
April 20, 2023

Gridman Universe Voice Drama - Film Bonus

The Accepter Doesn't Ring

* Takes place after the ending of the Gridman Universe animated film.

Hibiki Yuuta: Sorry for the wait. I got out just now.

Takarada Rikka: Mm-hm.

Hibiki Yuuta: I thought you'd take more time, Rikka. Sorry I kept you waiting for long.

Takarada Rikka: Nah, I just got out myself.

Hibiki Yuuta: I see. Anyway, it's pretty amazing, you know -- the carbonated bath, silk bath, and even mineral salt sauna... totally lives up to the "top-class spa facility in Kanto" rep.

Takarada Rikka: Do you keep that on whenever you're in a bath?

Hibiki Yuuta: Hmm? The Accepter? No, I take it off. I mean, it looks kinda machine-ish.

Takarada Rikka: Having it means you're always connected with Gridman, right?

Hibiki Yuuta: Uh, I dunno... The Accepter doesn't ring anymore -- not since that day, anyway. Well, that probably means it's peaceful, though.

Takarada Rikka: Hmm...

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh, you didn't put on the indoor clothes, Rikka?

Takarada Rikka: Mm-hm.

Hibiki Yuuta: You just got out of the bath, so the indoor clothes should be more comfortable, right?

Takarada Rikka: Maybe...

Hibiki Yuuta: How about you get changed, then? I'll wait here.

Takarada Rikka: Nah, it's fine. 

Hibiki Yuuta: Okay.

Takarada Rikka: Why'd you not tell me beforehand that we were going to an onsen today?

Hibiki Yuuta: Didn't see it coming, right? You know, I looked this place up a while ago, so I've wanted to come here for some time now. So I thought I'd surprise you, Rikka -- like, I figured you'd like it if I brought you along without warning.

Takarada Rikka: Well, I am surprised, but... it's about time I went home.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh? It's still 4 o'clock, though?

Takarada Rikka: Nah, I'm going.

Hibiki Yuuta: Wait, you had other plans?

Takarada Rikka: Ah... Well, yeah.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh? Really? Didn't you say you'd be free today?

Takarada Rikka: Sorry. I just remembered that I had to take care of stuff.

Hibiki Yuuta: Uh, you're really going?

Takarada Rikka: Yeah, sorry. Later.

*Rikka walks away*

Hibiki Yuuta: (talking to himself) Huh? Was she angry? Did I do something? Why'd she leave so suddenly? But she did say she just remembered she had to take care of stuff... That's gotta be it. She had to do something else, and only remembered it while she had free time. Nothing wrong with that. Actually, no... She just left because she wanted to leave, no matter how I look at it... Man, I've done it now. I mean, her reaction did suddenly turn bad before she left.
    (talking to Accepter) What do you think, Gridman?

*no response*

Hibiki Yuuta: (talking to himself) Hah. Right, of course not. I would've freaked out if I got a reply. I'd need him if a Kaiju appeared, but it wouldn't feel right to rely on Gridman now. If I'm gonna rely on anyone... It's gotta be senpai, huh?

*Yuuta makes phone call*

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) Hello?

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Hello, Yomogi? Is now a good time?

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) Yuuta? What's up?

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) So, senpai... I'd like to ask you about some stuff.

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) What? You're scaring me.

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Just now, well... My girlfriend...

Minami Yume: (on phone) Huh!? What'd you do!?

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Yume-san?

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) C'mon, why'd you just suddenly pop up?

Minami Yume: (on phone) He just said "girlfriend," you know, so he must've done something!

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) Oh? So this is a trouble he's dealing with?

Minami Yume: (on phone) I wonder if Yuuta-san's done something weird...  

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) No way, Yuuta wouldn't do anything too wier--

Minami Yume: (on phone) Pfft-- Why'd you stop? It's like time stopped! Hahaha... 

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) Too wier--

Minami Yume: (on phone) Don't do that "Too wier--"! Hahaha...

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Sorry, I'll call again later.

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) Wait, sorry, man. I'm listening! You know what, we'll go over there right now.

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Huh? Right now?

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) Yeah, let's talk in person. Sounds like important stuff. Where are you?

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Higashikurume. Ah, the onsen facility in this universe's Higashikurume, that is.

