
March 30, 2023

SSSS.Dynazenon Voice Drama - Compilation Film Bonus

Even If Each Passing Day Is So Uninteresting

*Koyomi's phone vibrates*

Yamanaka Koyomi: (talking on phone) Hello?
    ...Oh, Chise. What's up?
    ...No, I'm outside. Yeah.
    ...What do you mean, where? I'm in a toilet.
    ...Toilet. Public toilet.
    ...Hmm? Number 2.
    ...So, you need something?
    ...What do you mean, stinky?
    ...Wait a second! You're the one who called me. Don't you need something?
    ...No way. Phones don't transmit smell, you know.
    ...Stop saying stinky already.

*Chise hangs up phone*

Yamanaka Koyomi: And there she goes. What was what about? Ugh... 

*Koyomi reaches for toilet paper*

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh!? No way... The paper... There's no toilet paper! Uh... I don't have any tissue on me, I don't think I can rely on a convenience store bag... and this is a single stall I'm in. Man, it's over... Just gotta go without wiping... Nope, no way. But what can I even do?

*Yume's voice outside*

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh?

Minami Yume: (talking on phone) Again, answer my question.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh, this voice...

Minami Yume: (talking on phone) So what are you gonna do about it?

Yamanaka Koyomi: That's Minami-san! Maybe she can help me! ...Or maybe it'd be awkward to call out to her so suddenly. But we are acquaintances...

Minami Yume: (talking on phone) Again, why'd you keep it to yourself!?
    ...Not bringing it up, keeping it to yourself -- it's the same thing! I know you've got a lot of friends, Yomogi, but I've always told you to tell me when you're gonna hang out in a group with other girls!
    ...What'd you mean, no need to do it every single time? You don't get to decide by yourself whether or not it's needed!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Just from her tone, I can tell it's an unpleasant convo she's having...

Minami Yume: (talking on phone) Huh? Did you just sigh?
    ...You've been putting up with this? I'm the one doing that! I don't want to have this annoying talk, either, you know.
    ...What? Just stop? Yomogi, we're having this annoying talk because you didn't talk to me because you thought that was annoying to do!
    ...And what's that clicking sound?
    ...No, I heard it.
    ...You're playing Smash Bros., right? In the middle of this call?
    ...Why'd you think I wouldn't notice?
    ...That's not it? Not what?
    ...You've been losing Ranked Battles? Ah... you're playing Splatoon. Ugh, enough.

*Yume hangs up phone*

Minami Yume: Ugh...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Oh, is she done now? 

*Yume makes another call*

Minami Yume: (talking on phone) Hey, why'd you not call back?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Not yet...

Minami Yume: (talking on phone) Now you're saying it like I'm in the wrong here! Besides, when you're gonna hang out with girls...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Gah, she's leaving... Excuse me! Yume-san! Minami Yume-san!

Minami Yume: Huh? W-what...?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Um... It's Koyomi! Yamanaka Koyomi! With the Dynastriker! Please hear me out here, Minami Yume-san!

Minami Yume: Huh...? Koyomi-san?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ah, thank goodness... Uh, Minami-san--

Minami Yume: Hold it right there! Stop shouting my name while you're in the toilet, please!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ah, I'm sorry. But could you please come over here for a bit?

Minami Yume: Uh... to the men's toilet? Well, there's no one else around here, I guess...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Sorry, after hearing a familiar voice, I couldn't help speaking loudly -- Ah, wait, no. I need toilet paper--

Minami Yume: Wait, did you hear me talking on the phone just now?

Yamanaka Koyomi: I don't know whether I should say I was listening or just hearing it...

Minami Yume: Great... You just heard something I didn't want anyone to hear...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Uh, that's fine and all... Um, the toilet paper's--

Minami Yume: No, it's totally not fine! It sucks! Would you mind hearing me out?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Wait, which is it? Do you want or not want me to hear it?

Minami Yume: There are the thoughts you don't want to be asked about, and then there's the feeling of wanting to talk about it -- the things going in between those two are the real deal... is what I think.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Uh, okay, I get it. Listen, I'm out of toilet paper in here, so I can't exactly bring myself to get out...

Minami Yume: Huh!? Why didn't you say that earlier!?

Yamanaka Koyomi: I did try -- and have been trying to say it the whole time!

Minami Yume: I'll go look for some on the women's side!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Please do!

Minami Yume: I found a roll. I'll throw it over the door, alright?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Yes, please.

Minami Yume: Hup.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ow.

Minami Yume: Uh, are you alright?

Yamanaka Koyomi: I'm alright, I'm alright.

Minami Yume: I'm going outside now.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Mm-hm. 

*toilet flushed*

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ahh, thank you! You're a lifesaver.

Minami Yume: Well, glad to help.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Really, Minami-san, I would've been stuck if you didn't happen to pass by.

Minami Yume: Quite a coincidence, yes.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Yeah, really. Oh, that's right. As thanks, how about you take one of these? I've got some drinks here. 

