
October 26, 2023

Gridman Universe Voice Drama - Home Video Bonus 2

Gridman Universe 2

* Takes place after the ending of the Gridman Universe animated film.

Takarada Rikka: ...I don't get it. Sounds far-fetched...

Asanaka Yomogi: ...Nope, can't, anything but that...

Minami Yume: ...Huh, how come...

Asanaka Yomogi: ...I mean, even if it's been a thing for a hundred years now, it's like you're eating toothpaste...

Takarada Rikka: ...I don't think that's it. Totally not...

Minami Yume: ...Where'd the toothpaste comparison even come from? You don't get it at all. It's got chocolate in it...

Takarada Rikka: ...Yeah, that...

Minami Yume: ...So what, is it a chocolate toothpaste...

Takarada Rikka: ...Right...

Asanaka Yomogi: ...By toothpaste, I mean--

*door slides open*

Utsumi Shou: Huh, it's not just Rikka-san? You two are here as well?

Minami Yume: Yes. Yuuta-san called us over.

Asanaka Yomogi: Why meet up at the school, though? We're outsiders, you know -- wouldn't we be in trouble if someone catches us?

Takarada Rikka: No one's gonna come into this archive-turned-prep room anyway, so you'll probably be fine.

Utsumi Shou: Well, it's like... Yuuta wanted to use the photocopier, so he said we should gather at school.

Takarada Rikka: The photocopier?

Minami Yume: What for?

Takarada Rikka: By the way, Yomogi-kun and co. really come here all the time, huh?

Asanaka Yomogi: What'd you mean, all the time? It's only twice a week at most.

Utsumi Shou: Whoa, no respect for the multiverse at all.

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh, you think?

Utsumi Shou: Crossovers get you emotional because they don't happen often, you know?

Minami Yume: Uh, sorry, what's he talking about now?

Takarada Rikka: Ultraman, I guess?

Minami Yume: Oh yeah, I just watched it the other day! Was on TV when I turned it on last Sunday morning...

Asanaka Yomogi: Yeah, and the recent ones' got some over-the-top visuals!

Takarada Rikka: Huh...

Utsumi Shou: It's on Saturday! Ultraman premieres on Saturday mornings! Some regions get it at different times, sure, but here in Tokyo, it's Saturday mornings!

Minami Yume: Nah, nah, nah, it's gotta be Sunday! It's the day when folks get angry at me for hanging my gym clothes laundry to dry in the afternoon!

*door slides open*

Hibiki Yuuta: Ah, everyone's already here!

Utsumi Shou: Ah, Yuuta.

Hibiki Yuuta: Sorry for running late. Utsumi, Rikka, Yume-san, Yomogi... Yup, all here!

Takarada Rikka: So? What're you up to today?

Hibiki Yuuta: Gimme a sec... Let's see... Huh... Huh?

Takarada Rikka: Forgot something?

Hibiki Yuuta: Aww, crap! Sorry! I'll go get it now!

*Yuuta leaves the room*

Everyone else: Huh...

Takarada Rikka: What were we talking about, again?

Asanaka Yomogi: Uh...

Minami Yume: Like... something about whether it's Saturday or Sunday.

Takarada Rikka: Ah...

Minami Yume: Well, not like it matters either way, though.

Utsumi Shou: Nope, it totally matters! Ultraman doesn't air on Sun--

*door slides open*

Hibiki Yuuta: Sorry for running late!

Takarada Rikka: That was fast!

Hibiki Yuuta: I wanted y'all to take a look at this!

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh, what's this?

Hibiki Yuuta: Well, it's like... a project plan?

Asanaka Yomogi: Project plan?

Hibiki Yuuta: That's right! Project plan for Gridman Universe 2! Bring on the applause! Yeah!

*only Yuuta claps*

Takarada Rikka: Gridman Universe... 2?

Hibiki Yuuta: Yeah! The sequel to the play by Rikka and Utsumi's class that popped off during this year's school festival! The sequel to Gridman Universe!

Takarada Rikka: Sequel...

Utsumi Shou: ...Now?

Hibiki Yuuta: It's the perfect time! Gotta make a sequel when there's rising demand, right!? I mean, we're running late already, even!

Asanaka Yomogi: Was it that popular?

Hibiki Yuuta: Well, yeah! Reception was great! Big laughs after big laughs! Your sides won't be able to handle this slapstick hero theater!

