
June 11, 2021

SSSS.Dynazenon Voice Drama - Episode 11.11

Doing Alright

Character Notes:
Asanaka Yomogi (CV: Enoki Junya) - Main Character, Pilot of Dynasoldier

Asanaka Yomogi: Man, so cold...

Man: Today's cold, yeah, but looks like it'll be over 30°C tomorrow.

Asanaka Yomogi: Really?

Man: Oh, seatbelt.

Asanaka Yomogi: Mm-hm.

Man: It's over there.

Asanaka Yomogi: Where? ...Oh, found it.

Man: Alright, let's go.

*car drives off*

Man: What do you want to eat?

Asanaka Yomogi: Anything's fine.

Man: Anything is the hardest choice for me, though... Oh, there's a Bikkuri Donkey over here. Look.

Asanaka Yomogi: Hmm?

Man: There. Bikkuri Donkey. Wanna go with that?

Asanaka Yomogi: Where?

Man: There. Almost past it -- annnd there it goes.

Asanaka Yomogi: Eh, next place's fine.

Man: How about sushi-go-round, then? There's a Kura Zushi up ahead.

Asanaka Yomogi: Mm-hm.

*long pause*

Man: What sushi do you like, again?

Asanaka Yomogi: Engawa.

Man: Ah, nice, engawa. Engawa, huh...

*long pause*

Man: How's school been lately?

Asanaka Yomogi: What'd you mean, how?

Man: Uh... Well... You know... Things going well over there?

Asanaka Yomogi: It's normal.

Man: Hmm.

*brief pause*

Man: And basketball? You're in the club, right?

Asanaka Yomogi: I already told you that I don't do clubs in high school.

Man: Huh? Right, you might have... Would've been nice if you joined though -- it's a waste otherwise.

Asanaka Yomogi: Can't. I have a part-time job, and the school gives out a ton of homework.

Man: Ah, right. I see.

*long pause*

Man: Ah, how about... your mom? Is she alright?

Asanaka Yomogi: What the hell, why're you asking her son for stuff about her? Creepy...

Man: How!?

Asanaka Yomogi: And what's with all the useless small talk? If there's something you wanna ask, just ask it straight out.

Man: Dude-- it's not that useless, though. There's nothing useless about a guy talking with his son.

Asanaka Yomogi: You're not my father anymore, though.

Man: We're not supposed to talk about that now!

Asanaka Yomogi: I'm only speaking the truth.

Man: Oh, man... the truth's gone and hit a guy's heart the hardest, you know.

Asanaka Yomogi: You just drove past the Kura Zushi.

Man: Ah... crap. Man, this sucks...

Asanaka Yomogi: That's what you need to work on, I'd say.

Man: (quietly) What the hell...

Asanaka Yomogi: Can't hear you!

*long pause*

Asanaka Yomogi: Mom is... just fine. Grandma's doing alright, too.

Man: I see.

Asanaka Yomogi: What about you?

Man: I'm alright. Ah, grandma and grandpa on my side are fine, too.

Asanaka Yomogi: Mm-hm.

Man: And you, Yomogi? 

Asanaka Yomogi: School is... well, normal. My workplace's full of nice people, and it's fun.

Man: I see.

Asanaka Yomogi: I've gotten to know a few people out of school, so even though I have more things to do, I'd hang out with them whenever I have time, have them bring me along to places, and stuff.

Man: ...You're still a normal high school boy, right?

Asanaka Yomogi: I am a normal high school boy.

Man: Got yourself a girlfriend yet?

Asanaka Yomogi: Shut up...

*brief pause*

Man: Huh, there's supposed to be another sushi-go-round over this way, but...

Asanaka Yomogi: We can't go?

Man: Yeah, the road's blocked off. Don't think we can.

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh...

Man: Oh yeah, a Kaiju appeared over there last month.

Asanaka Yomogi: ...Huh?

Man: Let's just take a right turn and go back. The usable roads just change so often these days...

Asanaka Yomogi: Say, ever since all those Kaiju popped up...

Man: Yeah? 

Asanaka Yomogi: Are the people around you safe?

Man: Hmm... Let's see...

Asanaka Yomogi: Uh, never mind.

Man: Oh c'mon...

Asanaka Yomogi: Whoa, this road really takes me back!

Man: Ah, it's been ages since you last went through here, huh?

Asanaka Yomogi: Yeah... Wait, wasn't there a convenience store here?

Man: Huh? It's been gone for a while now.

Asanaka Yomogi: Oh, I see...

Man: Right, you wouldn't know. The area around our old house's changed quite a lot, too.

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh...

Man: Now I'm starting to feel hungry.

Asanaka Yomogi: Yeah, I'm super starving. You know what, let's just go to the usual place.

Man: Skewers?

Asanaka Yomogi: Mm-hm.

Man: It's always skewers whenever you eat out with me, huh?

Asanaka Yomogi: Really?

Man: But the skewers place is pretty far from here, you know? Better tell your mom that you'll be home late.

Asanaka Yomogi: It's fine. Being a little late wouldn't hurt. Let's go.

Man: Yomogi... you're a nice guy, you know that?

Asanaka Yomogi: Just like you, dad.

Man: Aw, shit... I think I might cry.

Asanaka Yomogi: The truth hits the hardest, right?

Man: It's hitting hard, for sure!