Minami Yume: Huh? Ah, well... I'm good.

Yamanaka Koyomi: They're clean.

Minami Yume: Even if they are... no. They just came out of a public toilet.

Yamanaka Koyomi: I didn't put them on the floor, you know. There was a hook on top of the door, right? The bag was hanging from that the whole time.

Minami Yume: No, really. It's the thought that counts when it comes to this kind of thing. I'll pass.

Yamanaka Koyomi: O-kay...?

Minami Yume: Most of those are canned juices, I see.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Juices? Ah, wait... no good. These are alcoholic -- can't give them to you.

Minami Yume: Oh, they're alcohol?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Mm-hm. Ah, all of them are, actually... That was close. I was about to give an alcoholic drink to a minor.

Minami Yume: Hehehe... Let me check them out. Oh yeah, all of them really are alcoholic.

Yamanaka Koyomi: I was about to give you one by mistake.

Minami Yume: So you said I could take one, right?

Yamanaka Koyomi: No way. I'm gonna get arrested!

Minami Yume: It's fine! I just have to not tell anyone.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Nope, no way.

Minami Yume: You don't trust me?

Yamanaka Koyomi: That's not it -- I can't give an alcoholic drink to a minor.

Minami Yume: No, this isn't... Ah... I'll be giving it to my parents.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Really?

Minami Yume: If I hadn't passed by, Koyomi-san... you would've been stuck in in the toilet.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Okay, I get it. Then... take one.

Minami Yume: Thank you.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Make sure you actually bring it home, and don't open it.

Minami Yume: Yessir~~

Yamanaka Koyomi: ......

Minami Yume: Koyomi-san, did you wash your hands?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh? 


Yamanaka Koyomi: I always wash my hands.

Minami Yume: Really? 


Yamanaka Koyomi: You've changed, Minami-san.

Minami Yume: And you haven't changed all that much, Koyomi-san.

Yamanaka Koyomi: I get that a lot. Everyone's changing way ahead of me... Has Yomogi-kun changed at all?

Minami Yume: Hmm... I'm not sure. Maybe he has, maybe he hasn't.

Yamanaka Koyomi: I guess it's hard to tell when it's someone you're close to.

Minami Yume: Someone I'm close to...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh?

Minami Yume: Maybe you're right.

Yamanaka Koyomi: We haven't gotten together much since then, huh?

Minami Yume: Surprisingly few meetings, yes.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Well, everyone's gotta be busy with their own things.

Minami Yume: We came together only because of Gauma-san and the Kaiju situation, so maybe we didn't have that strong of a connection.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Maybe. But I think the thing with Dynazenon wasn't a bad experience, you know.

Minami Yume: I think so, too. Ah, speaking of which, I did meet Chise-chan the other day.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Oh, really?

Minami Yume: We went to see a movie together. Tarabaman: Second Mission.

Yamanaka Koyomi: That sounds super interesting.

Minami Yume: She didn't tell you about it?

Yamanaka Koyomi: I haven't had even a clue. Anyway, it's good to know that Chise's now hanging out with people other than me. Even better if it happened so naturally that it wasn't worth mentioning.

Minami Yume: Not much exciting stuff happened since then, but because we went through that time piloting the Dynazenon... it's like... it makes me think even if each passing day is so uninteresting, they're also so delightful.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Right, back then, the days were anything but uninteresting...

Minami Yume: I'd like all five of us to get back together sometime.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Five? Yeah, that's right -- Gauma-san's gotta be counted in, too.

*Yume's phone vibrates*

Minami Yume: Ah... Whatever.

Yamanaka Koyomi: That's Yomogi-kun, right? You're not gonna pick up?

Minami Yume: Hmm... Guess I'll leave him alone for a bit.

Yamanaka Koyomi: You sure you should do that?

Minami Yume: I figured I should put him a bit on edge. Boys are sure to let their guards down if you let them get comfortable.

*Yume pops open can*

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh!? Why'd you open that now!? That's alcoholic!

Minami Yume: Hehehe...

Yamanaka Koyomi: You said you'd give it to your parents!

Minami Yume: Hehehe...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Wha-- what are you doing, Minami-san? Don't do it, Minami-san! Hey, you're putting it too close to your mouth, don't you think!?

Minami Yume: Nope, not at all! I was just smelling it. Yamanaka

Koyomi: Seriously, stop it -- and don't drink it!

Minami Yume: Oh, I'll drink it... NOT! Hehehe...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Seriously, stop it -- you'll get me arrested!

*Koyomi's phone vibrates*

Minami Yume: Chise-chan's calling you.

Yamanaka Koyomi: She can wait. Just give that can back to me -- c'mon!

Minami Yume: Oh, wait...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh?

*long pause*

Minami Yume: Achoo!

Yamanaka Koyomi: What the hell!?

Minami Yume: Hehehe...!

*Koyomi and Yume's phones keep vibrating*

1 comment:

  1. Are you doing the latest Voice Drama with YomoYume and Rikka Yuta? Theres a video on youtube.