Minami Yume: Lame...

Hibiki Yuuta: The project plan got eighth place on the festival popularity poll. And if we exclude the clubs' performances, it's technically the second most popular class project!

Asanaka Yomogi: I-is that actually great? Saying it's technically second is kinda arbitrary, don't you think?

Utsumi Shou: At the end of the day, it's eighth place -- can't be considered all that popular, you know.

Takarada Rikka: Well, my circle rated it highly, though...

Utsumi Shou: And I mean, everyone went along with it because it was for the school festival. They probably won't do a show with us when there's no special occasion for it.

Hibiki Yuuta: Wait a second, Utsumi, why aren't you the one who's the most excited? Gridman Universe is supposed to be something you're big into!

Utsumi Shou: Well, yeah, and I did think about it before, you know. Gridman Universe 2.

Hibiki Yuuta: Really?

Utsumi Shou: But it's like, you know, already ended wonderfully, so I kinda thought making a sequel or a 2 or whatever wouldn't feel right. Like it'd feel redundant or something...

Hibiki Yuuta: Nah, people wanna see what happens next, I say!

Utsumi Shou: Maybe they do, but...

Hibiki Yuuta: So what if it's redundant? It's better than nothing!

Utsumi Shou: Well...

Hibiki Yuuta: Just think about it -- the tokusatsu shows you like also get sequels and stuff, right? You'd be happy whenever they make more, right?

Utsumi Shou: Not always!

Takarada Rikka: Whoa, why so loud?

Utsumi Shou: I won't give you any specifics, but I'm not always happy when something gets a sequel, you know! Some actually add something to stuff that's already ended wonderfully, sure, but there are ones that I wished I hadn't seen, too! Same thing for the remakes, reboots, anniversary celebrations, and whatever else! Not every single one of them makes me happy, you know!

Takarada Rikka: You're really letting your soul speak, huh?

Utsumi Shou: And that's why we're not doing Gridman Universe 2!

Hibiki Yuuta: Man, I thought you'd be the happiest guy to see this, Utsumi... What about you, Rikka?

Takarada Rikka: Well, I dunno... For the festival, I only did it because no one presented any other ideas... And I never really was excited about it, you know. I mean, it was fun when I got to doing it, but going through that again is kinda... well...

Hibiki Yuuta: Uh-huh... What about you two, Yomogi and Yume-san?

Minami Yume: We never even got to see the final product, so...

Hibiki Yuuta: Oh, right.

Minami Yume: Stuff makes me feel kinda distant from it, so to speak. Like how Gridman-san is the main character -- reminds me that, at the end of the day, we and Yuuta-san's crew are from different universes. And the title is Gridman Universe, you see? It feels biased towards Yuuta-san's side. If it's Dynazenon Universe or Gridknight Universe, though, I think I might wanna see it.

Asanaka Yomogi: True.

Hibiki Yuuta: Yomogi, you got any of your own opinions? You're not just riding along, right?

Asanaka Yomogi: Nah, I'm not, really.

Takarada Rikka: He's got a point -- your soul isn't speaking at all.

Minami Yume: He's always been this kinda guy.

Hibiki Yuuta: ...So it's just me? I'm the only one here who wants to do Gridman Universe 2?

Utsumi Shou: Unfortunately... that seems to be the case.

Hibiki Yuuta: Okay, fine... *Yuuta starts walking away* I thought I'd get to plan things out with y'all... It popped off last time, too... I wanna see the sequel...

*Yuuta leaves the room*

Everyone else: Huh...

Takarada Rikka: Utsumi-kun, the way you talked just now was a bit...

*door slides open*

Hibiki Yuuta: Sorry to keep y'all waiting!

Takarada Rikka: Back already!?

Hibiki Yuuta: Sorry, I went to grab this project plan.

Utsumi Shou: P-project plan?

Takarada Rikka: Gridman Universe 2...?

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh? Yeah! Nice -- going swimmingly so far!

Takarada Rikka: (quietly) He cheers back up way too quickly...

Utsumi Shou: (quietly) I'm just glad he's not angry...

Hibiki Yuuta: Try giving it a read, guys. Here.

Takarada Rikka: ...Isn't this the exact same thing as before?

Utsumi Shou: Yuuta... As I said earlier, our class did it with us because it was for the school festival, you know. If you wanna do it that much, you'd probably be better off joining the acting club, yeah?

