
October 19, 2021

SSSS.Dynazenon Voice Drama - Episode 12

A Ramp

Character Notes:
Asanaka Yomogi (CV: Enoki Junya) - Main Character, Pilot of Dynasoldier
Minami Yume (CV: Wakayama Shion) - Yomogi's Classmate, Pilot of Dynawing

*door opens*

Asanaka Yomogi: Geh... I gotta clear all this by myself? Can I even get it done?

*Yomogi walks in, then trips on something*

Asanaka Yomogi: Ow! That hurt...! Why's there a ramp here!? Ugh...

*Yomogi walks to the window, then slides it shut*

Asanaka Yomogi: Ugh...

*door opens*

Minami Yume: Ah. Knew you'd be here.

Asanaka Yomogi: Mm-hm.

*door closes*

Minami Yume: So this is what the archive-turned-prep room looks like, huh?

Asanaka Yomogi: Ah, watch out -- there's a ramp there.

Minami Yume: Oh, you're right. Wait, you have to clear all this by yourself today? Think you'll be alright?

Asanaka Yomogi: I'll get it done by six, somehow.

Minami Yume: That's too late to leave school. The restaurant's far from here, you know.

Asanaka Yomogi: Then help me out here, Yume.

Minami Yume: Why? You're on prep room cleaning duty because you were late, right, Yomogi? I was on time, you know.

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh...?

Minami Yume: Should've gone to sleep early if you knew you wouldn't get up fast.

Asanaka Yomogi: Yeah, I've been having problems with that lately. Can't get myself up in the morning. Gotta help out at home every night... and it just won't end.

Minami Yume: What's that?

Asanaka Yomogi: Been cleaning my grandma's place...

Minami Yume: Ah, uh... did she pass away?

Asanaka Yomogi: No, no, still alive. It's like... she wants a part-by-part renovation, or something -- and things just went from there.

Minami Yume: Huh...

Asanaka Yomogi: You know, like that backdoor that's super worn-out.

Minami Yume: Right, was real creaky when you tried closing it that night.

Asanaka Yomogi: Yeah, it went 'bam!'

Minami Yume: C'mon, start working. Stuff aren't gonna clean themselves.

Asanaka Yomogi: Yes, ma'am.

*Yomogi starts cleaning*

Asanaka Yomogi: ...Wait. So what're you here for?

Minami Yume: Here to watch.

Asanaka Yomogi: Here to watch? That's it?

Minami Yume: Yeah. That's enough, right?

Asanaka Yomogi: ...Sure.

Minami Yume: Whoa, look! Says here, Heisei 142002 AD! What AD is that, again?

Asanaka Yomogi: What's that? A graduated class's album?

Minami Yume: Hey, there's lots of them!

*Yume starts flipping through the albums*

Minami Yume: Whoa, apparently there was a seal that appeared in Tama River during this year! ...And this one says Heisei 21990 AD! Now that's old -- like, that's got to be in the 90s.

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh...

Minami Yume: Hey, look, the graduated students! 

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh?

Minami Yume: This person looks like Angelina Jolie, don't you think?

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh...? I dunno...

Minami Yume: You don't know Angelina Jolie?

Asanaka Yomogi: I do know who that is! 

Minami Yume: But you just said you don't know.

Asanaka Yomogi: What I mean was, they don't look alike at all! They're different people! And this is a dude! ...Uh, mind not leaving stuff scattered around? I'm trying to clean right now, yeah?

Minami Yume: Alright.

Asanaka Yomogi: Flipping through strangers' albums like that... is it fun?

Minami Yume: Hmm... It's not fun, but... 

Asanaka Yomogi: Mm-hm?

Minami Yume: It got me thinking how so many people were here... So many people I don't know used to come here, then go somewhere else, never to come back here again.

Asanaka Yomogi: This is an old school, after all.

Minami Yume: You think our pictures will be in here someday?

Asanaka Yomogi: If we graduate without a hitch, sure.

Minami Yume: A bit over two years, huh...

Asanaka Yomogi: That's a long time.

Minami Yume: Long time, yeah. What'll you do after you graduate, Yomogi?

