
May 21, 2021

SSSS.Dynazenon Voice Drama - Episode 8.8

Simply Speaking the Truth

Character Notes:
Asanaka Yomogi (CV: Enoki Junya) - Main Character, Pilot of Dynasoldier
Knight (CV: Suzumura Ken'ichi) - Gridknight Alliance, White-haired Young Man
Nidaime (The Second) (CV: Takahashi Karin) - Gridknight Alliance, Glasses Young Woman

Asanaka Yomogi: That Kaiju's not turning up...

Knight: Considering its size, it'll be difficult for people to simply spot it. We'll have to go on foot ourselves and search until we find it.

Asanaka Yomogi: Right.

Knight: And to think the Kaiju managed to get away, despite that guy saying that he'd keep an eye on it by himself... What a mess.

Asanaka Yomogi: Well, it's Gauma-san we're talking about... That's bound to happen.

Nidaime: Huh, what are you two doing together?

Knight: Nidaime...

Asanaka Yomogi: Nidaime-san.

Nidaime: Oh? What's going on, you two? When did you get along so well with each other?

Knight: We did not necessarily get along. Apparently, the Kaiju has managed to escape Gauma's watch.

Nidaime: Huh!?

Knight: And so I'm cooperating with Asanaka Yomogi to search for it... But that doesn't mean we are getting along.

Asanaka Yomogi: You really had to emphasize that point, huh?

Knight: I'm simply speaking the truth.

Nidaime: Right, it's too late to change the situation now. I'll search for the Kaiju as well.

Asanaka Yomogi: Um... So I've been curious about some things...

Nidaime: What is it?

Asanaka Yomogi: Well... how are you two... related?

Knight: Ngh...

Asanaka Yomogi: Um, you don't have to tell me if it's a touchy subject...

Nidaime: What does it look like!? What do you think our relationship looks like, Yomogi-san!?

Asanaka Yomogi: Uh, well... It's like... Good as is...

Nidaime: Meaning...?

Asanaka Yomogi: Like, the relationship feels very fitting--

*Knight twists Yomogi's arm*

Asanaka Yomogi: Owowow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's gonna break! It's gonna--

*Knight lets go of Yomogi's arm*

Asanaka Yomogi: (to himself) Ow... that hurt! What was that for...?

Knight: Don't get ahead of yourself, Asanaka Yomogi.

Asanaka Yomogi: S-sorry. (to himself) That really hurt... And I didn't even say anything weird...

Nidaime: Now then, Knight-kun, explain to him how we're related! 

Knight: Me, explain it? 

Nidaime: Yes!

Knight: The relationship between me and you...

Nidaime: That's right! Go on! Steady!

Knight: We are... the Gridknight Alliance.

Asanaka Yomogi: You already told us that the first time we met.

Knight: Oh.

Asanaka Yomogi: So what exactly is the Alliance--

*Knight twists Yomogi's arm*

Asanaka Yomogi: Owowowow...!

Knight: I'm simply... speaking the truth!

Asanaka Yomogi: Alright, I get it! Owowow...!

*Knight lets go of Yomogi's arm*

Asanaka Yomogi: I-I'm sorry! (to himself) Why'd he get angry at that point? I don't get it...

Knight: I'm not angry.

Asanaka Yomogi: L-look, I won't ask anymore. Really.

Nidaime: Huh!? No way! Yomogi-san, please don't say that!

Asanaka Yomogi: Nope, nope, too scary.

Nidaime: Now, feel free to ask away!

Asanaka Yomogi: I'm not feeling not free, I really don't want to! Don't goad me into saying things you want to hear!

Knight: Asanaka Yomogi.

Asanaka Yomogi: Yessir.

Knight: Nidaime wants to talk with you. All you need to do is speak the truth.

Asanaka Yomogi: Truth? Truth, huh... From what I'm seeing, you two look... well... very... well-matched--

Nidaime: I know, right!? We're well-matched, right!?

Asanaka Yomogi: Yes. That's very wonderful. Yes.

Nidaime: So he says, Knight-kun!

Knight: Yes.

Asanaka Yomogi: I think your suits are matching, and standing together, you two look mature--

Nidaime: Mature? Now that's a bit much~~

Asanaka Yomogi: Like a couple, with the woman taking the lead--

*Knight twists Yomogi's arm*

Asanaka Yomogi: It's gonna break it's gonna break it's gonna break!

*Knight lets go of Yomogi's arm*

Asanaka Yomogi: Whew... whew... whew...

Knight: Enough of your jokes, Asanaka Yomogi.

Asanaka Yomogi: That was... I'm sorry. I was joking... man, this hurts...

Nidaime: Come on, Knight-kun, enough messing around.

Asanaka Yomogi: (quietly) Pretty sure he wasn't messing around, though...

Nidaime: If we don't find the Kaiju soon, the situation may result in major damage again. This world's Kaiju are likely using humans' communications to manifest their minds in the three-dimensional space. Turning their emotions into weapon form, so to speak. The variety of converged human minds are invoking the Chaos Bringer phenomenon in reality, so it's very dangerous to let the Kaiju run loose for long.

Asanaka Yomogi: She's totally bonkers...

*Knight twists Yomogi's arm*

Asanaka Yomogi: Owowowow! I'm sorry I'm sorry!

*Knight lets go of Yomogi's arm*

Knight: You talk too much.

Asanaka Yomogi: Sorry... I'll shut up for real now...

Nidaime: Alright, I'll search for it over that way.

Knight: Yes. Please be careful.

Asanaka Yomogi: Thank you for your help...

Knight: Let's go, Asanaka Yomogi.

Asanaka Yomogi: Y-yessir.

*Yomogi and Knight walk away*

Nidaime: Hmm... I'm so glad they're getting along! Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!

1 comment:

  1. Ok. That was wild. Sooo...that means its the real world??...