Hibiki Yuuta: Hmm... So it being a stage play is the bottleneck here, huh...

Utsumi Shou: U-uh, y-yeah...

Hibiki Yuuta: Then how about we reduce the scale so that it wouldn't need a whole class working on it?

Asanaka Yomogi: Yuuta, does it really have to be a stage play? This Gridman Universe 2.

Hibiki Yuuta: Oh yeah... Right. What about manga? Making it a manga might be nice.

Takarada Rikka: Who's going to draw it? Chise-chan-sensei is the only one in this group who's good at drawing.

Minami Yume: How about making it voice-only?

Hibiki Yuuta: Voice-only?

Minami Yume: You know, like the drama CDs that come with anime and stuff.

Utsumi Shou: CDs!?

Asanaka Yomogi: Do people even have stuff to play CDs with nowadays?

Utsumi Shou: I know, right? I think we might be able to make it, though...

Hibiki Yuuta: Alright! We'll make Gridman Universe 2 a drama CD! Sounds good?

Takarada Rikka: Who's gonna even listen to it?

Hibiki Yuuta: Right... Hmm... 

Takarada Rikka: What's the story about, anyway? This Gridman Universe 2...

Hibiki Yuuta: See, the first time I did the Access Flash, Gridman transformed and said it was "the form that accommodates Yuuta the best".

Takarada Rikka: Huh?

Hibiki Yuuta: In other words, Gridman might be able to fuse with other people, too -- that's what I figured. So in Gridman Universe 2, Utsumi's gonna Access Flash and fuse with Gridman! Well!? Isn't that exciting!?

Utsumi Shou: That... IS exciting!

Hibiki Yuuta: I know, right!?

Utsumi Shou: But wait a second... If it's something that can happen when considering the established info, then that kinda development would make sense... but if it can't, it wouldn't feel right.

Hibiki Yuuta: C'mon, should be fine as long as it's exciting, right? Like, it's got passion! And stuff.

Utsumi Shou: Nah, nah, out-of-touch fanservice is what gets you lukewarm reception, you know. It's gonna feel like the official creators are the only ones getting excited...

Takarada Rikka: You really are a proper otaku, huh?

Hibiki Yuuta: If you're asking if it can happen when you consider the established info, well... I don't know much about Gridman's established info, you see...

Utsumi Shou: Maybe we should've asked him more stuff.

Minami Yume: So has Gridman-san actually fused with someone other than Yuuta-san?

Takarada Rikka: If there are people he fused with before Yuuta, I wonder what kinda people they are...

Hibiki Yuuta: Gridman's never told me about any of that stuff, so I wouldn't know.

Utsumi Shou: True. And I mean, Gridman's never really talked to us unless we talked to him first.

Takarada Rikka: Makes sense that he wouldn't go out of his way to talk about people he'd fused with in the past, you know?

Hibiki Yuuta: You mean he was hiding it?

Takarada Rikka: No, I mean... Both his last guy and Yuuta are important to him, so he purposefully didn't bring them up -- something like that.

Hibiki Yuuta: Last guy!?

Utsumi Shou: That was a bad choice of word...

Minami Yume: Heh... I wonder how many he had.

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh...? Huh!?  You mean there might be more than one!?

Minami Yume: I mean, the possibility is there...

Asanaka Yomogi: Is it really bad if he had a lot of them?

Hibiki Yuuta: Huh!? Uh... Hmm... It's kinda... a lot to take in...

Asanaka Yomogi: I get it, man.

Minami Yume: Heh, why so quiet?

Hibiki Yuuta: I mean, I don't think it's a bad thing, but if I said I'm not bothered, then I'd be lying...

Takarada Rikka: Oh, it's like wondering how many ex-boyfriends he had!

*long pause*

Minami Yume: (quietly) ...Rikka-san, you shouldn't have used that strong of a word.

Takarada Rikka: Huh? ......Uh, no, I mean, there's nothing wrong with it! It was just for a perfectly normal comparison.

Asanaka Yomogi: Right. Perfectly normal comparison.

Hibiki Yuuta: Yeah. Perfectly normal. Us boys bring it up as figure of speech all the time! Yeah!

Minami Yume: Well, not like having an ex-boyfriend is bad or anything.

Asanaka Yomogi: Huh!?