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) Got it. So first of all... we'll head there.

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Uh, I do appreciate that, but... is the multiverse that easy to travel through?

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) We can make phone calls, so it shouldn't be too hard. Higashikurume... it's on a Seibu line, right?

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Yeah. The Seibu Ikebukuro one.

Asanaka Yomogi: (on phone) Okay, gotcha. See you soon.

*phone call ends*

Hibiki Yuuta: (talking to himself) He hung up. Wonder if they're actually coming...

Asanaka Yomogi: Kept you waiting, huh?

Hibiki Yuuta: That was fast!

Minami Yume: It was closer than I thought.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh!? That was way too fast! How'd you get here?

Minami Yume: Exited the Higashi-Kurume station, then took a shuttle bus.

Hibiki Yuuta: No, no, no, I wasn't asking the way here from the station! You know, did you not have to use something like interdimensional travel?

Asanaka Yomogi: For that, we got Nidaime-san's helpful support... Anyway, that doesn't matter now.

Hibiki Yuuta: I'm pretty curious, though... 

Minami Yume: What in the world happened, Yuuta-san?

Hibiki Yuuta: Just now, I kinda made Rikka angry--

Minami Yume: Ehehehehehe! You really made Rikka-san angry!?

Asanaka Yomogi: Hey. So, where's Rikka-san now?

Hibiki Yuuta: She just up and left.

Asanaka Yomogi: Looks like coming here was a good call.

Minami Yume: Yup.

Hibiki Yuuta: By the way, you two... Are you sure it's alright for you to come to this universe so easily?

Asanaka Yomogi: Remember what Chise-chan said? "Let's meet again when the universe is in danger"?

Hibiki Yuuta: When the universe is in danger, yeah. But now it's about how I might have made my girlfriend angry, you know.

Minami Yume: Pretty much the same meaning.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh? Did I mess up that badly!?

Asanaka Yomogi: Mind explaining it to us in detail?

Hibiki Yuuta: In detail? In detail... Let's see... So earlier today, I surprised Rikka by bringing her here for an onsen date--

Asanaka Yomogi: Ah, that's no good. 

Minami Yume: Nope, nope, not good.

Hibiki Yuuta: That was fast...

Minami Yume: That's not good at all.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh...? Is onsen... I mean, is a spa facility not good? I mean, I've seen a lot of vids recommending it for dates, though.

Minami Yume: Hmm...

Asanaka Yomogi: Bringing her to an onsen as a surprise might be a bit... you know...

Hibiki Yuuta: Uh, really?

Minami Yume: Rikka-san came today for a date, right?

Hibiki Yuuta: Yeah. Probably.

Minami Yume: So she was expecting a date, but right after meeting up, you just split and went into the bath. What's the point of that?

Hibiki Yuuta: Ah...

Asanaka Yomogi: If both of you had agreed on this, then that would've been fine.

Minami Yume: Yuuta-san, you just planned this out yourself -- maybe or maybe not for a surprise -- but not telling her beforehand that you'd be going to an onsen is totally not right.

Hibiki Yuuta: I see... 

Minami Yume: Not being considerate of your partner is the worst thing.

Hibiki Yuuta: I mean, I thought she'd like it!

Minami Yume: Also, if you tried doing naughty stuff to her in the relaxation space, then she totally saw through it.

Hibiki Yuuta: I didn't! I didn't! I definitely didn't!

Asanaka Yomogi: Hehehe...

Minami Yume: And that Axel on your left arm is kinda not cool.

Hibiki Yuuta: Axel?

Minami Yume: That's not it?

Asanaka Yomogi: Accepter.

Minami Yume: Ah, yeah, Accepter.

Hibiki Yuuta: Primal Accepter.

Minami Yume: Shaddup. Hehehe...

Asanaka Yomogi: Hehehe...

Hibiki Yuuta: C'mon, gimme a break. Besides, since when were we even this close?

Minami Yume: Yuuta-san, I do consider you a friend. That's why I came here.

Hibiki Yuuta: Well, that's... much appreciated!

Asanaka Yomogi: Um, so, do the two of you argue at all?

Hibiki Yuuta: Me and Rikka? Ah... probably not.

Asanaka Yomogi: Not even once?

Hibiki Yuuta: Don't think so, no.

