
October 27, 2023

Gridman Universe Voice Drama - Home Video Bonus 1

 A Matter of Ethical Senses

* Takes place after the ending of the Gridman Universe animated film.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Excuse me! This is Yamanaka! Yamanaka Koyomi!

Takarada Rikka: Yes!  Koyomi-san! Long time no see!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Mama-san called me over today to help with stuff.

Takarada Rikka: Ah... sorry for the trouble. I'm sure you're already busy with other things.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ah, not at all -- I can handle this much.

Takarada Rikka: Oh, are you off from work today?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Um... where's Mama-san?

Takarada Rikka: Huh? ...Ah, she went out to do some sales quoting.

Yamanaka Koyomi: I see.

*bell rings, Knight and Nidaime arrive*

Takarada Rikka: Oh, you two are here as well?

Nidaime: Hello there, Rikka-san.

Knight: Long time no see, Takarada Rikka.

Takarada Rikka: Long time no see, Anti-kun... Anti... -kun...? Anti-san...?

Nidaime: Knight-kun.

Takarada Rikka: Ah, I see. He's Gridknight, so Knight, huh? By the way, things were chaotic back then, so I just let it slip my mind, but... How'd you suddenly become so big?

Knight: Hmm?

Takarada Rikka: Uh, you know, well... last time, when the Gridman Universe thing happened and the world got all messed up, Gridman and Rex-san and the others revived, then you suddenly grew up into this Knight-san you are now! What's up with that? Did you actually grow into an adult so suddenly?

Knight: Takarada Rikka... Do you not question how I turned into a Kaiju and transformed into Gridknight?

Takarada Rikka: Uh... Well, in comparison, I guess those are the more unusual things.

Knight: That's right.

Takarada Rikka: So what are you two up to today?

Nidaime: We're here to transport Koyomi-san. Coming here requires interdimensional travel, so he needs our assistance.

Takarada Rikka: Ah, right. For what it's worth, he is someone from another world.

Yamanaka Koyomi: We can communicate by phone, so it sure doesn't feel that way, though...

Knight: Don't make Nidaime help with your trivial errands, Yamanaka Koyomi.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Uh, no, it's not me -- this is for Mama-san. She said she'd like me to come help out.

Takarada Rikka: Sorry about that. My mom seems to have taken a liking to Koyomi-san, you see.

Knight: Then I suppose it can't be helped.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Anyway, what am I supposed to do?

Takarada Rikka: Well, for starters... my mom would like to get this pot on the car before she gets back. It's supposed to be delivered this evening, you see.

Yamanaka Koyomi: A pot?

Takarada Rikka: Yes. This one's supposedly kinda famous -- made of Happy-something Cosmo-something...

Nidaime: This looks difficult to carry by just one person.

Takarada Rikka: Let's do it together, then. I'll hold up this side -- Koyomi-san, can you hold it from that side?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Alright.

Takarada Rikka: Mm-hm. Ready? One, two... Hup!

Takarada Rikka: What the...

Rikka & Koyomi: It's heavy!

Takarada Rikka: Like, real heavy! Whoa, whoa...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Gridknight-san, sorry, but could you hold it for a bit?

Knight: We won't meddle in anything unless it involves Kaiju. Now that we have become beings who travel to many worlds, we would like to avoid being involved in the affairs of the worlds as much as we can -- and Tsutsuji-dai is no exception. 

Yamanaka Koyomi: I'm only asking you to hold a pot...

Nidaime: Hang in there, Koyomi-san, Rikka-san!

Takarada Rikka: It's alright, it's alright. The two of us can do this just fine. Now turn that way.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Mm-hm.

Takarada Rikka: Wait, no, the other way! It's dangerous if you face this way.

Yamanaka Koyomi: The other way? Oh, you mean this way.

Takarada Rikka: Yes-- Ah, I mean, no! Like this! Go straight, like this!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ah, okay, this way, right?

*Rikka and Koyomi struggle for a while*

Takarada Rikka: Ah, well, okay, let's say this is good now. Alright.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Let's... go slowly...