Takarada Rikka: Besides, a relationship isn't about comparing it with who you were with before -- the important part is to cherish the one you're with right now.

Yuuta & Yomogi: Right, exactly.

Minami Yume: (quietly) They totally got the wrong idea...

Takarada Rikka: Hey, I mean, I'm just speaking in general terms! It's not about me specifically.

Utsumi Shou: Hold up -- no one's enjoying this topic at all.

Minami Yume: Rikka-san, before the mood gets weird, please prove that you don't have an ex-boyfriend.

Takarada Rikka: How!? How do I even prove that I don't have something!?

Minami Yume: Oh, you're right! Hahaha!

Asanaka Yomogi: Yume! Yume! You're the only one laughing here!

Hibiki Yuuta: Man, I've had enough of this topic.

*Yuuta leaves the room*

Everyone else: Huh...

Minami Yume: And off he goes... Did I take the joke too far?

Takarada Rikka: I should've done something before things got weird!

Utsumi Shou: Yuuta's eyes looked so out of it, too...

*door slides open*

Hibiki Yuuta: You know what, Utsumi, I can't agree with what you said just now.

Utsumi Shou: Huh!?

Hibiki Yuuta: I wasn't forcing things when I said I wanted to do a Gridman Universe sequel, you know--

Utsumi Shou: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up! Yuuta, we're kinda talking about different stuff now, don't you think? Like, you're way off!

Hibiki Yuuta: What do you mean?

Utsumi Shou: Yuuta... Don't tell me... There are two of you?

Takarada Rikka: Huh?

Hibiki Yuuta: There are two of me?

Asanaka Yomogi: What's that mean?

Minami Yume: Right... We should check just to be sure. Rikka-san.

Takarada Rikka: Huh?

Minami Yume: Do you dislike hairy caterpillars?

Takarada Rikka: Wait, what?

Minami Yume: Hairy caterpillars.

Takarada Rikka: Well, I do dislike them quite a bit.

Minami Yume: Okay, I'll try throwing one onto your back.

Takarada Rikka: Huh-- whoa! Wait, wait, wait--! Why're you doing this, Yume-chan!?

*door slides open*

?Hibiki Yuuta?: Rikka!

Minami Yume: Hehehe... It's just a foxtail! See? Not a caterpillar! Look!

Takarada Rikka: Huh?

Minami Yume: It's a foxtail, not a caterpillar! It was just a prank!

Takarada Rikka: Oh c'mon, you can't do this to me!

Minami Yume: Sorry, sorry!

Utsumi Shou: Hold up, you two! Now's not the time for that!

Takarada Rikka: Huh?

Yuuta 1 & Yuuta 2: Rikka, you alright!?

Yuuta 1 (left speaker): Wait, what?

Yuuta 2 (right speaker): Huh? Why do I see myself in front of me?

Utsumi Shou: There are two Yuutas!

Asanaka Yomogi: Did Yuuta just split into two!?

Yuuta 1 & Yuuta 2: There are two of me! What's the meaning of this!?

Takarada Rikka: Are both of you the real Yuuta!?

Yuuta 1 & Yuuta 2: Huh!? Rikka! What should I do!?

Takarada Rikka: Hold up -- don't talk in sync like that!

Yuuta 1: Oh, right.

Yuuta 2: Yeah, you wouldn't be able to tell which is which.

Takarada Rikka: No, I just think you're noisy.

Yuuta 1 & Yuuta 2: Huh...

Minami Yume: Ah, so this is that thing...

Asanaka Yomogi: Yeah, it's gotta be.

Takarada Rikka: Huh? What?

Minami Yume: The STBS.

Everyone else: STBS?

Minami Yume: Subvidisible Teenager Breaking-point Separation. A sickness that causes the birth of a copy of an individual from the repressed personal opinions that have accumulated in the subconscious as a result of being too accommodating to their partner. The light from halogen lamps used in photocopiers and stuff is the trigger, apparently.

Takarada Rikka: You mean the photocopier just made another Yuuta?

Utsumi Shou: Is that actually a thing?

Minami Yume: Symptoms can be found in 7-out-of-10 students, you know.

Takarada Rikka: If people could actually multiply with photocopiers, then we wouldn't need to worry about declining birth rates!

Yuuta 2: (sounding evil) Hehehe... Hahahahaha! Woman! You sure know your stuff!

Minami Yume: ...Huh?

