
March 30, 2023

SSSS.Gridman Voice Drama - Compilation Film Bonus

Even a Pessimist Like You

Hass: Hey, if it ain't Turbo-senpai

Utsumi Shou: Mm-hm.

Hass: Why're you on this floor? 

Utsumi Shou: Toilet on sixth floor's broken, so I came here -- down the stairs outside. 

Hass: Huh, really? You sure you didn't come here to try and join our big room?

Utsumi Shou: What, the room with Hayakawa's group?

Hass: Yup. Sang U.S.A. twice in a row. 

Utsumi Shou: Totally don't wanna go there.

Hass: Who's in your room, Turbo-senpai?

Utsumi Shou: Yuuta and Ootsuka and, uh... Yonezawa-kun. And stop calling me Turbo-senpai already.

Hass: Sounds like you're the only one there who can sing, Turbo-senpai

Utsumi Shou: Now listen here, Mask Girl...

Hass: It's a big room over here, so we all gotta be considerate about what we sing -- so tedious, man.

Utsumi Shou: Can't you just sing what you like?

Hass: I would have if we were all close enough to not be considerate, you know. If it was just Rikka-san and Namiko, I'd just pick whatever I want. Like Bohemian Rhapsody.

Utsumi Shou: That's cool.

Hass: Nah, Western stuff with that much key change is gonna make the room feel weird, so it's no good. Then there's the lyrics -- gotta choose the right songs for the right occasion, you know.

Utsumi Shou: Now you're just too considerate. So what'd you sing? 

Hass: After a lot of agonizing... SHISHAMO.

Utsumi Shou: Sounds like the right choice for the occasion.

Hass: So, you know, karaoke in a big room can be pretty tiring.

Utsumi Shou: That'll be over today, though.

Hass: Right. We won't all be grouped up in the same class anymore, huh?

Utsumi Shou: Nope. Today's the end of the school year.

Hass: Wonder if we'll have an after-after party after this.

Utsumi Shou: Dunno. It's pretty late now, so we'll all probably split after the karaoke's done.

Hass: Figures. Well, I gotta say, Year 1 Class E was... actually pretty fun to be in.

Utsumi Shou: ...Even a pessimist like you think about that stuff, huh?

Hass: What the hell, man, that's super rude. If anyone here's a pessimist, it's you.

Utsumi Shou: No way, I'm not. I'm just an otaku.

Hass: Just an otaku who gets along so well with Rikka-san... I still have a hard time believing it.

Utsumi Shou: Well, y'know... stuff happened. 

Hass: Stuff?

Utsumi Shou: Yeah. 


Hass: ...You asked her out?

Utsumi Shou: I didn't!

Hass: Right, of course... No way you and Rikka-san are a thing. She wouldn't be so friendly with Hibiki-kun otherwise.

Utsumi Shou: Well, yeah...

Hass: So... what's the stuff that happened?

Utsumi Shou: It's like... Me, Yuuta, and Rikka had this one mutual friend...

Hass: Mm-hm.

Utsumi Shou: And that friend moved away, and... well, we likely won't ever see them again. Like it's probably best that us and them stay apart from each other.

Hass: Huh.

Utsumi Shou: That's what I meant by stuff happened.

Hass: With that mutual friend?

Utsumi Shou: Yeah.

Hass: Are they... a boy?

Utsumi Shou: A girl, actually.

Hass: Ah... alright, alright. Of course. Alright.

Utsumi Shou: No, that's not it.

Hass: Nah, nah, nah, no way that's not it. Nothing you can do about that, man. I understand. Mm-hm.

Utsumi Shou: Wait a second...

Hass: Nah, nah, nah.

Utsumi Shou: Like I said, that's not it! It's nothing that simple!

Hass: Nah, it's totally a love drama, man. That's as simple as it gets.

Utsumi Shou: There are a lot of more important things to this than whether she's a boy or a girl, you know!

Hass: I understand, I understand.

Utsumi Shou: Listen, you don't get it at all!

Hass: Nothing you can do about it, man. Nothing you can do 'bout heartbreak.

Utsumi Shou: No, it's not heartbreak, dammit!

Hass: So it's a maybe-heartbreak, huh? Maybe you should get a final no from her, otherwise it'll drag on forever, you know?

