Fair enough.

Minami Yume: Can I go now?

Mei: Of course not! Where are you now?

Minami Yume: Let's see... Umihotaru.

Mei: Umihotaru? Why there?

Minami Yume: I was looking for stuff and just ended up here.

Mei: You'd need a car to get that far! Whose car did you go on? You didn't go along with a college student who just got their driving license, right?

Minami Yume: I didn't come by car.

Mei: How'd you even get there without a car?

Minami Yume: (quietly) Wing... Combine...?

Mei: What?

Minami Yume: Nothing.

Mei: It's pretty common, you know, college students going on trips right after getting their licenses. 

Minami Yume: You say that like you've done it yourself.

Mei: My brother did exactly that.

Minami Yume: Now that's wholesome.

Mei: Huh, so I just looked Umihoratu up. There's this Fortune Bell there, right?

Minami Yume: What's that?

Mei: You know, bell, as in the thing you ring. Please ring it while thinking of the person who's dear to you, it says.

Minami Yume: I'm not here on a date, you know.

Mei: You two should go ring it together.

Minami Yume: I'm not in a group of two, either.

Mei: Huh? What the hell!? You're not with just one other person? Boooring. That's not a date at all.

Minami Yume: That's what I just said!

Mei: Oh, well... I'm sure you have your reasons, Yume-san. No need to say what you don't wanna say, yeah? You're in high school now, but you're still as grumpy as ever... I want you to be more open and forward, you know.

Minami Yume: You don't need to worry about that, really. 

Mei: You know, Yume-san, back in middle school...

Minami Yume: Mm-hm.

Mei: There was... well... those white lines on the schoolyard...

Minami Yume: Oh, yeah... it was chalk, right?

Mei: Yeah, that's it. Because of my limestone allergy, I had to sit back and watch for most of the phys ed classes, and even had to stay home on the marathon day. My class bashed me real hard for that...

Minami Yume: Yeah.

Mei: And you were always there for me, without being bothered by how they acted. I was really... happy...

Minami Yume: Yeah.

Mei: *sniffles* So I'm real glad that I got to be in the same high school as you, you know! I want you to make a whole lot more friends!

Minami Yume: I'm... You're the only friend I need, Mei -- that's more than enough for me.

Mei: *sniffles*

Minami Yume: Mei, are you... crying?

Mei: Uh, no. Allergy.

Minami Yume: Really?

Mei: Achoo.

Minami Yume: You're totally crying!

Mei: No way! It's my allergy! *cries* Whole lotta white lines 'round here!

Minami Yume: You alright?

Mei: Why are you worrying about me!? I should be worried about you! Yume-san, it's 'cause you're no good without me around!

Minami Yume: Yeah, yeah.

Mei: You can't eat out if it's not at a meal ticket-type place, you'd immediately walk away whenever clothing store clerks talk to you, and I even had to find you a salon where you didn't have to talk with the hairdresser!

Minami Yume: Yeah, you're right.

Mei: I know, right!?

Minami Yume: Thanks for always looking out for me, mom.

Mei: Alright, as long as you understand. Just don't make me worry so much. 

Minami Yume: Mm-hm. 

Mei: So... I'm hanging up now, okay?

Minami Yume: Mm-hm. Good night.

Mei: Good night.

Minami Yume: Yeah. *hangs up phone* ...She's no good without me around, that girl...

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