Yuuta 2: Indeed! I am the physical manifestation of Hibiki Yuuta's inner personality!

Yuuta 1: My inner personality?

Yuuta 2: I am a being born from the stress you have accumulated from your relationship with your girlfriend!

Takarada Rikka: Huh? S-stress? You mean our relationship is stressing you out?

Yuuta 1: No! Not at all! Dammit, why'd you say that!?

Yuuta 2: You and I exist in an either-or situation -- two sides of the same coin. Let's see... Yes, I shall introduce myself as Hibiki Yuuta 2.

Everyone else: Yuuta 2!?

Yuuta 2: Indeed! The one most fit to be the main character of Gridman Universe 2... is me, Hibiki Yuuta 2!

Takarada Rikka: Look, Gridman Universe 2 doesn't matter at this point!

Utsumi Shou: So the other Yuuta also wants to do Gridman Universe 2, huh...

Takarada Rikka: What do we do!? There's two of him...

Minami Yume: You know, having two of yourself sounds convenient in its own way, doesn't it?

Asanaka Yomogi: True. One could go on a date with your girlfriend, while the other can hang out with your friends -- and you can switch places whenever you want, so you won't be bored!

Everyone else: What do you mean, "won't be bored"!?

Yuuta 1: Yomogi, you can't just hit people where it hurts the heart like that, yeah?

Asanaka Yomogi: Sorry.

Utsumi Shou: Uh... Considering our past experiences, there was that time when there were two Gridknights, so there must be some kind of reason for this.

Yuuta 1: I see.

Takarada Rikka: But if being stressed out makes Yuuta multiply, then relieving his stress should return things to normal, right?

Yuuta 1: Like I said, I was never stressed out!

Asanaka Yomogi: It's stress you yourself aren't aware of -- now that really sounds like a sickness.

Takarada Rikka: Yuuta.

Yuuta 1: Yes, ma'am.

Takarada Rikka: If being in a relationship with me stresses you out... It can be about anything -- be honest and talk about it. You may think you're being considerate, but you're just leaving more and more things unsaid -- and if that turns our relationship into one where we can't see eye to eye, we can't keep it going. I won't be happy if you force yourself to stay in a relationship like that.

Yuuta 1: No, I'm not forcing myself! Really!

Yuuta 2: Yes, neither am I!

Yuuta 1: You came after me, Yuuta 2, so just shut up!

Yuuta 2: Why? What about you? Come back when you've updated your firmware!

Yuuta 1: You're calling me Yuuta 1.0 or what, huh!?

Takarada Rikka: Ahh, you guys are so noisy and annoying!

Yuuta 2: Admit it -- you've never liked Rikka, haven't you?

Yuuta 1: What?

Yuuta 2: Since you're stressed out--

Yuuta 1: I'm not! You're probably just an enemy impostor anyway! I actually like Rikka properly, you know!

Minami Yume: (in background) What'd he mean, "properly"?

Yuuta 2: No, I'm the one who likes Rikka.

Yuuta 1: No, I'm the one who likes Rikka!

Minami Yume: (in background) Hehehe... They're starting now...

Yuuta 1: I like her this much!

Yuuta 2: What? 

Minami Yume: (in background) What'd he mean, "this much"?

*Yume starts laughing uncontrollably*

Yuuta 2: Is that all you've got? I like her more -- like, THIS much! THIIIIIISSSSSS MUCH!

Yuuta 1: Then I like her even more!

Minami Yume: (in background) What are they, grade schoolers?


Yuuta 2: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! I like her even more than that -- in all directions, vertically and horizontally!

Minami Yume: (in background) Heh... vertically... Why vertically?

Asanaka Yomogi: Man, at this point, they've blended together and I can't tell who's Yuuta and Yuuta 2 anymore.

Yuuta 1: How come!? You should know! I'm the one who likes Rikka more, no matter how you look at it!

Yuuta 2: I like Rikka twice as much as you do!

Takarada Rikka: You're so noisy and you're embarrassing me! What the hell!?

*Yume stops laughing as door slides open*

Yuuta 3 (both speakers): I've been listening this whole time, and I gotta say this -- I'm the one who likes Rikka the most!

Everyone else: Huh!?

Minami Yume: Here comes a third one!

*Yume starts laughing uncontrollably again*

Utsumi Shou: Why is there even more of you!?