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh...? Go to a uni like normal-- I mean, I would if I could. 

Minami Yume: Hmm...

Asanaka Yomogi: Haven't figured what I really wanna do yet, though.

Minami Yume: I see. 

Asanaka Yomogi: Mm-hm.

Minami Yume: Hey, ask me, too.

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh? Ah...

Minami Yume: You've been hogging the topic to yourself.

Asanaka Yomogi: That's not it! I gotta keep cleaning, or I won't get it done.

Minami Yume: Hmm...

Asanaka Yomogi: So what're you gonna do, Yume? After you graduate?

Minami Yume: I wanna move in.

*brief pause*

Asanaka Yomogi: Move in... then... there's also marriage to think about... Uh, uh... You mean... like that, man and woman...

Minami Yume: Heh... heh...! Why so quiet? I was kidding!

Asanaka Yomogi: ...You were kidding?

Minami Yume: Yeah.

Asanaka Yomogi: ...Look, just put those albums away! And help me out here, or it'll take forever!

Minami Yume: Heh... Why'd you run away?

Asanaka Yomogi: Seriously though, we gotta get this done before five-thirty! I'm gonna force you if I have to!

Minami Yume: Yeah, yeah. Ah, this one's Heisei 51993 AD, so it's on top... 

Asanaka Yomogi: Can you reach it?

Minami Yume: Mm-hm, just gotta use a stepladder.

Asanaka Yomogi: Uh, should I do it instead?

Minami Yume: It's fine, it's fine--

*Yume tries going up a stepladder*

Asanaka Yomogi: Hey, watch out. Hey--

Minami Yume: Hup--! ...Whew... --whoa!

*Yume falls down*

Asanaka Yomogi: Yume--!

*Yume crashes on Yomogi*

Asanaka Yomogi: Ow... Yume, you alright?

Minami Yume: I'm fine and all, but... what about you, Yomogi?

Asanaka Yomogi: I'm alright, I'm alright...

Minami Yume: I mean, I did crash right onto you...

Asanaka Yomogi: I'm alright, really.

*Yomogi tries to stand up*

Asanaka Yomogi: Ouch...

Minami Yume: Eh, what's wrong?

Asanaka Yomogi: Foot's busted... Man, it hurts...

Minami Yume: Sprained ankle?

Asanaka Yomogi: Maybe. Ow... this might be serious...

Minami Yume: What should we do...? Is the nurse still in office...?

Asanaka Yomogi: Probably -- the club athletes are still practicing.

Minami Yume: Can you stand?

Asanaka Yomogi: Probably.

*Yomogi tries to stand up again*

Asanaka Yomogi: Man, this stings...

Minami Yume: What should we do now...?

Asanaka Yomogi: Ah, it's okay -- I can walk... I think. It's not too bad.

Minami Yume: But... here, let's try this... like this.

Asanaka Yomogi: Like in a three-legged race

Minami Yume: Like in a three-legged race.

Asanaka Yomogi: Okay. One... two...!

Yomogi & Yume: Hup--!

Minami Yume: Whew... you alright? Does it hurt?

Asanaka Yomogi: I'm good.

Minami Yume: If we just... walk slowly... like this... 

Asanaka Yomogi: Heh... 

Yomogi & Yume: So slow!

Asanaka Yomogi: We're totally not gonna finish cleaning today... And not to mention the skewers place at seven! We even put in a reservation, too...

Minami Yume: It doesn't have to be today!

Asanaka Yomogi: Sorry.

Minami Yume: I'm sorry, too. C'mon, we can go anytime -- tomorrow, the day after, or even after we graduate.

Asanaka Yomogi: Yeah. 

Minami Yume: Ah, watch out.

Asanaka Yomogi: Mm-hm.

Minami Yume: We're going up a ramp.

Yomogi & Yume: One, two...!

One step at a time, we trudge down the hall
Support, be supported -- can't be done alone, after all

Surely, when we humans fall and go sore
We could get back up stronger than before

And the little paces ahead for us two
Are bringing us closer to each other -- that much is true

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