
July 21, 2021

SSSS.Dynazenon Voice Drama - Episode √36

Fight Properly

Character Notes:
Gauma (CV: Hamano Daiki) - Kaiju User, Pilot of Dynadiver
Mujina (CV: Suwa Ayaka) - Kaiju Eugenicist, Young Woman
Yomogi's Mom (CV: Orisaka Fumiko)

Gauma: Come and get some, folks! Hokkaido Fair! Blessings of the sea, fresh from the northern territory! The finest beef! The sweetest sweets! The tastes of Hokkaido! Enjoy 'em to their fullest! Come get some, folks! Come get some! ...Man, how come this product fair's so crowded? And so many stalls in this kinda cramped venue... Huh!?

Mujina: Eh-- Gauma?

Gauma: Mujina? Why're you here?

Mujina: Uh, I could ask you the same. What are you doing here?

Gauma: I'm on a part-time job. You know, working.

Mujina: At this product fair?

Gauma: That's right. I'm not like you guys, spending all days messing around and looking for Kaiju...

Mujina: Don't talk like I'm unemployed. 

Gauma: You're not?

Mujina: I do have regular income, at least.

Gauma: Oh really... I don't see you guys going anything good with those Kaiju you control. Ah, and you must have some reason to come here, yeah? What're you guys plotting this time?

Mujina: What do you mean, what? I just... stopped by because I happened to be around here.

Gauma: Nah, I'm not about to trust you Kaiju Eugenicists anytime soon.

Mujina: What? Why do you have to be like that? 

Gauma: Look, if you're not gonna buy anything, then go somewhere else. You're in the way.

Mujina: Never said I wasn't buying. I just got there, so I'm still browsing around.

Gauma: Well, buy something. Lotsa people here, sure, but we're not selling all that well. Look.

Mujina: What?

Gauma: Jamón ibérico shabu, imported from Spain.

Mujina: That's not related to Hokkaido at all.

Gauma: Doesn't matter -- just buy some! It's good! ...Not that I've tried it.

Mujina: Just buy some, huh... That's no way to talk to me, you know.

Gauma: What?

Mujina: You remember that I'm a customer, right?

Gauma: ...Yeah.

Mujina: Me: customer. You: salesman.

Gauma: Y-yeah...

Mujina: You see?

Gauma: Uh, y-yeah...

Mujina: Just buy some isn't something you say to convince someone to buy your stuff.

Gauma: Well, considering the hierarchy we're talkin' about, I guess you're right... But the Kaiju Eugenicists are the bad guys! That's oughtta be more important than how you're a customer, and I'm not really obligated to treat all customers equally... So if you'd be so kind to understand that and take some of our merchandise off our hands, we'd be greatly grateful.

Mujina: And you ended up pandering to the customer anyway.

*someone walks in*

Yomogi's Mom: Oh?

Gauma & Mujina: Huh?

Yomogi's Mom: Oh, my... I knew it was you!

Gauma: Yomogi's mom!

Yomogi's Mom: Hello, Gauma-san! I didn't know you were working here! Feel free to come eat at our place again! 

Gauma: Oh, no, I can't let myself be a burden again.

Yomogi's Mom: Oh, you could come over today, if you'd like! We're having cheese fondue tonight!

Gauma & Mujina: Cheese fondue at home...?

Yomogi's Mom: And that lady is... an acquaintance of yours, Gauma-san?

Mujina: Oh, no -- I'm just some random passerby.

Gauma: Yes, what she said! We don't know each other or anything!

Mujina: Yes, exactly.

Yomogi's Mom: Aha... yes, yes, yes... 

Gauma & Mujina: Hmm?

Yomogi's Mom: Oh, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked! That was insensitive, I understand. I should've figured that -- even someone like Gauma-san could have one!

Mujina: ...What?

Gauma: Uh, no, it's not what you think!

Yomogi's Mom: Yes, I understand. I won't tell anyone.

Gauma & Mujina: Again, it's not what you think!

Yomogi's Mom: See, you're totally in sync!

Gauma & Mujina: No, we're totally not! --oh, we are.

Yomogi's Mom: That's bound to happen when you're together for a long time.

Mujina: I don't think that's normal...

Yomogi's Mom: I should introduce myself. I'm Yomogi's mother!

Mujina: I don't know who that Yomogi is, but... It's nice to meet you. I'm Mujina.

Yomogi's Mom: Are you... someone famous, by any chance?

Mujina: Why do you ask?

Yomogi's Mom: I mean, see... your exotic clothes, and those... amazing stuff. Ah, are you doing a photoshoot?

Mujina: No, no, I'm not.

Yomogi's Mom: That's what all famous people say!

Mujina: If I was famous, I would've tried dressing to not stand out!

Gauma: So you're saying that you are trying to stand out...

Mujina: I don't have a choice! My clothes... default to these.

Gauma: I can't stand that getup, either. Absolutely hated wearing those. Man, I remember it clear as day even after 5,000 years...

Mujina: Stop it. I'm still wearing them.

Gauma: Because you like 'em, right?

Mujina: No--! It's because I don't have a choice! Now I'm conscious of it, you pointing things out like that... So try not to talk about it!

Gauma: You're not fooling anyone here. You actually like those clothes a whole lot, yeah? 

Mujina: Look, I'm gonna get real pissed right about now.

Yomogi's Mom: Heh... heh... heh heh! Oh, sorry. I'm kind of reminded of me back in the day. Got into it quite a bit.

Mujina: Huh?

Yomogi's Mom: Gauma-san, Mujina-san, please stay this way -- say what you need to say, and fight properly.

Gauma: Uh-huh...

Yomogi's Mom: If either one of you holds yourself back from talking -- if you can't fight each other anymore -- it'll be all over. A fight can't happen if you're alone, after all! By the time I realized that, it was too late... Really.

Mujina: What's she talking about?

Gauma: Don't ask.

Yomogi's Mom: But after everything, I'd ended up making Yomogi suffer... so at least I should get him some nice food.

Gauma: Ah-- then we have just what you want! Fresh red king crab, delivered straight from Hokkaido!

Yomogi's Mom: Ahh, sounds nice!

Gauma: Yes, yes... ah, it's over there. That one.

Yomogi's Mom: Thank you! I'll buy this. It ought to make a nice meal!

*Yomogi's Mom walks away*

Mujina: The red king crab won't go well with cheese fondue, you know?

Gauma: Sounds good to me though.

Mujina: And wait, she's totally got the wrong idea. You better clear it up later.

Gauma: Yeah, I know. What a drag... How long are you gonna be here, anyway? Just leave already.

Mujina: Again, I'm a customer.

Gauma: People who don't buy stuff aren't customers.

Mujina: I am buying. I'll take this jamón ibérico shabu.


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