Asanaka Yomogi: (in background) You're the only one laughing here, Yume...

Takarada Rikka: What the hell!? I don't get what's even happening anymore!

Yuuta 1, 2, & 3: I don't get it, either!

Takarada Rikka: Don't talk perfectly in sync like that!

Yuuta 1: (in background) What the hell!? Another impostor!?

Yuuta 2: (in background) No, you're the impostor!

Yuuta 3: (in background) No, you two are the impostors!

Utsumi Shou: This is getting out of hand...

Asanaka Yomogi: You can say that again...

Yuuta 1: (in background) What the hell!?

Yuuta 2: (in background) Then let us decide which is the real one!

Asanaka Yomogi: Let's try to get help from Nidaime-san.

Yuuta 2: (in background) We'll see who actually likes Rikka the most!

Asanaka Yomogi: I'll go make a phone call.

Utsumi Shou: Huh? Nidaime-san?

Yuuta 1: (in background) How are we gonna decide that?

Yuuta 2: (in background) You decide it yourself!

Yuuta 1: (in background) No, you decide it yourself!

Asanaka Yomogi: She can fix pretty much any phenomenon you ask her to.

Utsumi Shou: What a hospitable tech support...

Yuuta 2: (in background) Why!?

Yuuta 3: (in background) Man, you two are so unreliable...

Asanaka Yomogi: (talking on phone) Ah, hello? Nidaime-san?

Yuuta 1: (in background) I am reliable!

Asanaka Yomogi: (talking on phone) Ah, yes. That's right. Yuuta's started multiplying.

Yuuta 2: (in background) I also am reliable!

Asanaka Yomogi: (talking on phone) Alright, got it. Thank you.

Yuuta 3: (in background) Well, I'm also reliable!

Yuuta 1: (in background) You guys are so noisy!

Asanaka Yomogi: Looks like things'll be fine.

Yuuta 2: (in background) You're the noisy one!

Utsumi Shou: Really? With just that?

Asanaka Yomogi: Excuse me, can you all be quiet for a second?

*all 3 Yuutas stop arguing*

Everyone else: Huh?

Asanaka Yomogi: Just now, Nidaime-san told me what's happening. Apparently, the Subvidisible Teenager Breaking-point Separation isn't what caused there to be three Yuutas.

Takarada Rikka: Huh? Then what actually made this happen?

Asanaka Yomogi: So in this universe, Yuuta is something like a singularity, and as a result of fluctuations when several universes overlapped, there ended up being three of him here. It's like a little glitch in the workings of the universes -- that's what Nidaime-san said.

Utsumi Shou: Yuuta's a singularity...?

Yuuta 3: I'm a glitch? An error of this universe!?

Takadara Rikka: Wait, that might actually make sense.

Yuuta 3: Huh?

Takadara Rikka: I mean, in the first place, we've been living in a universe Akane created, and we all liked Akane because that was the way our setting went.

Minami Yume: Wait, what kinda bizarre setting is that?

Takadara Rikka: And I don't know if it's a glitch or whatever, but for some reason, Yuuta's the only one who didn't like Akane -- and, well, liked me instead, you know?

Utsumi Shou: Uh, don't you feel embarrassed, saying that yourself?

Takarada Rikka: No, I mean -- I was just saying that for explanation's sake!

Yuuta 1, 2, & 3: It's fine! We're already dating, so there's no need to be embarrassed!

Takarada Rikka: Shut up! Now you're just three times as noisy! ...By the way, what's with that Subdivisible Teenager-whatever? That thing about photocopiers making clones?

Minami Yume: Sorry, I made it all up.

Asanaka Yomogi: Sorry, I just rode along with her.

Takarada Rikka: Damn it, you get along so well...

Asanaka Yomogi: So, according to Nidaime-san, Yuuta will return to normal if we just leave him alone, so there's really no need to worry about anything.

Utsumi Shou: Really? Well, that sounds fine to me.

Takarada Rikka: How long will it take?

Asanaka Yomogi: About 4 hours in most cases, she said.

Utsumi Shou: 4 hours!?

Takarada Rikka: That's pretty long!

Asanaka Yomogi: Yeah, if we do nothing and just wait, it's gonna feel like forever.

Yuuta 3: Uh, for now, how about... we start thinking about Gridman Universe 3?

Everyone else: Nope, nope, nope, nope.

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