Yomogi & Yume: That's it.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh?

Minami Yume: That's the worst thing. 

Hibiki Yuuta: No way. Shouldn't not arguing be a good thing?

Asanaka Yomogi: Alright... let's get you arguing right now.

Minami Yume: Hurry. Call her.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh? Right now?

Minami Yume: Yup. Not acting now is the worst thing you could do.

Hibiki Yuuta: How many "worst things" are there? And I can't do it! I mean, she might hate me! I can't argue with her!

Minami Yume: Not being hated might seem close to being liked, but they're actually far apart. Not arguing may be a good thing, but not being able to argue might be pretty sad -- it'll make you feel distant despite being so close. You won't be able to see each other exactly because of how close you are. Maybe that's what being in love is all about.

Hibiki Yuuta: ...What's she on about?

Asanaka Yomogi: She wasn't like this before, you know.

Minami Yume: And that's why, Yuuta-san, you and Rikka-san need to argue!

Hibiki Yuuta: Whoa, wait a second! An argument is... an argument isn't something you can calmly plan out, right!?

Minami Yume: If you're calm, then you're already not thinking about love!

Hibiki Yuuta: You're forcing it! Not being hated is also a super important thing, isn't it!?

Asanaka Yomogi: (quietly) Actually, yeah.

Hibiki Yuuta: So would you mind saying that more loudly!?

Minami Yume: Alright, phone call!

Hibiki Yuuta: Wait, wait! Stop it! Please, calm down!

Minami Yume: Yuuta-san. If you're calm...?

Hibiki Yuuta: Uh... If I'm calm... then I'm already... no thinking about love...

Minami Yume: Alright, good job! Anddd... call!

Hibiki Yuuta: Ahh!

*Yume makes phone call*

Takarada Rikka: (on phone) What's up?

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Ah... Um... Rikka, where are you now?

Takarada Rikka: (on phone) Why?

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Uh, well, I... I figured I might have made you angry.

Takarada Rikka: (on phone) Uh, it's not that I'm angry or anything... but I thought if I stayed there, it might have turned into an argument, so I walked away.

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) I... I see.

Takarada Rikka: (on phone) I really am not angry, you know. I just wanted to be alone and calm down.

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) You know what... just once -- please argue with me.

Takarada Rikka: (on phone) Huh?

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Rikka, where are you now?

Takarada Rikka: (on phone) Third floor, on the terrace.

Hibiki Yuuta: (on phone) Got it. I'll go over right now, so stay there.

Takarada Rikka: (on phone) Huh? Okay...

Minami Yume: Alright, let's go.

Asanaka Yomogi: She sounded calm to me, though.

Hibiki Yuuta: Do we really need to argue?

Minami Yume: Anyway, let's just go.


Hibiki Yuuta: Rikka!

Takarada Rikka: Yuu-- wait, what!? Why are you two here, too?

Minami Yume: Don't worry, Rikka-san. We're on your side.

Takarada Rikka: Uh, what do you mean...

Hibiki Yuuta: Um, Rikka, I'm sorry for being inconsiderate, bringing you to an onsen like this. But I figured it'd be wrong if we can't argue because I don't want you to hate me. So, Rikka, you don't need to hold back -- I'd like you to say what you don't like about me. I want us to argue properly.

Takarada Rikka: What'd you mean, argue? I can't suddenly make that happen...

Minami Yume: Rikka-san, holding back now won't be good for you two in the long term.

Takarada Rikka: Yume-chan, aren't you kinda out of character today?

Asanaka Yomogi: (quietly) You can say that again.

Minami Yume: Enough about me. Yuuta-san's more important.

Takarada Rikka: Uh...? What I don't like about Yuuta...?

Hibiki Yuuta: Yeah.

Asanaka Yomogi: Rikka-san, let it all out today.

Minami Yume: You see, looks like Yuuta-san wants to say something to you, too, so...

Takarada Rikka: Ah, really? Let's see...

*brief pause*

Takarada Rikka: Ah, that's it. You don't wash your indoor shoes very often, but insist that you do. Then you'd say there's no point because they'd end up dirty anyway. I wish you'd stop lying about that.

Hibiki Yuuta: I'm sorry.

Takarada Rikka: Mm-hm. 