Takarada Rikka: Despite how it looks, this pot is actually supposed to be quite expensive, you know. 

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh? How much is it? 

Takarada Rikka: 2.2 million. 

Yamanaka Koyomi: 2.2 million!? Holy...

Takarada Rikka: So, Koyomi-san, are you off from work today?

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh?

*pot breaks*

Everyone: Ah.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Wait, that's not it.

Knight: No one has even said anything.

Nidaime: The pot is totally broken. Now this is a problem.

Takarada Rikka: This is why I said facing this way was dangerous... 

Yamanaka Koyomi: Oh c'mon, this thing's way too heavy! It was a mistake trying to lift it with just two people in the first place.

Takarada Rikka: Ugh... so what are we gonna do about this?

Rikka & Koyomi: Hmm...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ah, that's it! The something-beam!

Takarada Rikka: Hmm?

Yamanaka Koyomi: You know, the thing that fixed Dynazenon... Uh... 

Takarada Rikka: Ah, the one made by Gridman? Uh, it was... Fixer Beam! Yeah, the Fixer Beam!

Yamanaka Koyomi: That's it! Fixer Beam! Please, Nidaime-san, fix this broken pot with the Fixer Beam!

Knight: No.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh?

Knight: The Fixer Beam's power of restoration must only be used for damages caused by Kaiju.

Nidaime: That's right! If the Fixer Beam is used without restraint, the world's order will eventually be disrupted. The ability to easily reverse things via forces external to human society is not necessarily a good thing. It's a matter of ethical senses.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh...?

Takarada Rikka: Now that you explained it, it does make sense...

Yamanaka Koyomi: C'mon, just a little bit shouldn't hurt, right? It's just for fixing a broken pot.

Knight: No.

Takarada Rikka: True, it's broken now, so we have to live with it. Using the Fixer Beam and pretending it never happened wouldn't feel right, huh... Koyomi-san, I'll apologize together with you, so...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Wait a second! So it's my fault now? Am I supposed to be the main one responsible!?

Takarada Rikka: I mean, Koyomi-san, it was dropped because you suddenly let go!

Yamanaka Koyomi: No way! We were both holding it, so both of us should be responsible, right!? 

Takarada Rikka: I'm just a student, you know! I can't pay off 2.2 million!

Yamanaka Koyomi: I can't, either -- I'm doing even worse than you!

Takarada Rikka: How is that even possible!? You're an adult!

Yamanaka Koyomi: ...Wait a second. This isn't my original world, so it actually has nothing to do with me, right?

Takarada Rikka: Huh?

Yamanaka Koyomi: I mean, this world isn't where I live. I just broke a pot in some other world. Man, that was close -- I was about to pay for a broken pot from another world...

Takarada Rikka: Damn, how can you be avoiding your responsibility so hard even though you're an adult? Making the younger generation shoulder the adults' liabilities -- now that's just wrong! It's a big problem in modern-day Japan, you know!

Yamanaka Koyomi: That's right. The way Japan is right now is to blame here.

Takarada Rikka: Damn, now you're saying gross stuff...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Actually, rather than Japan, it's this universe's fault! I heard from Yomogi-kun, you know -- we're beings born to a universe created by Gridman, so even if it was my mistake that broke the pot, the fault doesn't lie with me, but with Gridman who created all of us!

*Knight attacks Koyomi*

Knight: It's not Gridman's fault. It's your fault.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ow, ow, ow...! Lemme go...!

Knight: Yamanaka Koyomi, if you keep screwing around, I won't show you any mercy.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Ow...! Man, what was that for? It hurts like hell...

Nidaime: I see you're in quite a pickle.

Yamanaka Koyomi: You know, if we trace things back to the source, I'd say Mama-san also has a big part of the responsibility here.

Takarada Rikka: Damn, now you're blaming someone who isn't even here! I've thought about this for a long time now -- it really sucks that an adult is pulling this kinda move!

Yamanaka Koyomi: It also sucks for an adult to place a huge responsibility on someone who's here to help out for free, I'd say.

*everyone grumbles*

Nidaime: Very well, then. Let's give this thing a try.