Utsumi Shou: Like I said, that's not it!

Hass: Totally sounds like a maybe-hearbreak to me. Not that I know who the girl is, though.

Utsumi Shou: Like I said...

Hass: Hehe... Ayy~~ 


Utsumi Shou: Stop it.

Hass: Ayy~~ 


Utsumi Shou: Stop it.

Hass: Ayy~~


Utsumi Shou: HANDS OFF!

Hass: Ah... Huh? So loud, man.

*Utsumi walks away and opens door*

Hass: Hey, Turbo-- 

*Utsumi shuts door and walks up stairs* 


Utsumi Shou: Ugh... so lame.

*Hass walks up stairs*

Hass: Utsumi.

*long pause*

Hass: ...Sorry. I went too far. Sorry.

Utsumi Shou: ...... 

Hass: I know it's a bad habit, always pushing things too far like that -- Rikka's even told me about it before. But it's like... I got too comfortable knowing we're close enough that I can pull your leg... so I forgot to be considerate.

Utsumi Shou: ...... 

Hass: Me never taking off my mask is because I could express myself while hiding my mouth... building up my attitude while protecting myself in a way. And then... that's how I became so tactless, I think. So, you know... it's like a crutch. An emotional crutch for myself.

Utsumi Shou: ......

Hass: Sorry. I'll be more considerate.

Utsumi Shou: It's fine.

Hass: Nah, Utsumi. The stuff that happened is important to you, right? Or, rather than important stuff... that girl who moved away is important to you, right? Makes sense that you weren't going to talk about her so easily.

Utsumi Shou: ...Well, I do think she is important to me -- and just as important to Yuuta and Rikka, too. And it's like... I still haven't quite sorted out my feelings yet.

Hass: Mm-hm. I see.

Utsumi Shou: Yeah.

Hass: Thanks. For telling me that important story.

Utsumi Shou: You know...

Hass: Yeah?

Utsumi Shou: You're being way too upfront, don't you think? It's kinda creepy.

Hass: Well, today's the last day, after all.

Utsumi Shou: Last day?

Hass: I mean, we won't all be in the same class anymore. You'll go to the science department class, right?

Utsumi Shou: Oh yeah... Right, that's it.

Hass: Yup.

Utsumi Shou: But, you know, you don't need to be so considerate around someone like me. It feels kinda off. Just stay the way you are.

Hass: Okay. Got it.

Utsumi Shou: Mm-hm.

Hass: So, as a classmate, I'll say one last thing...

Utsumi Shou: Mm-hm.

Hass: That enamel bag you always use, with the T-U-R-B-O... it's lame.

Utsumi Shou: Be more considerate, dammit.

Hass: Get a different bag when you're up to Year 2, yeah?

Utsumi Shou: Shaddup.

Hass: Hehehe... 

*wind blows*

Hass: Man, we're already March, but it's still so cold...

Utsumi Shou: Let's get back inside.

Hass: Nah, I wanna breathe in a bit more cold air. 

*Hass takes off mask*

Hass: Whew...

Utsumi Shou: Whoa.

Hass: What?

Utsumi Shou: Your face without a mask... I think this is the first time I've actually seen it.

Hass: Dude, that's gross.

Utsumi Shou: Hass.

Hass: Huh?

Utsumi Shou: Go ahead and sing.

Hass: Sing what?

Utsumi Shou: Bohemian Rhapsody.

Hass: Right here?

Utsumi Shou: Mm-hm.

Hass: No way.

Utsumi Shou: Hehehe...

Hass: On second thought... I'll sing just a little bit.

Utsumi Shou: Really?

Hass: You're the one who told me to.

Utsumi Shou: T-then... do it quietly, yeah?

Hass: Huhhh~~?

Utsumi Shou: Keep your voice down, yeah? We're outside, you know.

Hass: Ah, right, right, right. HAAA--

Utsumi Shou: Whoa, whoa, whoa-- You were gonna go full volume, weren't you!?

Hass: Hahaha...

Utsumi Shou: I got it, I got it. My bad. Just keep your volume down, alright? Keep it down.

Hass: Aw c'mon, you're the one who said to go ahead. You wanna sing along? One, two...

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