
June 17, 2021

SSSS.Dynazenon Voice Drama - Episode 3/1

Against the Rules

Character Notes:
Onija (CV: Uchida Yuma) - Kaiju Eugenicist, Big Guy
Minami Yume (CV: Wakayama Shion) - Yomogi's Classmate, Pilot of Dynawing
Mei (CV: Tadokoro Azusa) - Yume's Friend

*grass rustles*

Onjia: Huh? Hey hey, is that a Kaiju I hear? Never thought I'd find one here -- today's my lucky day! ...There it is! Ah -- wait! 

*Yume and Mei laughing in the background*

Mei: (in background) Wait, what'd you say, again?

Minami Yume: (in background) Not so loud. Really, you're too loud.

Onija: Don't run in there, dammit! Wait up--!

*Yume and Mei still laughing*

Onija: Gah-- it's behind the AC condenser...

Minami Yume: (in background) C'mon, Mei, too loud.

Onija: Concentrate, concentrate! If I do this... like this... my hand should reach it...! Dammit, I can't see what's in there! 

*Yume and Mei still laughing*

Onija: Concentrate, concentrate...

*Yume and Mei still laughing*

Onija: Shut the hell up!

Mei: Uh...

Onija: Shop chirping around already, dammit!

Yume & Mei: Sorry.

Mei: See, someone's angry at us.

Minami Yume: Not my fault, Mei. This one's totally on you.

Mei: Pinning the blame on someone else again.

Minami Yume: No, I wasn't. It's actually your fault, Mei.

Onija: I said shut up! You two preschoolers or what!?

Minami Yume: We're in high school.

Onija: What!? Then you should know your manners by now! The hell's wrong with you, chirping around town like that!?

Minami Yume: Chirping around town, he said...

Mei: Straight out of the Showa era...

Minami Yume: Too advanced for me...

Onija: You listen' to me!? Stop messing around, damn kids!

Minami Yume: Oh... okay. Sorry. I'll think hard about the error of my ways... anddd done. 

Onija: ...Huh?

Minami Yume: Huh?

Onija: Wait a sec, I might've seen you before...

Minami Yume: Uh, I dunno...

Mei: You know him, Yume-san?

Minami Yume: Nah, not at all.

Onija: No, I totally saw you. Hmmm... ah...

Minami Yume: Can we go now?

Onija: Ah! I remember now! You're one of those guys on the Dynazenon! Right!?

Mei: Dyna... zenon...?

Minami Yume: Dunno what he's talking about.

Onija: Nah, I'm sure I'm right! You were with that bastard Gauma! Yeah, I remembered just now!

Minami Yume: No, I think you've got the wrong person.

Onija: No, I know I'm right! You were on one of Dynazenon's slices!

Mei: What slice?

Minami Yume: I don't know! This guy's getting the wrong idea about something, I say.

Onija: Don't think you can lie your way out, kid! I oughtta teach you what you get for messin' with a Kaiju Eugenicist!

Mei: Kaiju You Genesis? What's that?

Minami Yume: A band, maybe?

Mei: It sounds so lame!

Onija: The hell's wrong with you? Well, if you want to keep playing dumb, fine. Either way, I'll get rid of you here -- and that's definitely going to reduce Dynazenon's fighting power!

Mei: Yume-san, I have a bad feeling about this...

Onija: We've already lost three of our precious Kaiju, so I'm not about to show any mercy just 'cause you're a kid!

Mei: We gotta run! C'mon, Yume-san, let's go!

Minami Yume: I'll shout real loud, you know.

Onija: Huh? What's shouting gonna do to help you now?

Minami Yume: Molester! This man's a molester!

Onija: Dammit! You're not supposed to do that!

Mei: Yes, he touched us! This unemployed man just touched us!

Minami Yume: Molester! Unemployed molester!

Mei: Indecent assault!

Onija: STOPPP! AHHHHH! H-hey! You're not supposed to do that! It's against the rules!

Minami Yume: Huh? What rules? And besides, I don't even know what these Kaiju and Dynazenon are. I think you're the one breaking the rules here, trying to get me involved with something I have no clue about...

Onija: Hey hey hey, don't make up stories of things I never did! Also! I'm not unemployed! At least I have some regular income--

*something drops*

Minami Yume: Huh?

Onija: Oh crap, the Kaiju--!

Minami Yume: Kaiju?

Cat: meow

Mei: Kaiju?

Minami Yume: Uh, a cat? That's what you're looking for?

Onija: Uh, n-no, it's not--

Minami Yume: Well, that cat's ran away just now.

Mei: Even a cat would't want to be touched by a molester, right?

Minami Yume: Yeah! We should get outta here too, c'mon!

Mei: He's a molester, after all! He's gonna grab your boobs!

*Yume and Mei run away laughing*

Onija: What the hell... dammit.

Cat: meow

Onija: Man, I thought my social standing was dead, meow...

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