*Nidaime takes out a gun*

Takarada Rikka: And what's that?

Nidaime: The Maxwell Beam Gun!

Rikka & Koyomi: Maxwell Beam Gun?

Nidaime: Though it's still an experemental product, it's a device that emits beams that reproduce the decreasing of entropy, created by analyzing the function of the Fixer Beam! It makes it possible to artificially reverse time on a micro scale while keeping time on a macro scale going as normal. Well, let's see... in simple terms, it's a laser gun that can turn back time!

Takarada Rikka: A gun that can turn back time...

Yamanaka Koyomi: I see! If we turn back time, the pot will be fixed!

Takarada Rikka: But at the end of the day, isn't it the same as the Fixer Beam? What about the sense of ethics you talked about earlier?

Nidaime: Should we not do it, then?

Yamanaka Koyomi: No, no, no! Let's do it. Let's do it! Sense of ethics doesn't matter to me one bit!

Takarada Rikka: So damn desperate...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Adults are always desperate! Let's hurry it up -- before Mama-san comes home.

Nidaime: Understood! Now, everyone, please stand back! Ready?

Rikka & Koyomi: Yes, please.

Nidaime: Maxwell Beam Gun, fire!

*everything explodes*

Rikka & Koyomi: AHHHHHH!!

Nidaime: This is some awesome destructive power, Knight-kun! It's an unexpected success!

Takarada Rikka: Ow, ow, ow...

Yamanaka Koyomi: What the hell...

Nidaime: Since the Maxwell Beam Gun is still in the experimental stage, it has failed to reverse time, but instead, it has been completed as a weapon of tremendous destructive power! This will serve to fortify our combat strength even further! Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!!

Yamanaka Koyomi: It instantly turned the recycle shop into ruins... Now it's not just the pot -- the whole area is destroyed!

*Knight searches through the debris*

Knight: Alright, the Junk is safe.

Nidaime: Perhaps it is impossible to artificially create the function of the Fixer Beam, but I never thought it'd end up becoming this powerful of a weapon... As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success, isn't it?

Knight: Yes, Nidaime, your daily efforts have bore fruit.

Nidaime: Oh, no, no, Knight-kun, this is the result of your constant support!

Knight: Please, your kind words are wasted on me.

Takarada Rikka: Um, sorry to interrupt while you seem to be having fun, but... most of my house is kinda gone now...

Yamanaka Koyomi: Now Mama-san isn't just going to get angry -- she's totally gonna cry when she sees this.

Takarada Rikka: I really don't wanna see my mom cry, you know...

Nidaime: Ah, apologies. I'll use the Fixer Beam to restore everything, so please give me a moment.

Yamanaka Koyomi: ...Huh?

Takarada Rikka: You can use the Fixer Beam?

Nidaime: I mean, this is destruction caused by a Kaiju, isn't it? I am a Kaiju, remember. Since the damage was caused by a Kaiju like me, it's totally okay to use the Fixer Beam!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Totally okay, huh...

Takarada Rikka: What happened to all that talk about sense of ethics...?

Nidaime: Now then, I'll use the Fixer Beam!

*everything is restored*

Knight: This is Nidaime's sense of ethics. You can't win against her.

Takarada Rikka: Huh...

Yamanaka Koyomi: So those two are Kaiju, huh?

Takarada Rikka: They say they are, so they must be...

Knight: That's right. We are Kaiju, born to Tsutsuji-dai. Kaiju are beings separate from the workings of the world.

Yamanaka Koyomi: Maybe you're way too separate from it... Man, I really should become an upstanding adult...

Knight: I'm sure Rex would also be happy if you did that.

Takarada Rikka: Ah, whoa, wait a second! Look, here, look! The pot's fixed!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Huh? For real? ...Whoa, it really is! Yeah!

Takarada Rikka: Yeah! Thank goodness!

Rikka & Koyomi:  YAY!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Thank goodness!

Takarada Rikka: Awesome!

Yamanaka Koyomi: Now I don't have to pay for anything!

Takarada Rikka: Yeah! Fixer Beam is the best!

Nidaime: Hehe... Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!!

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