Hibiki Yuuta: ...That's it?

Takarada Rikka: I guess I kinda don't like how you have air guns in your room...

Hibiki Yuuta: Actually, those aren't air guns -- they're gas guns. 

Takarada Rikka: Ah, that "actually" just now -- I really don't like.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh?

Takarada Rikka: But, well... that's about it, I guess.

Minami Yume: Alright, Yuuta-san's turn.

Asanaka Yomogi: Go ahead.

Hibiki Yuuta: Wait, me!? Uh... Let's see... 

*long pause*

Hibiki Yuuta: Rikka, you're...

Takarada Rikka: Mm-hm.

Minami Yume: Alright, let's go!

Asanaka Yomogi: Yeah, let it all out so it'd be resolved today!

Hibiki Yuuta: Well...! Rikka...!

Takarada Rikka: Mm-hm.

*long pause*

Hibiki Yuuta: I can't do it!

Yomogi & Yume: Huhhh...?

Hibiki Yuuta: I mean, I don't wanna be hated! I don't even know what I don't like about you! Like, I like everything -- EVERYTHING -- about you!

Takarada Rikka: Uh-huh...?

Hibiki Yuuta: Because I like you! I don't even want us to have an argument!

Takarada Rikka: You're getting a bit too loud! Keep it down!

Hibiki Yuuta: Why!?

Takarada Rikka: It's embarrassing, that's why! Your voice's echoing like hell out here!

Hibiki Yuuta: Sorry about that! But I think your face looks great when you're embarrassed, too! So I think I'm fine with my voice echoing even more!

*brief pause*

Hibiki Yuuta: Uh, look... Rikka, I wanna be with you more... and slowly learn what I don't like about you... I think.

Takarada Rikka: I get it... I get it, alright? You don't need to force yourself into an argument, Yuuta.

Hibiki Yuuta: Rikka...

Asanaka Yomogi: This is... as good as resolved, right?

Minami Yume: Alright, let's just say you've made up now.

Takarada Rikka: Mm-hm.

Hibiki Yuuta: Besides, that did just turn into an argument.

Minami Yume: And now, you two, we'd like you to kiss--

Yuuta & Rikka: We won't!

Yomogi & Yume: (cheering and clapping) Kiss~~ Kiss~~ Kiss~~! Kiss~~!!

Hibiki Yuuta: I said no!

Takarada Rikka: Really, why are you two here!?

Minami Yume: Actually, wait, Yomogi-san... Maybe they don't feel like doing it because we're here?

Asanaka Yomogi: Ah... That's... Right! I guess we should... let the two of them go with the flow.

Hibiki Yuuta: No, no, no, no, what are you saying!?

Asanaka Yomogi: Alright! We'll excuse ourselves now. Once things calm down, well, feel free to give us another call.

Minami Yume: Rikka-san, next time we should all get together and check out the decoration lights! Alright, see ya!

Asanaka Yomogi: Excuse us!

*Yomogi and Yume walk away*

Takarada Rikka: There they go...

Hibiki Yuuta: Wait, I'll go take a look.

*Yuuta jogs away, then comes back*

Hibiki Yuuta: It's alright. Looks like they actually left.

Takarada Rikka: Really? I'd expect them to hide and keep watching...

Hibiki Yuuta: Yeah, those two would totally do that...

Takarada Rikka: Uh, so, what now?

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh? The kiss?

Takarada Rikka: What?

Hibiki Yuuta: What?

Takarada Rikka: Well, you did say that we wouldn't~~

Hibiki Yuuta: No-- I mean, yeah, but of course I didn't mean I don't want to! I mean, kissing...

Takarada Rikka: I'll go change into the indoor clothes.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh?

Takarada Rikka: Since we're already here and all.

Hibiki Yuuta: ...Alright. I'll wait.

Takarada Rikka: Mm-hm.

Hibiki Yuuta: Ah, Rikka!

Takarada Rikka: Hmm?

Hibiki Yuuta: I really like the way you look today, you know.

Takarada Rikka: Ah... Okay.

*Rikka walks away*

Hibiki Yuuta: (talking to Accepter) And this is how I am right now... What do you think, Gridman?

*Accepter rings*

Hibiki Yuuta: What the-- it rang!? That spooked me! It's actually connected...!

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